Chapter 9

Lixue sighed and extinguished the fire on his hand before picking up the figure. Without his awareness, a soft smile appeared on his face. He found a small box and put the figure inside. After putting it in his space storage, he continued sterilizing the house from his trace.

When he finished, his bedroom became a guest room, the house was void of printed pictures, not even the frames were spared, and it looked like a house belonging to a family of three.

The last one he hadn't check was the master bedroom, his parents' bedroom. He entered and looked around. The room was more spacious than his or his baby brother's room. The bed was bigger and there was a walk-in closet. There was also a desk because his father preferred to do his work where his mother was. The room was dominant in the color blue and green, his father and mother's favorite colors respectively.

He searched around and didn't see anything related to him except for other family photos. When he was looking through the desk, he found that the bottom-most drawer was locked with a digital 6 combination password.

He thought for a while but none of their names were exactly 6 characters. He doubted that it was any one of their birthday or important dates because if so, the lock should only be able to input numbers.

In the first place, this was the first time he saw something was locked with a password in this house. His family was very open with each other and there was no room in this house that couldn't be entered or anything that was locked without all of them knowing what the password is.

Then, he thought of something and entered the name of the empire where his father was born. It beeped and there was a sound of unlocking.

He didn't understand why his father chose it to be the password. Maybe because the only existence that could put them in a very emergency situation was the vile royal family? Well, at least that would be his train of thought if he was his father.

Inside the drawer was a brand-new communicator and a royal insignia. The communicator was the latest version which was launched less than a year ago. The royal insignia was his father's personal insignia, proof that he was the first prince of Thesia Empire.

He took it to his hands. Slowly, he heated it up and reshaped it into a ball. Then, he used his demonic energy to cool it down before putting it inside the box where he stored his dragon figure. Surprisingly, he found a ridiculous way to use his super cold demon energy and super hot fire.

Then, he picked up the communicator. He sat down on the bed and turned it on. The holographic light screen appeared, showing the symbol of the manufacturer. After one minute, the communicator could now be used. The settings were still in default.

A file suddenly popped out telling him to read it. He opened it and it was actually a letter left by his father. It was stated in the letter that if the communicator was turned on, it meant that the family was in great trouble. His father explained a few things about spare houses on other planets, emergency savings, some contact numbers, and some warnings. Although his father's character was often frivolous, it could be seen from these concise instructions how competent he dealt with formal affairs.

He read until the end of the letter and didn't know whether to laugh or cry. His father wrote:

For whoever is reading this, my beloved Xiulan, Lixue, or Lian, remember to be careful and I will always love you. If it's me who is reading this, why the hell are you even reading it?? Hurry and go do your job!

After closing the letter, another message popped up asking who was currently wearing the communicator. Lixue chose his name and after 5 minutes, another screen popped up in return. It was showing a StarNet account under his name freshly made with a hefty amount of credits. It was enough for 7 generations to live luxuriously without doing anything.

Although his father mentioned it in the letter, he was still surprised when he saw the actual amount.

This credit was now rightfully and legally his, along with all the properties under his family and his father on different planets. Some of them were in the Federation capital planet where he planned to move.

"Greetings, Master Lixue!" suddenly, a cheerful voice sounded from the communicator and a cute baby dragon appeared on the screen, "My name is Lulu. I was created by Professor Dwayne requested by your father to assist the owner of this communicator. I have confirmed that you are Lixue Ashe, son of Eldrich Ashe and Xiulan Ashe. Please don't hesitate to ask me for help! If you have any questions, I will do my best to answer them."

Lixue was slightly surprised. He didn't expect that his father would equip the communicator with an AI. Moreover, in a shape of a dragon which was his favorite.

"Is your form designed by my father?"

"Yes! But I pick my form according to who is the current owner. Master Eldrich designed this form especially for Master Lixue." Lulu explained.

Lixue nodded in understanding. Now that there was an AI, his matters could be solved quicker. He knew who this Professor Dwayne was. He was the best programmer and engineer in the galaxy. Because his face was also very handsome, his fame was comparable to celebrities. Almost every day there will be news about him in the StarNet both trivial and important.

He didn't know how his father got acquainted with this genius, but he could guarantee that this AI wasn't a normal AI. It wouldn't be an exaggeration if he said that this was a high-spec super AI. He wouldn't be surprised if Lulu could hack into the military's database.

"Then, let's just get right into it. Here's your first order, Lulu. I want you to wipe out any trace of Lixue Ashe. Declare that he died in fire under Thesia Empire's legal death declaration document and encrypt it. Hack into this planet's birth record database and erase my name from Ashe family register. Ashe is now a family of three. Next, register 2 citizenships in the Federation for me and one boy. Change my name to Huang Lixue and the other boy's name will be Huang Jixue. Also, change my age to the minimum required age to apply at the Federation's academy. Manage the rest accordingly to these arrangements including this new account."

"Roger that, Master!" Lulu saluted before dashing off the screen.

Lixue entrusted the matters to Lulu and after rechecking around the house, he walked back to the living room where Jixue was waiting. He saw the little boy obediently sat still on the sofa, not roaming around the room.

He was about to say something when he heard the boy's stomach growled. He raised his eyebrows, "Let's go eat lunch."

Lixue was very familiar with the city and took Jixue to eat in a restaurant serving natural food. It was as expected an expensive restaurant and all the people inside were wearing luxurious clothes.

Lixue shopped for Jixue's clothing along the way they were walking to the restaurant. He only bought a set for today and the rest he would buy at Federation capital planet. But both of them were wearing casual clothes which didn't look luxurious at all.

The waiter who welcomed them hesitated whether to let them come in or not. He was afraid they would be embarrassed when they looked at the price on the menu. Especially since the young man was a heavenly beauty, he was all the more reluctant to let them in and humiliate themselves.

"Is there a problem?" Lixue glanced at the waiter.

The waiter shuddered from Lixue's cold glance. But his cheek couldn't help but blushed because the glance also looked fiercely charming.

"No, dear guest. Please follow me. There is one empty table for 2 on the corner next to the window." the waiter decided to give them the table in the back corner of the restaurant. From the entrance, it was only a straight walk and didn't need to walk past many guests.

Lixue walked to the table with Jixue in hand. When he sat down, the menu was displayed on a holographic screen on the table. Lixue straightforwardly ordered 2 meat dishes and a fruit platter.

When the dishes were served. Jixue was already drooling from the smell. He ravaged the meat hungrily not bothering to cut it. With his row of sharp teeth, the meat was easily shredded and chewed like a mere pudding. Lixue didn't mind about his lack of manners and shoved the second dish to him when the first one finished while eating his fruits.