Who's working 24/7 to make sure your ass doesn't burn your house down?
Who's cooking, cleaning, taking you to sports games and friend hangouts and all that crap?
Your mom.
Your mother has been working her ass off to make sure you don't die.
Your idiots, I'm well aware.
Do you make the best decisions sometimes? Nah. But who's there to pick you back up, dust you off, then chase you back down again when you try to jump off a tree?
Not speaking from personal experience, BUT the answer is your mother.
Now to those of you who unfortunately had their mothers taken away at a young, or even at a later age, I give my deepest condolences.
Mother's are the backbone of the world. It's true.
While your dad is working, your mom does everything around the house. And if your dad isn't working then get his ass out and get him a job.
Your mom already had to carry you around for 9 months, push you out of a hole originally 2.75-3 1/4 inches in size.
Its about this big although don't take my word for it, you have a phone, look it up.
Now this women who gave you life.
Let's look at what she has to do everyday.
Now, all family are different. I cant tell you one thing about a mom that applies to every single mom. Some moms can be bad and flat out evil, and those types shouldn't have ever had children to begin with.
I'm sorry for those of you that are products of an evil mother. I, for one, at glad you are here today, and that's the Truth.
But some things that a good mom does in order to help her child make it to 18, might make her seem bad but I assure you, she loves you.
Remember that party you wanted to go to? The one where your mom told you no? Well you missed out on it and all of your friends never let you live it down. You are pissed. How can your mom do that to you!
You throw crap all over your house.
You yell and scream and argue.
This is the last straw. You are leaving as soon as you can and never talking to this women again!
Your mother, having watched her child make a big deal about nothing, trash the house, take all this cursing and yelling and disrespect, has to sit in silence and clean up the mess you made.
She watches her child leave, and never come back.
That party was on a school night. Having been keeping up with your school, on top of what she does, your sees you have 2 test the following day.
After staying home from that party, and cursing you mom out, you study for thoses tests, and you pass! which allow you to not have to repeat a class, get held back, blah blah blah
Your mom cares about you. She does what she does because she thinks it's right. She has no idea what she is doing either. She just wants to help you make better choice then she made.
What kid don't realize, is that parents can make us hate them all we want. But they still love us. They still feed us, still clothe us, still make sure we are ok. We can do so much to these people…we don't think about what they are doing for us.
Sure they can dish out a whoopin or two, but tell me that you didn't deserve it? Maybe if you'd listen a bit better, your butt wouldn't have gotten whooped. Parents are people too. They have their limits.
Looking back, I'm sure you can remember times that YOU even thought you were a little shit.
when you grow up, I've noticed that you start to think back on your own life, and coming to terms with how much in the wrong you were as a kid, well lemme just say, you'll have a good laugh about it.
Even talking to you parents about the stupid stuff you use to do, can make they laugh about it with you. After all, you did make their lives hell.
As a baby, your mother pushed you out of her.
You were helpless. She protected you when you couldn't do squat. She gave you clothes, fed you, and kept you warm and dry. That's really all she has to do. Other than that, she isn't required to do shit.
Kids today are such dicks to their parents. It's The Hard Truth. They are SUCH dicks.
"Your not the boss of me"
(She actually is)
"You can't tell me what to do"
(Actually she can)
"I want this and this and…etc"
(She doesn't have to buy you shit, only a few outfits and some food and a blanket)
Your mother is the boss. It's time that it was known.
so send her some fucking flowers every month for fucks sake. Is it too hard to pick some flowers off the EARTH(ya know…where flowers grow), make em pretty and give them to her.
The Hard Truth:
Treasure what you got and spoil your moms. She won't be around forever. It will hurt when she leaves this world. But she will always watch over you. Shes your mom first.