Chapter 29

"General Yi, have you heard the news?"

Upon entering his office, Yi Xieyan heard Xiao Huiqing asking him. He took off his military coat and sat down at his desk.

"Which one?"

"The Lei Group's case." Xiao Huiqing opened his communicator and showed him the news.

"Yes, I know."

Xiao Huiqing read the news as he shook his head, "It's viral everywhere. The OPB managed to prevent any leaks of any important information, but the media was as fierce as usual. They somehow got this picture inside Lei Group's building. It's just… unbelievable. They also published Lei Group's hidden activity in frenzy." He enlarged the picture on the article and showed it to his general.

"I know. I got the report from the OPB themselves." Yi Xieyan glared at Xiao Huiqing to stop shoving the screen to him.

Xiao Huiqing laughed awkwardly and turned off his screen, "Recently, we've encountered a lot of burning. Like the one at the bandit ship."

"They might not be unrelated."

Yi Xieyan slowly rubbed his thumb as he stared at the file in front of him. Though the degree of damage was entirely different and there was almost no blood to be seen except for the one at Lei Weming's personal office, he could still feel both that particular impulsiveness and meticulousness from the scene he saw.

He was sure that those Keepers and CFS won't be able to find any trace of this man. He believed in certain that the constructed face in the file wasn't the man's real face. The man has a very high level of confidence in his self and his action. The type that believes that he could get whatever he wanted and do whatever he liked.

Someone with that type of disfigured face would never do his killings so flashy and grand. He would prefer to do things sneakily or silently, hiding behind the shadows. This man, however, literally went inside through the front door, believing that he wouldn't get caught even if he did that.

He never encountered anyone with this level of confidence.

"Code-named 'Frost'…" Yi Xieyan whispered under his breath before feeling somewhat amused. He burned every step of his way yet called himself 'Frost'.

Yi Xieyan's face didn't change at all while he was deep in thought and Xiao Huiqing couldn't tell what he was thinking about.

"Because the case only involved civilians, it is not likely that we will get involved unless this Frost kills someone from the embassy or anything like that."

"That's just because the victims now are still insignificant people." Yi Xieyan stopped his motion rubbing his thumb and leaned back on his chair.

"Is there any difference…?" Xiao Huiqing tilted his head in question when his communicator issued a beep. He opened his messages and continued, "Right, more importantly General Yi, are you going to participate in this year's entrance exam? It's our turn to supervise starting from this year, right?"

Yi Xieyan nodded.

"The principal just contacted me and asked if there's anything necessary to be prepared."

"Just do it like the previous time. Tell Long San to give the instruction to him."

Xiao Huiqing typed the General's reply to the principal. He replied back immediately, "He said that it is better to devise a new idea. Because the entrance exam has always been broadcasted live to the public to prevent cheating, the public can also learn from the video. The other 2 Generals also made different arrangements for the previous 4 years which were also different from their previous term."

Xiao Huiqing finished reading the reply and looked at his General nervously.

The matter of supervising First Military Academy has been a troublesome issue since the reign of the new generation of Generals. In the past, the 3 Generals equally supervise the academy other than dealing with military matters. This particular academy was directly connected to the military and each graduate will definitely enter one of the 3 corps. This was why the previous 3 Generals attached great importance to the academy and would reserve any student they liked in particular before they even graduate.

The new generation of the 3 Generals however was different. They still attached importance to the academy, but they were too lazy to supervise them. Though the 3 Generals were all different in character, the only thing in common was their particular fondness to fight on the battlefield. They were all selected by the previous generals because of their overwhelming strength in war and combat.

So, rather than a troublesome issue, this matter was more like an annoying issue to them.

By supervising, it didn't mean only for exams and such. The military would also provide combat trainers for the students from their corps and also participate in any decision making. Their position was higher than the principal in some way and has the last say.

In the end, they decided to cycle the responsibility per 2 years. Every 2 years, one of the 3 Generals would fully supervise the academy representing the military. In return, they would have the right to choose the graduates they liked first and the other 2 Generals wouldn't be able to interfere in their decision regarding academy matters in those 2 years.

In the previous term, General Liang added an extra round for the graduation exam which was to fight one on one with a level 3 beast.

And before that, General Xia changed the uniforms and combat attires because his wife asked him to implement her design somewhere.

In short, it somehow became the Generals' playground and place to vent. But because it benefitted the academy one way or another nobody really tried to stop them. Not that they could.

This will be the second time for General Yi's corps to be responsible for the academy's supervising. General Liang finished his second time this year while General Xia has finished it 2 years ago. The order was decided with their fists with the winner be the last in the order. The result was as such.

This cycling system was well-known in the public especially the students of the academy. Learning from General Yi's previous term, the examinee candidate could only pray that the exam wouldn't be so extreme that only 20% of the examinee could pass while the graduate candidate cried that they wouldn't be able to graduate for the next 2 years.

Yi Xieyan stood up, "Then call Long San to meet me in the meeting room."

"Yes, General."

After the meeting ended, Long San left after he saluted. He would light a candle for those students before reorganizing the plan and bring it to the principal.

"Is there any update from Sparrow?" Yi Xieyan asked after they returned to his office.

Xiao Huiqing nodded before displaying the report from his communicator, "Because the servants inside the palace were all burned to death, he managed to infiltrate the palace when they were hiring new servants. The royal family intends to hide the matter as deeply as possible. Every news regarding the fire was deleted from StarNet and every media in the Empire was suppressed. Their military seemed to discover something about the royal family and their Marshal is currently confronting them. Though the news of the fire wasn't known publicly, most countries must have got the report from their hidden agents there. The King is confirmed to be outside of Thesia Empire's capital planet and now the matter is handled by the Crown Prince and his first son. As for the Emperor, still no news. Another thing, Sparrow managed to find their hidden treasury, but it was completely empty. There was also a military hangar under the palace with the same state."

Yi Xieyan rubbed his thumb and spoke, "According to that King's character, he will most likely hand the throne to the Crown Prince in a short time. Since their plantation is burned, their source of income was practically annihilated. Knowing that rotten royal family, they will certainly search for ways to exploit any country to help them revive with the promise to have exclusive dealing with them now that we know their treasury is empty. As for why it became like that…It was robbery."

Xiao Huiqing felt strange. He didn't doubt his General's reasoning, but he just couldn't understand, "How can someone stole an empire's whole treasury without anyone noticing?"

"Just make them look the other way," Yi Xieyan stood up, "I'm going to report this matter both to the Marshal and the King at the palace. If there's anyone looking for me, tell them I'm unavailable until tomorrow. Tell Sparrow to continue investigating the whereabout of the Emperor. As for the King, give the order to another bird to investigate. Keep monitoring the royal family."

"Yes, General." Xiao Huiqing saluted in response.

"And help Long San regarding the matter with the academy."

Xiao Huiqing was surprised by the sudden order, "But…!"

Before Xiao Huiqing could say his refusal, Yi Xieyan already left.