Truth is in the pudding

Troy arrived on the floor his brother was staying. The common walls that all hospitals had welcomed him. Troy liked being it's worker rather then it's guest. It was a fickle thing being a guest in a hospital. You could be at a new start or at the end of hope. Troy knew logistically that he was low on hope. He knew he was their for support and to say goodbye. Somehow he dreamed that he could walk into the situation and change its dice. He had done it so many times before. The knowledge he received before hand indicated that he would have to accept it. Reese had the best doctors. Troy had done all he could to insure that he would. Even the transplant didn't take. He was out of options and time was short. Precious time that Troy knew he would ever get back.

Troy's heart sank the closer he walked. He knew he was going to have to face the music. He was go to lose his best friend. He was going to have to say goodbye to his brother, something a person should never have to do. Life wasn't fair.

He would take his place if given the opportunity. He wished time and time again to be able to switch places with Reese. If only he had taken the lead on that rope bridge. Maybe he could have noticed the frayed rope. They walked on it a hundred times. He never really understood why he came out with a small concussion and Reese broke both his legs three times and broke his back. He never regained feelings in his legs. He wished he could have taken that burden for him. The best he could do was lighten it. He never let him be left out. They where a team. Now it was going to be a team of one.

Troy stood outside his room and removed the folder by his door. He read the labs. He read the medicine does. He read his last blood work. He knew even another treatment of dialysis would only prolong him a couple of days. He read his weight and ran his fingers through his hair he was down another twenty pounds. He had trained for this if anyone could. They had reasons why family members can't treat each other. The only thing that would save him now was the blue angel. That was only a myth. Oh how he wished that it would visit his brother. Some people say that Troy was visited by the blue angle it was a metrical he survived from a fall that high. With a gash as deep as it was. He just chopped it up to being lucky. Angles where a myth to explain that which couldn't be explained.

Troy walked into the room. He saw a shell of his brother asleep. His skin was pale and slightly yellowed. He looked like he was exhausted and his body was fighting with whatever it had left. He knew eventually it would give in. If they where lucky his body would give up letting his mind have one last day with the ones he loved.

His sister in law was asleep holding his hand. Her hair flowed down her back. It was tangled and her face had lines from her tears. She was pregnant and was clearly showing. It wasn't good for the baby for her to be so sad. Her other hand rested on her belly. It was a beautiful sight in the saddest kind of ways.

Troy tried to not wake her. He walked quietly a technique he learned sneaking into rooms. The baby needed her to rest. Troy walked over to his mothers side. She didn't see him enter the room. Her back faced the door. She was looking out the window at a bird on a branch. Troy put his arm around her. In an instant he was nine again. Mother's seam to have that kind of power over their children. Maybe it is because no mater how big they become they are always their babies.

She knew he was there the moment he entered the room. She talked to him without making eye contact. "Do you remember when you where little?. You and Reese would watch the birds in the front yard for hours. I remember how you would laugh at the robins jumping. When they would find their dinner you and Reese would shout for joy. "

Troy remembered and knew before she even asked what she was thinking about. She loved telling that story. Troy had decided a long time ago, that his mother loved watching the birds as much as she liked telling that story. He knew she was trying to find something to hold onto. Hope was slipping away and memories was all she was going to have left.

Troy wondered how he had failed his brother. How he had failed all of them. He knew a part of him was dying as well. He would make it through his but he knew that a part of humanity would die. He had seen it before with Cameron. How could the world be so cruel to his little brother ?. How could it take him before he held his daughter in his arms?.

Troy took a deep breath and started to do what he knew best. He took care of those around him. It was the only relief from the pain he was feeling. When he opened his mouth he spoke not truly in control of himself. He was running on auto pilot. He was trained to do so. He was grateful and numb at the same time.

"Mom, have you eaten today"

Troy hadn't eaten himself. Like mother like son. He already knew the answer. He helped her up and they both walked out of the room. Giving the two a moment to themselves.

Reese may be the one in the hospital. That didn't mean he was the only sick person. Grief can make the strongest person fall. His mother was the strongest person he knew. The truth is Troy didn't only return home for his brothers sake. He knew there was a chance he might have to repeat his residency. He was given a green flag before he left. Close family members dyeing was one of the few exceptions. He was favored among the staff for his dedication. Troy didn't want to repeat. For his mother he would move a mountain.

Troy led his mom to the cafeteria to get some food. She probably had eaten very little in the last few days. He could tell she probably hadn't really eaten in the last month. Her motherly figure had become thinner then normal. She was comfortable and now she had become boney. Troy always thought it odd that people would bring other people food during a morning period. Maybe it was a way to keep them alive. To keep them from dyeing of a broken heart. It was going to take more then food to save him. It would take a blue angel.