Chapter 9

The old man had a small blue sphere of about 5cm diameter. The sphere looked ordinary and without any special appearance.

But as soon as the sphere appeared the few old guests who were enjoying their drinks stopped drinking and their eyes glowed with light.

The majority of the guests just did not even notice anything noticeable about the sphere. Chief Damian was among the few old people who were looking at the sphere as if it were a precious treasure.

In Their eyes the blue sphere was glowing with a blue light, surrounded by strange looking symbols.

Old man Grey did not even bother explaining as he lifted it up and slowly pushed it towards Jude who was beside his grandfather.

The old man pushed it onto his forehead. But as soon as the sphere touched his forehead a small ripple appeared on the surface of the sphere.

The sphere slowly started to disappear as soon as it touched his skin as if it were sinking in the water.

Damian was standing there stunned and before he could even think about anything the sphere was already almost gone.

Those who saw the glowing sphere became stupefied and their breathing became somewhat ragged.

Jude did not even notice what was happening and only felt a cool sensation around his body causing him to twitch slightly.

Aside from Damian and the few others, everyone else saw the old man take out a blue sphere 5cm in diameter and hand it over to Damian.

Damian quickly recovered as he started to bow his head but was stopped by the old man.

"There's no need, consider it my blessing for the child." The old man said slowly and without waiting for Damian to say anything else he turned around and started walking.

Maia who was behind Damian did not find it particularly strange and just like the majority of others only saw the old man handing a blue sphere to her father.

But when she looked closely at her father's hand, there was nothing, when she realised this her eyes suddenly became a bit cloudy and her vision started to become slightly blurry.

But then quickly recovered and did not find anything strange as if nothing happened.

Seeing the old man turn around and walking outside, those who saw the blue glow and strange symbols shook slightly but did not do anything as if there was nothing out of the order.

The old man walked outside the garden and came out of the mansion gates. He stepped foot outside the gate and as soon as he stepped outside the people who were in the garden shook slightly and their eyes became heavy all of a sudden but then quickly recovered.

They looked around but were unable to find anything, the only thing they recall was that an old man who came and delivered a gift to Damian.

How the old man looked, what the gift was or when he left was all blurry in their minds. The only exceptions were Damian and a few other old people.

Even though it looked normal they too shivered slightly but they were fine and remembered the old man and his gift.

The old man left the mansion and started walking towards his small house slowly.

The celebration went smoothly after that and the guests departed but those few individuals looked slightly lost in their thoughts. After everyone left the venue Jaiden looked around but did not find the old man so he thought that he went home alone.


The next morning Damian was sitting in his private garden along with five other people. Three were women and two were men.

All of them appeared around the age of 60s or 70s making only Damian appear slightly odd in the group.

Including Damian, there were now 6 people sitting around a round table. There was nobody around them, not even Louis.

They were chatting with each other while drinking tea.

The five individuals appeared different from each other, one of the old men who wore a white robe suddenly stopped drinking and looked towards Damian.

"Who was the elder Grey that came yesterday Damian?" His appearance was that of a stern old man and had a strong aura around him. Even though he appeared old his body was slightly muscular, there were very few wrinkles on his face but his head was full of white hair along with his long beard.

As soon as he asked Damian the others also stared at him waiting for his answer. If this old man had not asked him about the others were thinking of just doing that.

Damian stopped drinking his tea and looked around noticing their eyes on him.

Damian sighed while sipping his tea. "I do not know him. When I came here he was already here. That was almost three decades ago but aside from me and one other person in the town everybody thinks that it's only been a couple of years since he started living here."

"He did not appear to be anyone malicious so I never bothered him nor did he do anything out of the lines. He only appears around the small stream in the town for fishing."

The man who asked Damian the question appeared somewhat thoughtfully along with others.

Seeing them as that Damian continued. "Don't think anything funny, I don't know how powerful he is but considering what he took out last night I don't think he's weaker than us."

When they heard him say that all of them turned their heads towards Damian. When he saw them looking at him he couldn't help but chuckle. "It's not like I expected him to bless my grandson like that. If I knew he was going to do that I would've just forced everyone to leave that night. It was good fortune that they forgot about it otherwise they were just waiting for a beating."

The other old men and women started laughing.

Finally, an old woman who wore green clothing spoke in a cold tone. " It certainly is a blessing, only those nobles with silver legs and golden hands would have the fortune to acquire something like that."

The old man beside her also spoke. "Yes, the royal family is the only one who can get their hands on something like that without sacrificing a significant amount of their wealth. Aside from us of course."

The old man who spoke just now wore a simple red robe with an image of a fiery bird sewn on it.

"Hmph, As if those people would sacrifice their money. How many descendants of their even earn those sacrifices back." The old woman who was beside Damian said loudly. She was in purple clothing and appeared somewhat short-tempered.

"Not everyone is like you. What? You expect them to believe in those ignorant children?" Hearing the old woman speak like that the only woman left spoke casually.

She sat beside the stern-looking man and looked most calm and collected of them all.

"Even the royal family would not dare to spend their fortune for their princes and princesses." The woman had a calm aura around her but hidden beneath that was stubborn will just like everyone present here.

Hearing the old woman others also chuckled to themselves but did not argue with her.

Damian looked at her while saying."If I remember correctly, the previous king was the only one who acquired it for the marshal. And it raised many princes to be discontent."

"Hahaha, I remember him shouting at them and punishing them to donate all their belonging to the royal treasury in his fury." The old man in a fiery robe laughed while talking.

"Those brats were really hot-blooded. Some of them even came to me begging for money" The woman with a calm aura spoke with a smile.

Hearing her the stern-looking man looked at her. "And then came to me for more so that they can pay the interest to you."

The garden was once again filled with laughter as if they had forgotten about the old man. They started to reminisce about their time in the capital.

The stern-looking man was named Zane Burton and the one who wore clothes with a fiery bird was Tyler Burret. The woman who spoke in a cold tone was Marley Rose, The calm-looking woman was Evie Byrne and lastly, the one who had a loud voice was Darcie Bailey.

Together with Damian Willis, they were some of the strongest people in the kingdom. Some had their own family clans, while others were individuals from mediocre families who then became some of the strongest families.

But only some of the people knew inside the kingdom that these families and clans may appear mediocre or even lacklustre but had roots stretched to the time before the kingdom was even built.

Their strength not only represented themselves but also the whole kingdom. They were received in a proper manner even in the royal palace and even the princes and princesses were not allowed to raise their voices in front of them.

Darcie brought the topic back after some time. "But that spirit cleanser was definitely was not normal."