Chapter 8

Soon a month passed during which some travellers came to the little town. Mostly for the birthday celebration the chief held.

But the topic that was talked about even more during this month was none other than the wisewoman's decision to teach a disciple. She said that she will be no more in the town after a few years and would pass down her techniques to her disciple.

Many townsmen gathered around her small hut to present their children as a candidate to become her disciples but she chose an orphan girl who usually spent her days walking around the town for free food.

Even though there were not many orphan children in the town there were a few. The orphans lived inside the small house outside the town, abandoned by a noble centuries ago. It was rebuilt by the chief when he moved here.

Before that the children would be slipping in the open dilapidated house.

The girl chosen by the wisewoman was barely 10years old.

After she decided her as an apprentice, the townsman could only sigh in disappointment.

The chief was also seen going to the wisewoman when she declared her intentions to teach a disciple. Aside from that, the town was just normal without any disturbance.


The chief's grandson's birthday was just in a few days and no one knew when but a small area outside the town was covered with different small houses made out of stones overnight.

And just when people began to speculate things the chief notified the whole town that it was he who built them. Because of his colleagues coming from the capital and some other cities he had no other choice than to build these apartments.

As a small town, they did not facilities to receive these many people and the chief's mansion was a simple house he built to accommodate his own needs.

Townsmen as well as other travellers who had rarely seen this type of magical phenomenon became even more interested in these buildings and walked around them over and over to see what exactly they were.

Even Jaiden and his wife Renee had also gone to see the sudden appearance of these magical buildings.


Damian began to wake up even more early these days because of the guest and friends who began visiting his town. He would personally show them around the town and bring them to the recently built houses.

Some would show disgusted expressions on their faces whenever they saw townsmen looking at them but they mostly consisted of young descendants who came on behalf of their elders.

Damian did not bother with these children and asked his trusted servants to entertain them.

But almost all of the guests were middle-aged men or women and old people who appeared to be enjoying the small town.

Some older generation was seen walking around the town many times a day and even to the orphanage to spend some time with the children.

They even taught the children in school and bought small gifts for them and the children at the orphanage.

Even though these middle-aged and old people appeared somewhat normal they were people who had fought wars and seen blood in their life. So the orphanage and orphans were something they had experienced many times whenever the war ended.

The arrogant young descendants were arrogant but did not have any courage to run around the town and make trouble for people. They showed complete obedience whenever they saw the older people who came along with them.

When the birthday finally arrived the chief was laughing all day. The guest also increased on that day and the celebration was spread in the whole town.

Many guests offered their congratulations and gifts. Jaiden was there on duty as a guard and Renee was inside the mansion to help the internal low taxing work.

When they came back from the wisewoman, they went to the old man and apologized for doubting him and followed his advice.

They went to him every week since then and he would check the baby's condition just like he did the first time. Even the tea leaves he provided were almost finished but they were afraid to ask the old man and decided to not ask him and limited the consumption.

Jaiden was just walking around the perimeter of the mansion when he noticed the old man Gray walk towards the mansion. Seeing him approach he remembered him saying about presenting a gift for the chief's grandson.

He talked to a fellow guard and went personally to show the way for the old man.

"Uncle, you should have told me you were coming, then I would've asked someone to guide you here." Jaiden bowed his head in front of the old man while talking slowly. He did not expect the old man to come here but thinking about how the wisewoman described him as an even better healer than herself he did not think it was strange.

"Mn, It is not that far from the house don't worry about it." Uncle Grey did not spend much time and walked behind Jaiden as they arrived at the mansion.

He went to talk to the guard stationed at the gate and led the old man inside quickly.

When they reached the birthday venue behind the mansion in a large garden even bigger than the personal garden Damian built they were welcomed by a large crowd of people engaging in different conversations.

These guests were all who came from outside the town. The townsmen had their celebration in the day and the chief even spent some money and donated a large number of clothes and food to the townsmen.

The chief was holding his grandson in his hands as he went around showing his friends how good he looked. Behind him, his daughter Maia and an old servant.

Every time the chief moved to a different group of people his daughter was forced to follow him with a bitter expression. As for his grandson Jude, he showed a serious expression whenever his grandfather introduced him around the venue.

When Jaiden came along with the old man many of the guests looked in their direction but most of them ignored Jaiden as he was a simple guard.

But nobody recognised the old man and so their gazes did not linger on him.

But as soon as the chief saw the old man he paused for a bit and nodded towards the old man but did not come forward to say anything. He went on to see other friends of his.

But the subtle nod the chief had given to the old man did not go unnoticed from the old and experienced guests and made them turn their eyes to the old man again.

Despite that, they showed no emotions under their eyes and continue to do their chat.

Jaiden stepped aside to allow the old man to walk forward and bowed his head.

"You can go now to your duty I will be fine," The old man said while passing by him.

Jaiden hearing the old man lifted his head and walked back to his duty.

The old man walked around the garden alone enjoying the flowers and plants planted there.

After a while, an old servant came towards him and joined the old man to walk around the town. The servant was sent by the chief to keep the old man company and not be alone.

The old man and the old servant started talking as if they were some old friends.

The guest slowly started to take a sit around the garden as they appeared tired from the standing.

The old man and the old servant both sat in a corner away from everyone.

They spent their time drinking some wines, teas and other beverages. There were many servants standing at the side to receive an order for food the guests might want.

After a while, the old man stood up and approached the chief who was still talking about his grandson with some people.

The servants behind them held some of the gifts they received and from time to time they would walk off to keep them in the mansion.

Seeing the old man approach, the chief finished his talking and came towards the old man while holding his grandson.

Maia followed him after exchanging some words with them. When they neared each other the chief laughed as he introduced his grandson. "Jude, show your respects to the elder, this here is elder Grey and you should remember him."

Hearing him say that the surrounding guests looked over and turned their heads. It was not common for the chief to refer to somebody as an elder.

Even the guests who came from the capital were only introduced as uncle or aunt and most as granduncles.

But the guests did not show any displeasure on their faces. The people at their level and age knew some things that most young people did not.

Even Maia was surprised at her father and bowed her head hurriedly as she heard her father refer to the old man as an elder.

Jude immediately bowed respectfully as soon as his grandfather put him down.

The old man did not say anything and only looked over Jude who was bowing to him. He used his hands to make Jude stand again while looking over the chief."Long time no see chief, it looks like you're in a good shape."

While saying that he moved his eyes to Jude."It's ok little fella, just call me grandpa when you meet me again."

Maia lifted her head when she saw him talk to her son.

"Hahaha, yes recently I've gotten some health back in me." The chief laughed as he replied to the old man.

"Hm, I did not prepare any expensive gift but this should suffice when he grows up."

Saying so the old man put his hand forward, slowly a light flashed by and an object appeared on his palm.

As soon as the object appeared, the guests who appeared oldest among the guests turned their heads and light shone in their eyes.