Russel hated complications and this one was a whopper of one. How was he going to smuggle a man out of the hospital. Of corse he was going to have to kill him. Not in the traditional since of the word, but still how was his going to explain that to Ann. Not only did his daughter have to go all nova on a sick person. She had to go supersonic on a man that couldn't use his legs. He was also rejecting his kidney transplant. Russel squinted his eyes looking at The hospital chart in frustration and a small amount of disbelief. To make it even worse it was Reese's. They hadn't seen each other in 12 years and she still picked him out of the crowd.
How was he going to cover this up. He was well known in the community. His wife was expecting and he was knocking on deaths door. Could he keep him in the dark. Maybe he could pull some strings and in return give an experimental drug the credit. Half of the community was cheering him on. Russel paced back and forth like an expecting father. When his phone started to ring in it's next assault. Russel picked it up knowing it was bad news before he even said hello.
A voice he hadn't heard in a long time was on the other side. It was unmistakable he knew the person well. Russel didn't reply for a while. The other voice made use of his silents. We need to talk, I know who the blue angel is. I need answers. Russel heart sunk into his stomach and he did what all intelligent people did, he said nothing. The person on the other end didn't wait for him to deny anything and set up a place and time. Russel hung up without conforming anything.
Shit…. Was all that was going through his head how was he going to turn this. Was he going to have to kill her for real? How could he do that to Ann. He took a deep breath.
He started to blame himself he should have introduced Jane to Jack yesterday.
Crap….. now i got her involved again. When her son came in with a broken skull in three places and the possibility of brain damage if he even woke up. The first appearance was made of the blue angle. Troy healed quickly you would think she would be grateful. She was a smart woman and figured out he had something to do with all of it. Russel ran down to the creek that day. His daughter came screaming home and was in a panic attack. Russel rushed down to find the two boys twisted on the rocks. He paid the doctor off to say he had a concussion and need to be observed. Troy made a quick recovery but his mother wasn't fooled.
Before Russel could come up with a plan his phone range again. It was Cameron, he talked in code and quickly hung up the phone. Jane was still raging a fever. When Jane was young Hope would give her Motrin to make her feel better. The only person it worked on was hope. Jane wasn't like everyone else pain meds wouldn't phase her. Her body was in metamorphosis and like a butterfly was extremely fragile. There was only one other time she had experienced something this drastic.
Russel promised to protect her even if it was from her own willingness to help others. The problem wasn't her desire. The big problem was her hidden power she didn't know she had. She was beautiful and caring. This would one day would be her own demise. He prayed that today wouldn't that day. Russel didn't want to lock her up from the world so he did the next best thing. He locked up her powers yesterday was the day they became so strong his lock broke.
For the larger issue at hand. If anything happened to Reese right now in this state they where linked together. The whole group understood this and could feel even her anxiety. If Reese died so would Jane. Two quick phone calls and Dr. Thompson would be put in play. He didn't use this card unless he absolutely had too. He wanted to protect him and only use him when he had too. having one person related to so many strange recoveries would put him in danger.
Mostly because he couldn't expand the science. The science was simple but to modern medicine it was impossible. Every fiber in his been was being triggered back to their T cell state. He was healing himself and she was doing this remotely. A body like this needs more energy then it can absorb naturally. Her body was burned up trying to support two bodies at once. The second one was in horrible condition. This was going to be a long recovery for Jane in return.
Russel's plan was simple it involved a ambulance and an accident. Of corse this would all be fake and the bodies would be replaced with dummies and the fire crew would be her secret four supporters. Fake reports would be made and the family would be relocated. Ann was going to be mad.
Once all the preparations where made Russel left the house to meet Ann hopefully for the last time. In his opinion his Daughter was more than important than old relationships. Ann was a kind wonderful woman and she should be grateful for his daughter loving heart. If it wasn't for Jane today would be the day she lost her last son.
They both morned the loss of her husband he was a great man. A Conrad and friend till his last breath. The memories still haunted him to this day. The day he had to tell her he wasn't coming home. That was also the day Jane became his daughter. It was also the day he died and Became Russel, Hope and little Jane Jones. Ann was one of the few people who knew the truth. It was paramount she understood the danger she was putting herself in. Hopefully she would corporate and keep her mouth shut once again. If not he had a plan for that as well.