A steady beeping sound made a rhythm that sang out through the dark. Jane's toes stung with the contact feeling of pin pricks. Her lower back felt like ground hamburger. She couldn't move her legs an inch. It felt as if a weight was holding them still. Her stomach crunched with pain and she feared she might vomit. Her whole body ached and feared to move even a muscle. What happened? Where am I? She stared into the dark looking for anything or anyone to give her comfort. Was she going to die? She glared into the dark for even a small shadow of formality. Her parched throat crushed her voice. She called out yet only whisper excepted her dry lips.
No sooner did she finish her plea a small click sounded. She slowly lost consciousness. The world slowly drifted to black and all the pain slipped into the darkness. She soon greeted her dreams leaving the world of reality behind. Forgetting all that she just experienced. A bitter sweet side effect to the medication.
The doors opened to the medical floor. Angela was anxious to see Reese. Her feet started the search the instant the elevator stopped. She was still scared and wanted to feel his comfort. Her heart ached for his presence.
Before she could exit the elevator, a voice of warning came from the man behind her. He isn't going to be himself for a little while. She stood still her back facing him to hide her emotions. How dare he know what he was capable. If there was one thing Reese could do was be Himself.
It is very painful we have him under very strong medication. His body's cells are multiplying as fast as your unborn child's. He knew she couldn't understand him so he spoke simple. The strain on his body is great. You see babies bones are soft for a reason and adults are hard for a reason. When these two worlds collide it isn't pretty to see. Angela recalled the surgery he underwent just months before. All the medication he took to claim only one more day in this world. To spend one more day with her.
I wasn't going to bring you here for a while but i can see you two are one of the same heartbeat. Keeping you two apart world be worse then watching him struggle. He will only be awake for a short few minutes at a time. He spoke in a cold tone. Almost as if only his words had feeling.
I advised you to just talk to him softly. Even touching him might wake him. We want him to sleep. He will heal faster. The power of love is stronger then any medications we have here. Your voice will carry the message. I am sure he will recover faster then anyone before.
Angela turned and looked at the man she just learned was her father in law. Perplexed on how he could talk so calmly. Her face gave it all away. Angela's and her baby's attitude was about ready to strike but he spoke first. It is hard for me to watch. I haven't gone into the room yet. So, I can only imagine what you are feeling.
I may have only watched my boys from a distance but it took all the strength i had to not do this sooner. The day my boys fell from that bridge. He paused for a minute. There was extreme pain in the words as they left his lips. Well it wasn't an accident. The worst thing a father can do is sit still and not be able to protect his family. So please don't run I might not get there in time.
He stepped out of the elevator into new light. He had shown her his failures. All he wanted was understanding. Maybe a little bit of forgiveness from a person he had never met. Angela turned and looked at him. She did what she knew Reese would do, she grabbed his arm. It's okay, we are together now. They walked in silence to his room. Angela knew Reese would be grateful for his second chance at life, even if he had it bare the world of pain to get to the other side.
Tell me one thing she asked as quietly as the ears could hear. Will he meet our child. You said he would heal but to what existent. A smile spread across the man's face for this was an answer he could answer with pleasure. He will get to meet everyone of your children. He will run and chaise them and he will dance with you. Only if you fallow my instructions. He is very fragile right now he is being monitored very closely. Angela nodded her head as tears filled her eyes. A woman scared and trapped finally arrived home in the comfort of family. A future had come from her broken past. All she had to do was leave it all behind.