Chapter 12

After killing off the boss, he went down to where Lulu said the prisoners and hostages were. When he walked down the aisle, he looked at the captured people one by one. He asked Lulu how many prisoners were there, and it said 32.

Some of the people inside looked filthy and emaciated, some were full of injuries, and some only wore a piece of clothing with bruises and marks littering their bodies. They all have lifeless eyes and watched Lixue walked past them dully.

Hmm… how pitiful. Isn't it better to just kill them off? At least they won't die in vain.

"Master, there is a battleship coming this way. It will arrive in 12 minutes." Lulu suddenly gave notice.

"Okay," He glanced at the row of prisoners and asked in a loud voice, "Who here want to die? Put out your hands through the bar. I'll kill you off painlessly. I give you 3 seconds."



Before he reached number one, several hands appeared past the bar. He counted it and almost half of them wanted to die. Lixue smiled and quickly break their neck before planting his demonic energy to burn them. For the rest of them, he drilled his demonic energy into their brain as a restriction. If they try to mention him in the future, they will be attacked by a severe splitting headache.

Going back to the doc, he counted that there were more than 30 survivors. The initial 3 men were sprawled unsightly on the ground with their legs wide open. Fluids and blood trickling down from their hole and mouth. Their body twitched like a dying insect with their stomach bulging.

The other bandits who were forced also suffered the same damage but were still a bit better because the number of people doing them was lesser than their predecessor. While the ones who forced themselves into their comrades sat on dazedly looking at the scene around them, remembering their animalistic behavior while watching their comrades exploded one by one.

The ground was pooled with red and white fluids emitting a disgusting fishy stench. The survivors sat among the bit and pieces of their comrades' meat. There was even one sitting next to a severed head.

Looking at their limp organ, Lixue was sure they would be traumatized to have intercourse for the rest of their life. He giggled with his demonic smile. The survivors instantly shuddered and trembled. They didn't dare to look up at the demon. Someone even pissed from fear.

"Good job, good job. How is it? It's fun, right, playing with your friends? Everybody became one and united. How touching and heartwarming!" Lixue clapped his hands as he 'praised', "Congratulations for the 30 winners. As I promised, I will let you leave. Ah… but I let 19 prisoners live earlier, so 19 of you should be their substitute."

Before they could react, 19 of them combusted. They screamed in pain and frantically ran around the doc, seeking something or someone to extinguish it. The rest of the 11 people panicked and wanted to avoid them, but they were too weak both physically and mentally. In the end, all of them were caught by their flaming comrades and burned together.

Lixue already hopped back into his spaceship, not watching the human combustion show. He told Lulu to delete all footage of him in this ship while starting the engine. Lulu quickly deleted all of them and took control of piloting.

"Master, the battleship is nearby. Would you like to activate stealth mode?"

Lixue didn't know there was stealth mode in this spaceship, "Yes."

"Activating stealth mode. Destination: Federation Capital Planet."

A few moments after Lixue left, the soldiers invaded the bandits' spaceship from several entrances. They carefully and quickly swept up the ship with their guns pointed and high vigilance.

General Yi monitoring the mission from the command center frowned when he looked at the burnt traces almost every few steps.

"Reporting to General, no bandits sighted."

"Reporting to General, no bandits sighted. Heading to the lower deck now."

"Re-Reporting to G-Ge-General!! The ship's dock…" before finishing the report, the soldier couldn't hold his vomit and threw up.

"Put on the footage from Squad 5." General Yi ordered.

They heard another retched, but it wasn't from the monitor. A soldier who saw the footage with his own eyes covered his mouth to hold down his vomit before bringing up the monitor screen for the rest to see.

The bloody scene immediately made the soldiers sucked in a cold breath. Although they already went through countless battles, it was the first time they saw such a gory scene.

"Investigate what happened. Confirm Marshal's son's safety." General Yi coldly ordered.

The soldiers, although disgusted, obediently followed their General's command. Step by step they approached the pool of blood. The soldiers in the command room could only pity their comrades who were unlucky enough to be assigned there.

Then, the closer they get, the clearer they saw the shredded body parts littering around, the white fluids among the red, the severed heads, and there were several large patches of the ground that were charred. The stench was so severe, that they held in their breath like their life depends on it.


"Reporting to General, Squad 2 has arrived at the prison in the lower deck. There are 19 captives confirmed alive. Currently searching for the Marshal's son." A few minutes passed and the soldier spoke again, "Reporting to General, Bai Feng, son of Marshal Bai confirmed alive with several non-critical injuries."

"Reporting to General, there doesn't seem to be anyone in this ship. But there are many unknown burnt marks," Another squad reported. The soldier touched the mark, "It seemed like whatever it was that burned here must be of a very high temperature. The surface was thoroughly charred that it can be scrapped to dig a hole."

General Yi looked at the burnt patch on the ground thoughtfully. It wasn't that there was nobody in the ship, everybody in the ship was burned into nothingness with this high-temperature device.

Looking at the dock's gory scene and the empty cells which some of which have burnt patches on the ground, General Yi wondered whether this was the doing of a single man or a group.

For a single man to wipe out an entire ship seemed unlikely, but all the traces left behind indicated that all of these were done by the same person. He quietly profiled the person.

Ruthless, decisive, meticulous, yet moody and quite impulsive. The person's mental state seemed to be a bit unstable, causing the contradiction, but it wasn't to the point they couldn't control it. They are cruel and leaned towards sadistic tendencies but are easily bored. General Yi could tell what those white fluids were. This person has certain hatred towards sexual activity but wasn't averse to use it as a torture method. On the contrary, he wanted other people to also experience pain from it.

He knew there wouldn't be any trace left by that person. He told the soldiers to get all the bandits' data and information, especially the member list, and to get back when they finished.

"General, are you not going to investigate this matter?"

"There's nothing to investigate. Someone clean them for us, and we complete our rescue mission."

"But…" Lieutenant General Xiao Huiqing was unsure.

"It is certain that this person erased any of their traces. What's the point of wasting time on something that doesn't exist?"

Xiao Huiqing finally dropped the matter. Anyway, his General was always right. What was he fussing about?

Lixue and Jixue finally arrived at the Federation capital planet after a few hours. It was nighttime when they arrived. This planet's name was Nimu Planet where Irisa capital city was. The house that his father owned was in a suburb where not many live there so the environment was pretty quiet.

They smoothly passed immigration with their Federation citizenship ID. After changing the spaceship into a hovercar, which he also brought in his space storage, Lulu directly drove them to the house. It was a simple modern housing with 3 floors with a pool on the back and a garden on the front. There was also an underground garage at the basement enough to fit 2 hover cars.

After parking, he got out of the car with Jixue. They toured around the house together with Lulu introducing each room. Although Jixue couldn't see, he could still sense and locate everything around him, so Lixue let him walk around the house by himself. But the boy wouldn't stray more than 3 meters from him.

"This is our new home. We're going to live here from now on."

"Really?? We're living in this big house??" Jixue asked happily.

"Mhm. Go and pick a room for your bedroom." Lixue patted his head.

Jixue held Lixue's hand that was still on his head. Another one gripped the hem of his clothes, "Lili… sleep with me?"

Lixue looked at Jixue's nervous and anxious look and sighed, "Okay."