The call

There are very few moments that can shatter bones. This was one of those rare moments that shook Russels to the core. He was strong, large, loyal and brave, few things could scare him. Yet he found himself holding his breath. The code came in from his wife. Of all the people he knew his wife was the most observant. The odds where always on her side. He wished in it could have been one of his men. Putting his wife through that kind of unnecessary stress, without him there to hold her, to support her, broke his heart. He had seen first hand what it did to her the last time their small world shattered. Russel knew his wife was strong and she could handle it. In minutes his men would be there to carry his daughter into the lab. They would keep her alive. He wished with all his heart he could be there for both of them. For his wife this moment would fade but would always haunt her. For his daughter She wouldn't remember a thing.

The big part was the cover up. He had to be here for this part. He was the protector. They had to make her disappear. Cell phones where his new unbeatable foe. He had bested them before. Luckily there was not a lot of people with their phones out in hospitals. He had programs for all possibilities. The trick was to not make her disappear but to change the data. It is easier to corrupt a file then it is to remove it.

Cameron was his secret weapon. He had to made Cameron disappear in from plain sight. Just the same way he was going to make Jane do now. With small differences of corse he wasn't going to kill her. That was only for his shadows. Russel had five members on his secret team. They where all loyal and that was one thing that couldn't be purchased. They all knew the change that had slowly creeped upon them. Imagine what it would do if the wrong kind of person was blessed. This is why she had them sealed away.

Cameron was a kid genius and had got himself in trouble when he was found by Troy. Cameron was a master of avoiding cameras. He also was loved by people at first glance. Cameron was loved by all except his mother and his father left before he knew his gender. He had a need like most, so he found a place to fit in doing shady things for respect.

One small meeting between Cameron and his Daughter, made him even more unstoppable. Russel hated to use her powers but it was for her own good. She needed her own army someday. She had loyalty for her gift and it was cherished. These men made names for themselves with just a simple handshake. If she knew it, it would change her and take away the light he promised to protect. Comrade promises come from the sole to break one is to break is to break your identity. She was his daughter now. She gave him all he ever wanted in the world. It was his own honor to give it back. She was her own worst enemy and he would protect her. They all would.

Troy could have become a shadow. He was passed by because of Reese. How could he explain that he was saved and Reese would be lost. Troy was a piece he didn't know what to do with. He hoped that he would just find his own place. Russel took a chance on him he hoped that he would find his own happiness. Russel hoped that he would have remembered her. That they would remember each other. Troy seamed to be lost without her. All at the exact same time no knowing what it was that he lost. Troy was a fighter, he would fight even when they don't know what he was fighting against. He was glad to hear he was fighting for other people. Fighting to give them a second chance in this world.

More phone calls came in all in code but his plans where going as planned. Her video records had been altered as well as her sign in records. The decoy his look alike was in play. The biggest problem he would have to face is eye witnesses. Russel knew that it would happen eventually her powers where strong. She was the most talented and if there was anything he couldn't make disappear they would find her. This gave Russel anxiety but he used it to develop a hidden team. His greatest potential team.

Like all his men he had already undergone the transformation. His mind was sharp and he knew how to appear average. He knew how to hide in a sea of people. Only few people knew of his powers. His greatest potential. Once anyone saw the light, they seemed to know why Jane had to be saved. This is why he ordered Cameron to put the bracelet on her arm. Cameron knew how they worked and had figured out how to get his off in only one short month. That was the day Russel approached Cameron with his business opportunity.

Cameron become an invisible person in only a few short months. Cameron had already developed person transformation software. He had created a person who didn't exist. This person looked close to him but with small facial differences. People can't remember all the facial details close enough was good enough. There was three different Janes and they where going to have to use both of them.

The call came in the hospital had been cleared. Only a small portion of video had to be fixed. The rest was easy she simply became a rotational nurse filling in from a different district. Russel was thankful for Cameron. He had put this plan in place years earlier.

The call came in shortly Jane was under and the process had started. Soon his wife had to arrive home for the second stage of the plan. They both had to leave her in the hands of her own secret team. Russel would see Hope only for a moment before she would have to leave. He hated being away from his wife. The stress was burning in his chest. Reese knew this was the best plan lots of video of them out shopping was the best way to hide suspicion. It was sure to turn eyes. He knew that someone was going to make a recovery in a hospital and eyes where going to start looking. He needed to have proof that she was off far away from here. Cameron would have to plant a money trail and change the day of the time stamp. There was much work to be done. He was thankful that big stores all looked the same inside.

Reese knew that she had to release her powers at least once a year or they would come out on there own. He had a new recruit ready he would have to postpone his appointment for another year. That is if everything goes to plan. That issue would have to wait.