Ruff draft very very ruff
Troy was going through his suitcase. It was his first day off in five days, two of which where doubles. This body ached and his mind was tired and exhausted. He slept half the day and had just showered away his stench. He put on a par of athletic pants and the fort T-shirt he could find. He was feeling better and now had the exams on his mind. He was behind schedule and it was going to be a long day trying to make some headway.
All of his stress ran down the drain with his worries. He had finally let go of the crazy week back at home. He realized that what happens behind close doors should stay there. He was sad that his brother and family where gone. They where the one light that showed brightly through his wall he built.
He was glad that his brother was alive and that his father was there with him. His memories slowly came back and he remembered him. He remembered building the tree house together. He remembered fishing and making dumb jokes about rock fish. He remembered all the times his dad tucked him in and told him the adventures of Jimmy Tornado. He realized that his parents never really kept anything from him. They just told him everything in was he could understand it and not be scared. Jimmy Tornado and Alice Hurricane where his parents in the form of natural disasters which only brought more irony the more he thought about it.
All his clothes went into the wash and he was sorry he waited so longe to open his case. The cloths had festered and it brought more irony to to situation. He probably would have waited longer to open the case or completely tossed everything in rebellion towards everything. He needed his books and the smell made him take action. Soon his room was tidy and he found himself with a book on mythology.
Troy flipped through the pages. They where well worn and yet he had the impression that it had been read more times then it looked. He closed his eyes and a sweet smile showed in his memories. How was it a girl that he only had a handful of memories and a plane ride drive him so crazy.
It was at that moment his room was entered. Cameron had no since of respect for privacy of space. Girls found it irresistible and Troy found it irritating. Troy was not enjoying the tables being turned and Cameron did the exact same thing he would have done only years earlier.
Troy and Cameron where at a stale mate twenty minutes later. They both where equally matched. Troy had desperation on his side and Cameron had respect and honor on his. Troy wasn't going to loose the only piece of her he had left. He lost everything and this book was his only hope and realization that his life was spared. That everything was fine because of the greater good. It also gave him hope that someday his parents would make everything right and he could have his family back.
Cameron had the debt of being picked and set free from his life he was born into and decision he made alone the way. He had honer for Russel that he believed in him. That he trusted him and gave him something to live for. He gave him a father figure that he deserved that other people where granted so freely. He needed to control this situation and protect the chief's daughter even if it meant fighting the one person who made him believe in himself.
Troy used all he had left, he placed Cameron in the same hold he did years earlier. It was poetic irony and Troy found it just. Troy spoke with fierce frustration. Listen Cameron i told you i was going to keep the book and i have gone alone with all your stupid rules. I am older then you, i believe in you. So for one second can you do the same for me. His voice thundered. Cameron tapped the floor letting him know he had had enough. The fight was over a book but they both knew it was more then that.
Cameron went to his room and rubbed his shoulder. It had been year since someone was able to beat him. He knew Troy was right. He just hated it. He knew Troy fallowed his passion and it was clear today where his passion was rooted.
Cameron had imagined that living with Troy was going to be more fun. All Troy did was sleep study and work. They never went out to pick up on girls. Heck they barely even talked. Cameron stewed in his room. Troy wasn't even grateful for the flat he scored for the two of them. He rubbed his cheek from where his knee pressed on his face. He remembered the last time he did that, his arm hurt for a week and he knew once he was in that spot her was done. Troy won the fight and Troy lost his big brother status. Troy was clearly gone and he needed to know why. He was always a little boring but he wasn't cold like he is now. Cameron wasn't going to let Troy shut him out. Even if he has to fight it out of him.