Chapter 56

"Master, there is someone trying to take control of Cardinal head office's system."

Lixue dumped the limbs he just ripped off from the man to the bathtub. He shook his hands a few times to splat away the blood.


"Lulu is currently invading his network. I can only give Master the location for now." she sent him the address.

"Got it. You let him into the system after giving some decent amount of trouble. Send me this person's information when you got in. And order some universal prosthetic limbs. No need for them to be functional. Just to doll things up. Buy around 200 sets." Lixue ordered as he walked out to the broken door.

"Yes, Master."

After he finished ripping off all 4 limbs of the three people inside, he continued walking around the floor. After catching a few hiding staff, he continued upstairs. Looks like Thirteen got the big cut of the cake.

On the lower ground floor, Thirteen exhaled a breath while he cracked his neck. In front of him were more than 20 guards aiming their guns at him just as the elevator door opened. Too bad the walking EMP wasn't with him right now.

He raised both his hands up, "Chill. Why don't we have a nice talk, hm? Isn't it a bit excessive to send 20 armed guards to corner one man in an elevator?"

The 20 guards didn't budge. Thirteen saw the center frontmost guard was about to pull his trigger. He transferred his lightning to his batons and swung them down pointing at the crowd.

They saw the man moved and suddenly, something black flashed towards them and they blacked out not knowing what just happened.

Thirteen counted that more than half of them got struck. He eyed the remaining guards as he licked his lips, "Perfect."

The remaining guards didn't know what just happened to their colleagues in front of them. They snapped out of their confusion and quickly aimed back to the elevator. All they knew was that that man is very dangerous to be left alive.

But the elevator was already empty. Thirteen started from his left. He put back one of his batons. With his free hand, he grabbed his opponent's arm, knocked his gun off his hand with a twist and a knee-hit, and hit his temple with the baton.

The guard next to him pulled the trigger. Thirteen glanced at the muzzle. His eyes flickered and he managed to dodge with the bullet barely grazing his arm. Before the guard could fire another bullet, he reached him with a single step and neutralized him.

While he dealt the third guard, the rest started shooting him simultaneously. He used the guard he just handled to be his meat shield while striking some of them with lightning and proceed to the next one.

In the end, he managed to finish after 2 minutes. Unfortunately, he killed one guard in the fight to be his meat shield. Lixue wouldn't be that nitpicky, right?

Killing someone was always easier than keeping them alive.

Well, at least from this brief fight, his control also improved. In addition, he found out that now that his physical body was enhanced, he could use the feature he installed in his eyes that he has been meaning to use since forever.

But it gave him a splitting headache in that half a second he used it and his body almost couldn't catch up with the calculation. He would probably use it when it was truly necessary. He wouldn't want to be incapacitated because of that headache in the middle of a fight.

This damn defective technology.

He put away his baton. He cleared the lower floor that was full of guards after asking Lulu to turn off their surveillance. It was easier to clear them with assassination techniques rather than frontal combat.

Thirteen peeked from behind a corner with 3 guards lying cold behind him. He could see the surveillance room which was also the central control room of this building. There were 4 guards guarding the door.

After thinking of several methods, he moved the guards' body somewhere else and went to the bathroom he went past on the way here.

A while later, one of the guards saw the floor on a corner was flooded. He signaled his colleague next to him and both of them carefully went to check with their weapons up. They turned the corner, but nothing was there.

"Where did the team guarding here go?"

His colleagues shook his head. They slowly walked further ahead.

Thirteen heard their footsteps getting closer. He placed his hand on the water and hit it with his lightning.

The other two waited for them, but even after a few minutes, there was no sound and they didn't come back.

"You check on them." One of them cocked his chin at where they went earlier.

The guy nodded and went to look. Like the previous two, he didn't come back and there was no report or any noise either.

"What the hell are they doing?"

He irritatedly went to check. He reached the corner when he saw something in his peripheral vision. His throat was suddenly hit. He choked and coughed with his body bent.

Thirteen lifted his legs and struck the back of the guard's head with his heel. Before the guard fell to the ground, he caught his scruff and dragged him to the door. He opened the guard's eye and aimed it at the iris scanner before putting him down noiselessly.

He took out a sphere and rolled it inside from the slit of the door before closing it again. He heard some panicked exclamations for a few seconds before it became quiet again. He put on a mask and opened the door.

He told Lulu to turned the surveillance back on while he closed every possible way out especially the emergency exit. Fortunately, he was just in time when a group of employees was about to reach it.

'I see that you've taken over the control room.'

Lixue went online in his head. He switched the surveillance in the monitor he was using and saw Lixue in the camera on the topmost floor, 'Yeah, I'm here.' He moved the camera side to side.

Lixue looked up at the camera waving at him, 'The guards?'

Thirteen checked all surveillance to double-check, 'All clear.'

'Then open all these doors for me.'

'As you wish, Your Majesty,' Thirteen operated the monitor in front of him and asked, 'What's Lulu doing?'

'She's catching a rat hiding in a hole. Her main body is still the one operating her duplicates, so she's pretty busy. Seeing how long it takes for her to get inside this hole, this rat must be quite skillful.'

Thirteen chuckled, 'I thought we're the rats.'

'Why can't rats catch other rats? What, should I call him a cheese?'

'Pft!' Thirteen didn't expect Lixue to throw a joke like that.

'I can't believe you thought that was funny,' Lixue looked at the camera with an unimpressed expression, 'Even I think that was lame.'

'You can at least call him a mouse, a mole, or something,' Thirteen entered his command and all the doors opened, including the ones in the floors below Lixue, 'Well, excuse the delay. I'm not as skilled as our Miss Lulu.'

Lixue watched as the doors spanning through the corridor in front of him opened one by one. He walked forward and dragged out every occupant of the room. The dressed, the naked, customers, toys, and rabbits.

All in all, there were 7 people fooling around in daylight, 19 toys, and 6 rabbits. He already hunt down some rabbits while heading up, adding the 6, there were 15 rabbits on duty today. Well, it wasn't easy to be promoted as a rabbit, so there weren't many of them in the first place.

There were 2 types of rabbits, black and white. Every black rabbit has 2 direct subordinates which were those white rabbits. He couldn't wait to disassemble them and feed them to the wolves, especially the black ones.

Thirteen switched the camera feeds and whistled in awe. Lixue has deep resentment of this place alright. Limbless corpses scattered all over the place with their limbs tossed somewhere, not knowing which part was whose. Not one was spared. Blood splattered across the walls and pooled on the floor, almost covering all the gold and silver patterns of the wallpaper and intricate black and white design of the tiles.

He didn't know what Lixue was planning to do with them, but they definitely would prefer death over it.

He switched several more times before preparing to leave and go to where Lixue was. But when he just stood up, he paused and looked back at the screen. On it, he saw someone wearing a black rabbit mask walking out of one of the many rooms he opened.

Lixue missed a person?

That Lixue?