Chapter 55

"Hey! Did you tapped my communicator?!" Shin Meimei was shocked.

He ignored her and spoke to the person next to her, "As you said. Let's make a deal. It'll be effective the second I successfully open the shutter for you, and you all step out of the building. But I will still participate in the game. This and that are different."

The call was only a voice call, and the other side was using a robotic voice changer. Although he was Shin Meimei's acquaintance Yanyu still needed to be careful to someone as hidden as him. Furthermore, the most dangerous people in this technological era were actually these hackers.

"I can't do anything about that. But let me clear this first. If your demand is unreasonable and out of my capabilities, I won't hesitate to cancel this deal. We can ask for our cyber team to get us out. I only want to save time by using you."

"I know. My demand is only for you to prepare a safe hideout for me on Sirvi Planet and some credits. Not much, just 5 million. OPB should have that much."

"Unfortunately for you, I'm here representing myself. Not OPB."

"…" there was a moment of silence before West spoke again, "Then, a safe hideout on Sirvi Planet and 1 million. 1 million is my standard fee."

"I'll give the 1 million if you do it in less than half an hour."

"Deal!" West agreed and ended the call.

"This prick is as rude as ever. I need to change my communicator after this." Shin Meimei complained.

When the day finally reached its mid-time, Lang Mujin looked at the time and stood up after finishing his lunch. He set the camera before approaching the metal table. Lady Kumi heard someone was coming towards her and tried to speak. But the gag blocked or her words and only her saliva that managed to escape her mouth and unrecognizable words.

Lang Mujin didn't pay her any heed and only did as he was told. He pressed the small button on the side of the table, and it let out a whirring sound. He went back behind the camera and turned on the recording.

Lady Kumi immediately sensed danger once she heard a machine was activated. She heard it from inside the metal she was pinned at, so the table itself was the machine. Being the Sky Lord for a long time, she has seen and used many torture devices. She knew what was going to come and struggled even more desperately.

Lang Mujin sat back down and operated the laptop connected to the camera. Just as he finished setting things up, he got a call from Yu Songfu.

He put on his earpiece and accepted the call.

"Brother Lang, how's your task doing?"

Lang Mujin glanced at the spinning blade coming out from a slit opened below Lady Kumi's wrist, "It's going well. It's actually easier than managing Lei Weming's factory. How about you?"

Yu Songfu watched a group of Full Moon people passed by him in a rush, "Everything's going well here too. They saw the live recording you just broadcasted to them. I think it will still take a while for them to find out their boss's location. I was hesitant at first, but I think I really am suitable to be a spy. I feel so cool right now!"

"Yeah, Yeah, as long as you're happy. Just don't watch the live recording or you won't be able to focus." Lang Mujin warned him.

"Even hearing the plan from Mr. Frost already makes me dizzy." Yu Songfu shuddered.

"Mr. Frost left just after he finished the broadcast. Don't know where he and Mr. Thirteen go, but we better not mess up. Tell me when they're on the way here."

"Roger, Brother Lang!"

The Mr. Frost they just talked about was currently walking around the Morality House. Thirteen went in another direction so they could catch everyone in a shorter time.

Except for the ground floor, there was no window on any floor even though it looked like there were windows from the exterior of the building. Each side of the hallway was filled with rooms of different kinds to suit every fantasy their customers have. The higher the floor, the wider the room and the more complete the facility.

The rooms on the topmost floor were called the Black Rooms. It could only be accessed by VVIPs. Black Rooms were opened 24/7 even when the Morality House was closed, and the sex toys' lives weren't regarded there. They could only prepare themselves to die in the most degrading way possible.

His goal was there while Thirteen went to the floors below the ground.

He turned a corner and saw a door just closed. Somebody probably heard his footsteps. The only way to get down or up was the stairs and elevator in which both were located where he came from.

But they just made his job easier.

He approached the door and tried opening it, but it was tightly locked, as expected.

"You three can come out now and I'll cut off your feet like the rest of your colleagues. Or stay inside and I'll only spare your torso."

The three inside trembled. How did he know there were three of them inside?! They were sure this guy wasn't in the corridor when they entered the room. And both of that options are not good at all, okay?!

Lixue didn't get any reply from inside and there was no sign they were going to open the door, "Fine, it's your choice."

He lifted his legs and broke the door open with a kick. A person behind the door who was ready to ambush him was hit face on by the door and both he and the door smashed to the end of the room.

"Oh, sorry. I didn't see you there." Lixue covered his mouth in 'surprise'.

He walked inside. The bed flipped up with a kick and revealed a shivering woman hiding beneath it. She looked up at him with tears in her eyes.

Lixue crouched and smiled at her with his glowing red eyes.

"Good afternoon, lady," he grabbed her hair and lifted her face forcefully, "You do know it's one of the worst choices ever to hide under a bed both in thriller and horror, don't you?"

He stood up still with her hair in his hand. The woman cried in pain, "Sp-spare me! I'll do anything you want!"

"Anything?" Lixue tilted his head, "Then, cut off your own limbs for me?"

The woman shuddered from his penetrating eyes. His question wasn't a question at all, and his childish tone made it sounded more terrifying.

Lixue heard the sound of water dripping and looked down. The woman actually peed herself from fear. His face turned darker.

"I was going to make it painless for you, but you just had to go and let out this filth right in front of me."

He raised his free hand and grabbed her left upper arm before moving his other hand and grabbed her right upper arm. He gradually tightened his grip until a crack sounded. The woman screamed in a shrill voice each one louder than the previous one. It even covered the cracking sounds of her bones.

Lixue knew it was going to happen. He already covered his ears with his demonic energy before beginning her amputation.

After his fingers were almost connected to a fist, he pulled her arms in opposite directions.

"Aahhh!! No!! Stop!! Augh! They'll rip! My arms will rip!!!"

The woman pleaded and begged with all her life, but Lixue could only see her ugly face in a twisted mess full of snot and dripping saliva. Not a pleasant sight to be honest. He eventually ripped both of her arms off to end it.

The woman's body fell and stopped moving. She passed out from the pain.

The last person was hiding in the dark bathroom when he heard the door was broken into and his colleague's horrifying scream. He tightly covered his mouth and controlled his intermittent breathing as low as possible while he lied down in the bathtub. He couldn't let that man find him or it would be his end.

He heard the screaming stopped and the man's footstep was heading to the bathroom. The bathroom door opened, and the light turned on. Fortunately, the bathtub was covered by a curtain and with him lying down, that man would definitely not see him as long as he didn't make a single noise or movement.

As he expected, the light turned off and he heard the sound of the door closed not long after.

He exhaled his breath that he held for a long time. Finally being able to breathe, he sat up and slid opened the curtain a bit, but then he halted.

Wait, why didn't he hear any footsteps going out of the bathroom?

From the gap he opened, a pair of glowing red eyes suddenly appeared and looked at him with a sinister grin from ear to ear.

"I~ Found~ You~