Chapter 10

When Jixue finished the first dish, he smelled the second dish and was about to eat it. Then, he noticed that it was supposed to be his big brother's food. He raised his head and sensed that Lixue was eating but his food was much lesser than his and didn't smell as delicious as his.

"Lili, you're not eating this?"

Lixue heard the boy called him in his mind and turned his sight away from the window, "I'm already eating this." He answered waving the fruit on the fork in his hand.

"Lili, you should also try this," Jixue pushed the dish that Lixue just gave him, "It's very delicious."

Lixue cut a piece with a knife and put it in his mouth before giving it back to Jixue, "Yes, it's very delicious. But I like fruits better. So obediently finish it for me."

Jixue, not being able to see the subtle frown on Lixue's face, took back the dish and happily finished it.

Lixue drank a mouthful of water to wash away the disgusting taste in his mouth and ate the fruits to relieve his taste bud. The Devil told him that demons could only eat raw or natural food. Everything else would taste like crap in their mouth and it was also not good for their constitution. He was curious and tried a bite but soon regretted it.

This doesn't mean that he couldn't eat meat. If the meat is raw, he could eat it. The important point was the food he ate must be unprocessed or uncooked food. Neither grilled, fried, boiled, sautéed, etc.

Also, after he swallowed the meat, he could almost instantly feel his stomach churning. Rather than it's bad for their constitution, it's more like digestion! What was up with this demon body?

He already endured many painful things, and a mere stomachache was nothing. His face didn't change in the slightest after the initial shock and continued eating the fruits to 'purify' his stomach. After 5 minutes passed, it gradually calmed down. He didn't know whether it's from time or the fruits he ate, but undoubtedly, he would never eat cooked food again.

When they finished their meal, he paid by swiping his communicator to the payment device without looking at the price. He walked back to his house with Jixue. Lulu also completed the task given to it along the way.

Lixue took out their spaceship. They were ready to leave.

He asked Lulu whether it could pilot the spaceship. After getting a positive response, he let Lulu pilot the spaceship while he idly roamed around the StarNet. Then, he saw articles about artificial organs that were now not only limited to outer body parts such as limbs, but the research has also successfully created some organs such as heart, kidney, cochlea, and eyes. He wanted to ask Jixue's opinion about the matter of his blindness when Lulu suddenly spoke.

"Master, there is a spaceship belonging to a group of bandits heading towards this way. Would you like to take a detour?"

"Bandits?" Lixue attention shifted. He thought of his remaining requirement to reach mid-level and smiled, "How many people are there?"

"857 people."

It fell a bit short than the number he needed but it was still a big feast. Lixue chuckled deviously in delight. Jixue heard his chuckle and instinctively knew that his big brother was going to bully people.

"Don't need to detour. Take us closer. If they want to catch us, let them. Hack into their system and find the ship's interior directory. Calculate the best route to explore every part of the ship effectively. Prioritize where there are most people."

"Roger, Master!"

When they were closer, Lixue could see the outline of the ship. It was very big that his spaceship looked like a fly beside it.

As expected, they were caught by the bandits. The bandits 'escorted' them into their ship with rough words.

"Little Ji, don't ever speak with such rough and vulgar words like them. I hate it." it reminded him of the people in his past life who showered him with hateful words day in and day out.

When Jixue heard that Lixue hated it, Although he couldn't talk, he instantly nodded his head. He could only speak to Lixue in his life. Of course, he won't ever speak anything his big brother hate.

They dock their ship and the bandits told them to get out. Lixue told Jixue to stay inside and wait. Jixue nodded and watched Lixue opened the hatch and jumped out.

When the people outside saw Lixue's face after he looked up at them, their eyes instantly filled with lust. As bandits, they didn't care about gender. As long as they're pretty, they have many methods to play and wreck both genders.

"Hey, I didn't expect we caught ourselves a beauty!"

"Don't you dare covet him. I'm playing with him first."

"Huh?! I'm the one who spotted his ship. I'm first."

"What are you arguing for?? We can play together. Surely if he's stretched enough he could fit at least 3 of us."

"I'm fine with just his mouth. I'll feed him lots of my load."

Hearing their words becoming more and more vulgar, discussing various ways to toy him, Lixue's face turned black from rage. He hates everyone in his past life to the point that he basically hates mankind. But the type he hates the most were lecherous people like them who looked at him with lustful eyes while defiling him in their minds. It felt like his body was licked all over with their gaze. It was so very disgusting and repulsive that he wanted to cut all their **** and stuff it into their own ass.

He took out his gloves from his jacket pocket. He already learned the method so that he wouldn't burn his gloves while using his fire. After all, although it was for the sake of beating them, it was too disgusting for him to touch them with his bare hands.

He ordered Lulu to close the ship's hatch to block the sound from outside.

The people noticed his movement and their attention was quickly brought to Lixue. Lixue smiled like a seductive fox with his eyes glowing crimson.

"Big brothers want to play with me? Do you think you can satisfy me with your cute little ****? I'll end up f*cking you instead. Not that I want to because you all are too ugly and disgusting."

The bandits were at first aroused from hearing Lixue's deliberate sultry voice. But after hearing the rest of his sentence, they flew into rage.

"This slut! I'll let you taste my **** until you fell into addiction and beg for me to f*ck you to death!!" one of them stepped out and approached Lixue in rage.

The bandits cheered him and even encouraged him to do it right there and now. Lixue could practically see the man drool with his lower half tented. It was very disgusting that he almost retched.

When the man stretched out his hand to grab Lixue, his footstep abruptly halted. There was confusion in the man's face, and he tried to move his body. His outstretched hand was just a few centimeters away from Lixue's beautiful face, yet his body couldn't seem to move.

"What the hell is this?!?!" the man exerted all his strength, yet his body couldn't budge and became very cold as if he was frozen into a block of ice.

"What are you doing, man??"

"You're backing out now?" another one shouted, "Then, I'll happily do it for you." He walked out to grab Lixue but suffered the same fate.

Their colleagues looked at their ridiculous pose and constrained face in confusion. Another one who hadn't realized anything yet also came forward and there were 3 frozen men in front of Lixue with ridiculous faces.

The bandits finally realized something was wrong and took out their guns, pointing it at Lixue.

"What did you do to them?" one of them, the one who suggested to share him with 3 men earlier, asked with wary eyes.

"Hm? I wonder what you are talking about?" Lixue tilted his head with his smile still on his face.

Then, the 3 men rigidly moved. Their hands went to their pants and slowly unbuckled it while turning their body around. Their face distorted and one of them finally shout.

"Shoot him!! There's something wrong with him!! Kill him now!!"

"F*ck!! I can't control my body!!" another one shouted in frustration.

The bandits didn't care about playing with the beauty anymore and shot Lixue simultaneously.

The rain of energy bullet didn't bother worry him at all. He kept standing on his place, controlling the action of the 3 men taking off their pants. When the bullets was about to reach him, the energy bullet hit the barrier he set up around himself and dispersed.

The rain of bullet finally stopped after more than 3 minutes, and they looked in shock at the beauty standing perfectly woundless and intact at the center.