Chapter 11

Lixue swept through the bandits in a bored manner. The 3 men now was already lying on the floor with their lower half exposed. He suddenly smiled like a kid and clapped his hands with shining eyes.

"Now, gentlemen. Didn't you say you all want to play? Let us now play a game. Here I give you 3 free toys to play with. Whoever release inside one of these 3 men, I will let you leave. And as for these 3 men, if you manage to hold on until everybody got their turn, I will also let you leave. Every 10 seconds, I will kill one person here. Starting now!"

"Huh?!?! What the f*ck are you talking about you bitch!!" someone shouted and tried to shoot Lixue again.

Lixue's smile faded and just as the bullet hit his barrier, the man's neck suddenly cracked, and his head was turned 180 degrees to the back. The person behind him screamed and tumbled down in shock.

"I guess 10 seconds are too long. 5 seconds. And whoever shoots me again I will f*cking rip off their head."


"Crazy bitch!!" another man shot him, and his head was quickly ripped off from his neck even before the bullet reached Lixue.


A man relatively closer to Lixue threw a dagger at him only for the dagger ended up in his eyes.


"F*ck!" the man who wanted to share Lixue with 3 men threw a grenade. He didn't care whether it would implicated his comrade. This young man is too dangerous. He needed to eliminate him before things became more awry.


Lixue flicked the grenade with his demonic energy, and it landed among the bandits before detonating.

"5 seconds up." Lixue chose a random person and inserted his demonic energy into their body and burst it from the inside.

The bandits around him was shocked silly from both the grenade and their comrade exploding in front of them.

"5…" Lixue started his count down again.

"SHIT!" a man rushed out and tried to run, but his neck instantly got ripped off.

"Right… whoever tried to run before completing the 'quest' will die. Go on. 4…"

The bandits now felt chill ran down their spine when they heard the countdown. They didn't know who was going to be killed in the next 3 seconds. Afraid the next one to explode is going to be them, they scrambled and rushed to their comrades' body on the floor.


"F*ck!! Don't you dare touch me!! I will f*cking kill you!!!"

The 'toys' started to panic looking at their comrades frantic eyes. They wanted to struggle and kick them away, but their body was fixed in place.

Lixue watched their despair and desperate faces with glee. The scene before him was beyond animalistic and debauched. The pained face of the three men, the panicked and ruthless face of the people behind them.

"5 seconds up." Lixue exploded a person among those who were brawling to get their turn. Before starting the countdown again.

The bandits started to genuinely tremble in fear and their movements became rougher and fiercer. Some of them even became limp from the fear. Lixue could see blood trickling down the toys' thighs and their screams were getting louder and louder. Tears and snots wet their faces making their scrunched faces looked ridiculously ugly.

"5 seconds up," another person exploded. Lixue added, "I'll give you a handicap. You can also use their mouth. But make sure they swallow it, or it won't count. Besides, why are you using one at a time? Didn't you say that if it's stretched enough it can fit 3?"

The bandits' eyes instantly glowed. Some of them hurried to the toys' mouth. The others quickly shoved their fingers and stretched them mercilessly so they can quickly shove their own.

Well, rather than stretch, it's more of a rip.

One of the bandits finally finished. His comrades quickly pushed him away and entered. The bandit quickly reported it to Lixue.

"I-I did it!! I can leave right?!!"

Lixue glanced at him and gave him a smile, "Of course."

The bandit quickly ran away without even putting on his pants back properly. Who would care about that in this situation?

Seeing their comrade leave, they became even more 'passionate'. Not caring about the condition of their 3 comrades, one by one they finished and changed.

"5 seconds up," Lixue notified like a dedicated alarm before exploding a random person, "Right, if somebody can bring a person here, I will add one second in the countdown for every person. Don't think you can run away though. If you do, I'll catch you and you'll become the next toy."

The bandits who haven't got their turn yet looked at each other and quickly left. Lixue waited for a few minutes, and they obediently came back bringing another person with them. They didn't dare to disobey this mysterious person. They saw for themselves how their comrades died. They thoroughly believed that they would become the next toy if they tried to escape. Looking at the 3 men, they would rather die than become like that.

"5 people. Good, the countdown is back to 10 seconds. Explain the rules to them."

This kept going until the countdown almost became 1 minute. Hearing the countdown getting longer and longer, their urgency was slightly relieved. But for the people who haven't got their turn yet, looking at the increasing number of the participants, they became more restless.

One of them steeled their courage and shouted, "This is unreasonable. With so many of us, there is only 3 to use!"

Lixue hummed, "Technically it's 6, but you're right. But I'm too lazy and this is your problem. So find another one yourself."

The bandits' eyes instantly became fierce like a beast. They attacked their weaker comrades around them and pinned them to the ground before forcing their way through.

Lixue looked at the scene of hell where screams and pants mixed together. They beat their comrades into submission and pierced them until they bled and were half-dead.

Bored, he decided to go inside and kill off the rest.

"I'm leaving. You deal with this yourself."

When he went inside, he could detect from his demonic sense the people who tried to run. Mocking their foolishness, he ripped off their heads one by one while burning all the people he encountered.

The people at the dock realized that the demon could still see their actions, and nobody became disobedient anymore. When the time was up, one of them still exploded. Now that the demon wasn't there, there was nobody counting down the countdown. They hurriedly set a timer in their communicator according to the latest countdown number.

Lulu guided Lixue through the ship along the route it calculated that was the most effective with the command room, where the boss was, last.

When playing a game, it is common sense to kill the boss last, right?

He encountered one of the people who completed the game. That person saw Lixue coming with flames on his hand.

"You-you-you said we can leave!! Are you breaking your own words?!" the person said hysterically while trying to run.

Of course, Lixue wouldn't let him run and set him ablaze, "Yes, I did let you leave the doc. Who said I won't kill you? Are you stupid?"

Lixue watched the man's shocked and betrayed face as it was engulfed in fire. He couldn't help but stretched a wide grin before he broke into laughter, "Pft! Oh wow, how can a bandit be so naive?? He actually believed me? Ahahaha!! Hahahaha!! That reaction was everything!"

He continued sweeping off the ship while humming a lively tune.

In another part of the space, a massive battleship was heading towards where the bandits were. On the commander seat, a man wearing a military uniform sat with a grim face. His eyes were focused on the dot in the map marking the bandit's subsidiary spaceship. Beside him, his subordinate was giving him a report.

"It is confirmed that the Marshal's son is detained there. The bandits' plan was to distract us into chasing the subsidiary ship while the mothership flees, but because we thought the Marshal's son was there, we ended up chasing them first. That's why they were caught off guard and easily conquered."