Chapter 30

"Well, now I found one convenience of you here."

Lixue looked at himself in the mirror. His silver hair was trimmed neatly and colored black by Thirteen. He looked like a diligent reserved scholar boy if it wasn't for his exposed cat-like eyes. He also changed his pupil into his demonic crimson eyes intentionally and covered them with his glasses, but it still couldn't cover his brilliance.

Thirteen offered him to use the film mask he used when he came to Lixue's house, but Lixue refused because wearing an external device has higher risks of being exposed. Thirteen felt it made sense and also didn't wear the film mask anymore.

He changed his black hair into golden blonde and cut it nicely like a wealthy aristocrat. If one looked at him, they would think he was a prince from somewhere. He concealed his scar with a special cream that wouldn't wear off without its matching toner.

The hair coloring Thirteen used was not a normal hair coloring. It was an advanced hair spray that he often used in his disguise which integrated new color into their hair reaching until its roots. When their hair grows later, it will follow the new hair color rather than their natural one. It was slightly bad for their hair if used too often, so Thirteen also only used it once a year, twice at most.

"I suppose black is not your real hair color either," Lixue glanced at Thirteen's reflection in the mirror. He felt like this type of flashy hair color was more suitable for him. But rather than blonde, silver or platinum would highlight his features more. It reminded him of a Snow Wolf, a beast from Sylvn Planet which snowed and hailed blizzard all year round, "Your hair color isn't real, your face isn't real most of the time, and even your eyes are not real. Are you not afraid you will forget about yourself someday?"

Thirteen's eyes flashed as they turned their color to a stunning emerald, "I didn't think you noticed."

"Then, you're still underestimating me."

"Master, both of your identity cards are ready. I have installed it into both of your communicators." Lulu said from behind them.

Lixue nodded and left the room. Jixue was already waiting for him anxiously in the living room and rushed towards him.

"Little Ji, be good. Listen to Lulu and study hard."

Lixue patted Jixue's head. After a few months passed, Jixue already reached his chest. Thirteen helped him cut his hair and it wasn't as long as when he first met him. His features were starting to open up that even if his hair was still long, most people wouldn't mistake him for a girl.

Because of his special situation, Lixue rejected Thirteen's offer to train him some muscles. Jixue's mutant DNA made him grew and developed faster than a normal human. If he was trained too early, it could affect his bones during his growth. That's why, during this period, Lixue only trained him self-defense techniques, the first set of techniques that he learned previously from his mentor when his strength hasn't been built up yet. It was techniques meant for weak people to be able to defend against someone stronger than them.

With this, in addition to Lulu guarding him, he could rest assure leaving him in the house. Though he doubted anything would happen by how careful he and Thirteen acted their stunts, it never hurt to have double assurance.

"Lili is leaving?"

"I'll come to visit every end of the month."

Jixue knew how his big brother is and there was nothing he could do to make him stay. He said before that he and Uncle Thirteen will be going to school. When he is big enough, he can follow them later. That's why he should just be obedient and study hard just like how Lili told him to.

Jixue hugged Lixue tight. Though he was reluctant, he still let go in the end.

Thirteen spread out his arms, "I'm not getting any goodbye hugs?"

Their conversation was always one-way and Thirteen never knew what Jixue was saying inside his head. He always needed Lixue to convey it to him. But it was also up to that Queen's mood whether he wanted to tell or not. But it didn't hinder their relationship to build up more than enough. Fortunately, Jixue learned sign language and letters along the way, and they could already talk with each other from a month ago.

From the time he spent a few months with Lixue, he thoroughly understood his character yet at the same couldn't understand at all. The most important point was his impulsiveness and mood swings. One second he understood his actions, the next second he suddenly jumped out and do something ridiculous. One moment he was a cool icy beauty, the next second he was a psychopathic bloody madman.

Every day with Lixue was too chaotically colorful that ever since he stepped into the house, there was never a dull moment in his time. Whether it was running around massacring people or trying to figure out the big mystery box in front of him.

In the end, he gave up trying to read Lixue and just adapt to his mood swings. When he was drained because of that, Jixue was his source of healing. It was the first time for him to get in contact with a little kid this long and Jixue was so obedient, who could not like him?

Jixue also hugged Thirteen, but it wasn't as long as when he hugged Lixue. He took Thirteen's palm and wrote some words on it. Although he already learned sign language he still wasn't that fluent. So it was faster for him to write it down on the palm as such and Thirteen also caught on fast what he wrote.

'Uncle Thirteen, please take care of Lili.' Jixue wrote.

Thirteen was amused and said it to Lixue. Lixue flatly looked at Thirteen, too lazy to reply. Thirteen laughed and rubbed Jixue's hair into a chicken coop, "Don't worry, we're just going to attend the entrance exam. If you don't want your big brother to leave, just curse him so he won't pass the exam."

Jixue shook his head in horror. Who would do such a terrible thing to his big brother??

"Right…Of course our sweet Little Ji won't curse anyone. If anything, your big brother is the one doing the cursing."

Jixue reflexively nodded his head before he quickly realized and changed to shake his head so rapidly that it seemed like it will fall off at any moment. Lixue helplessly held his head to stop shaking before speaking, "It seems like I tolerate you too much."

Thirteen suddenly felt his body temperature rising. He felt like he just swallowed a piece of flaming fire, and it was now boiling his inside. His body quickly began to sweat.

"Ha-ha, Your Highness, don't be like this… I was joking you know, a joke." Thirteen laughed pitifully and plead for mercy.

"The car is prepared, Master." Lulu ignored the dangerously raising temperature of Thirteen's body perceived from her thermal sensor and prompted Lixue diligently as usual.

"I'll be going," Lixue smoothed out Jixue's hair before leaving.

"See you later, Little Ji." Thirteen followed behind while unbuttoning his clothes to get some cool air.

Jixue also felt the rising heat on Thirteen's body and could only wonder about that uncle who never learned his lesson and kept provoking big brother every time he has a chance to.

On the way to the examination venue, Thirteen scrutinized Lixue in front of him while fanning his self. The air conditioner in the car didn't relieve him and was instead starting to make him feel nauseous, "You know, I don't think only Little Ji is having a growth spurt."

"My body is just catching up with my real age. Isn't it perfect? Only people above 20 can enter First Military Academy."

He was taller than a few months ago and his beauty became even more irresistible now that it has bloomed to maturity. His attractiveness glowed with unconcealable allure. Even if he still wore closed clothes complete with his signature gloves and turtle neck, Thirteen was keen on the gradual growth of his charm. It has again reached another peak.

Lixue often said incomprehensible things and Thirteen knew better than for him to pry too much. He was given permission by Lixue to snoop around and figure him out, but he absolutely won't answer if he asked him.

But for him, the harder it was for a box to get unlocked, the eager he was to pry it open.

The hovercar followed the sky-road and reached the examination venue near the academy in the capital in a little over 2 hours. Lulu notified them that they were about to reach the destination soon.

"The second act is about to begin." Lixue quirked up his lips.