Chapter 25: Sudden side quest (4)

In the end, there were two corpses on the ground and there were no other red dots that were moving towards Lin Fan.

Lin Fan thought that he would be more bothered by this, but for some reason, after seeing these bodies, he didn't seem to feel any emotions.

It was like there had been a trigger that had flipped in his head. Before he would have been shaken and unable to move, but now it felt like he didn't feel a single thing.

He didn't know when it happened, but he could guess.

It was that feeling when he had pulled the trigger of the gun. It felt like there were flames that filled his body, pushing him to do what he could never do before. Even now, that feeling still hadn't gone away.

Lin Fan looked at these two corpses for a bit before moving them to the side of the road just in case. After all, he didn't know if there would be one of the red dots that would pass by this place. If he just left the corpses here and they were found, it would be easy for them to contact each other and he would lose the element of surprise.

Lin Fan was by no means an expert shot, he wasn't even a good shot. The first shot he had hit was him learning, but that second shot was definitely luck.

No, it didn't seem like luck.

It was almost as if there had been something guiding him.

But Lin Fan didn't have time to think about this.

It was too bad that this was the modern era where communication technology was quite developed. If it had been the ancient era, it would have been much easier for him to just leave these bodies there.

Then again, he wouldn't have a gun if this was the ancient era…

It didn't take Lin Fan long to move these bodies since he had become much stronger compared to before after adding those points. With his above average strength, he quickly pulled them to the side and stashed the corpses in some tall grass on the side of the road.

Once he was done, Lin Fan didn't seem to waste any time as he continued along the road in the direction that second person had come from. That was the part of the map that seemed the most clear of red dots and Lin Fan needed that.

Right now, his shooting was still terrible and without some practice first, he definitely wouldn't be able to achieve his goal.

The one good thing was that he had also searched through the corpses and he had found several more magazines that were the same as the ones that he had received from the short gangster. At least he didn't have to worry about ammo, it was just a problem of whether he could use that ammo or not.

Just like this, Lin Fan followed the map and made his way through the various red dots.

It didn't take him long before he was able to clear out most of the stragglers that were around the building that Su Yan was in. He knew that Su Yan was in that building because there was a path that the system was leading him to that building like the first time.

As Lin Fan made his way through the red dots, there were less and less red dots that filled the map. The only ones that remained were those that stuck together or those that were far away enough from the building that Lin Fan didn't have time to take care of them.

For the ones that Lin Fan did take care of, they were now lying in the side of the road in some grass or in a ditch, whatever was convenient enough for Lin Fan to store their bodies with.

During the process of taking them out, Lin Fan was slowly getting better with each shot he took, but there was also something strange that happened each time. After missing his first shot, whenever he went to take his second shot, it was like there was something that was guiding his aim to perfectly land the bullet in between their eyes and that was where it landed each time.

After taking care of them, the only ones left were the ones in groups.

Lin Fan wasn't confident in taking them since his accuracy had only been 50% so far, but he really didn't have a choice.

Rather, he was relying on a certain cheat to help him…

Lin Fan found one group of two that were walking around and he whiffed the first shot.

Both of the gangsters immediately pulled out their guns and shouted, "Who is it?"

Naturally that was because neither of them could find Lin Fan.

Then as if on cue, Lin Fan's arm felt like it was being guided by something as he perfectly lined up a shot with the first person.

After taking that shot and taking care of them, his arm felt like it was moving on its own again before it lined up the shot with the second person.

All of this only took a few seconds, but by the end of it, Lin Fan had shot two perfect shots…

This definitely wasn't natural, but Lin Fan tried to think about it as little as possible.

He still didn't get this system, but it was not something he could learn at once.

He quickly went across the map and took care of these pairs of two red dots before finally turning his attention to the last group of three red dots.

They were the ones right outside the building that Su Yan had been in, taking shots at her.

But there was no suspense with them at all.

There was the same guidance system that allowed him to make three perfect shots after missing his first shot.

This was something that Lin Fan had to admit was suspicious.

Could it be that the system was actually helping him?

But there were all those moments where it had harmed him?

But then again, were those moments harming him?

They actually helped him gain quite a bit of information that allowed him to reach his current stage…

Lin Fan felt all these thoughts in his mind and he quickly shook them out.

The most important thing to do now was finish this side quest first.

Once he took care of all the red dots in the area, Lin Fan walked right through to the abandoned factory that Su Yan was in.

He went in the same door as before and followed the same path to the same room.

It was even the same pattern when he opened the door with the muzzle pointed in his face.

When Su Yan saw his face, she said in the same surprised voice, "Why are you here?"

Lin Fan raised his hand and lowered her gun before saying, "I'm here to save you, follow me."

Su Yan knitted her brows when she heard this. The first thing she questioned wasn't how Lin Fan got here, rather she asked, "What about all the people outside?"

Lin Fan just said, "I took care of them."

Su Yan knitted her brows even deeper when she heard this, "But there are over twenty of them out there."

Lin Fan once again said, "I took care of them."

Su Yan paused to listen carefully and she realized that there were no sounds of gunfire coming from outside.

Could it be that he had really taken care of them all?

Was he just like the young miss said, a Power User?

Su Yan didn't take long to think since she was used to these kinds of situations and knew that they didn't have much time.

She then asked, "How do you plan on getting out of here?"

Lin Fan said, "Follow me."

Just like that, the two of them came out of the abandoned factory like the first time, but this time they didn't meet anyone along the way.

They were able to smoothly move through the entire area until they were almost at the edge of the map that Lin Fan had.

However, when Lin Fan thought that he had finished his side quest, something suddenly changed.

There was a person that suddenly came around the corner and noticed the two of them.

Lin Fan had been caught off guard and Su Yan had reacted slowly since she was thinking about Lin Fan, which meant that person had been able to raise their gun first.

With that gun pointed at them, Lin Fan had the time to see who it was and he was shocked to see who it was.

It was the same person who had found him all those times, the person who had forced him to use all those loads…

This was a face that he would never mistake since he had seen it so many times before.

Lin Fan wanted to say something, but before he could, that person had already pulled the trigger of his gun.

Lin Fan didn't even have time to think as his body was already moving.

Lin Fan didn't have a single load left and if he died this time, he would die for real, but he couldn't stop himself even being aware of this.

He jumped right in front of Su Yan to block the bullet for her.

Su Yan's eyes opened wide in shock when she saw this.

As for Lin Fan, like all the other times he was on the brink of death, time slowed down and he watched as the bullet slowly approached.