A simple question

Troy was half dressed and completely disheartened. He looked at Cameron as he drove. He was trying to decide if he could trust him. Could he be the same person from before. He looked the same, sounded the same. He did that thing with his eyes when he was thinking, exactly the same. This was the second person he knew that had come back to life in the last week. And the third person who had haunted him

"So how is this going to work". Troy was trying to gain information and would settle for common ground.

"It is simple we live in the same house. You do your thing and I do mine." Cameron of corse left out all his job title and responsibilities. He too was looking for common ground. Fighting over who is in charge never really works. He was being truthful he wasn't the man in charge, he was the nark. He was ok with that and he did clean up duty. This is the reason why he still looked like himself. He wasn't a face of the operation he was the cyber ninja.

"Can i ask you a question" Troy was trying to wrap his whole world around this crazy theory that he was changed by DRN cells. He had heard nothing about TRN cells in med school. Honestly it sounded like a crazy persons fantasy. Troy was angry of the notion that he was given this ability. He was the way he was because of hard work and because of many diligent hours of studying. All of his determination was his own doing. He ate right and exercised that is the reason his body and mind was strong and defined. He earned his appearance. He earned his career. He earned his respect and standing in the world.

This wasn't the first time Cameron had been around Troy and a fish don't change its scales. He answered "maybe". He wasn't going to get tricked into anything.

"Why can't i remember her"

Cameron know exactly what he was talking about. The fact that he had couldn't remember her was do to his head hitting a rock as he was thrown off a bridge. He would have never been able to say his name again if it wasn't for her. He didn't know the exact reason why he couldn't remember her though. Kyle had a theory and he had shared it with Cameron one late night in the lab.

Your dad has a theory. Cameron shared the small bit of information but didn't give him anymore then that. Troy needed him and Cameron was going to wait for him to ask. This was a tactic he learned from the master.

Troy knew what he was doing. He didn't like the cards being flipped. It was wrong on so many levels. He wanted the information so he bent without thinking. it was just something he did. He couldn't control the words coming from his heart. They poured out of his mouth filling the car with his defeat.

"What is the theory Cameron?." He had yielded. They both knew it the moment the words flowed from his mouth. There was only one option left. Troy needed to get Cameron to be his comrade.

Cameron couldn't help the small smile that grew in the corners of his cheek. He just found his Achilles heal.

Do you remember how electrons are shared between baby and mother? That is what your father believes, or at least as much of it that I understood. Since they are similar to the first building blocks of life. Troy understand the analogy but it still didn't quite answer his question.

Cameron continued to try and give his explanation. You had a head injury so naturally you would forget everything. Like with many people that have head injuries they gain thing back slowly. In your case once you shared the electrons, with that element, or person, it would unlock those memories. That is why you don't remember people before then till you come in contact with that person again. They are simply strangers.

Jane has the same issue except she has it way worse. She is the host and so she has had to carry all of our issues. Slowly she heals herself but she had lung damage for one person for three months. The good doctor wrote it off as asthma. She had a sore arm for eight weeks. A knee she sometimes limps on from another. She has my desire for beer even though she has never drank. You see this is why we are all grateful to her. She gave us all a second chance. The part that yanks at your heart is that she has to "will" herself to help them. Her own heart is her biggest weakness.

Troy knew that was the truth. The memory of his father hand on the back of his neck made all the since in the world now. He was remembering him. But she was still gone because even though he sat next to her he never touched her. He wanted too but kept his distance.

"I need to see her" I need my memories back. Troy didn't ask. He was going to do whatever he needed too. He was going to find her with or without Cameron's help.

Over my dead body Troy!! This was Cameron's first mission, to keep them apart. Had he touched her in the plane. Well then they could have written its own love story. Not now not ever. The answer was definitely a No!!!!