
Raj pov

from last 20 min i am knocking this stupid door, but she is not opening the door know i am getting panic is she okay why the hell she is not opening the door i dint have her number to call her.

wait i do have her friend number, I instantly call her and explain the situation that Sanjana is not opening the door, she also try to call her but her phone was off then she told me she hide spare key in below flower pot. i open the door and move inside her house.

her house in small and cozy i move to check in her room here she is sleeping, but why is sleeping i put hand her forehead to check if she head a fever or not, but my movement wake her up.

as soon as she see me she wakes up with panic after 2 second she get back to herself.


" why are you sleeping this time do you have fever " Raj ask anxiety written on his face.

" no i just had my p... " Sanjana stops in the middle and look at him " i just have pain in head " she look to another direction.

" do you need a doctor or any thing " Raj ask.

" no.. i head pain killers so i am okay know " she said.

" wait how you come inside " she ask in shock realizing she had looked the door.

" ohh your not opening the door and not picking up your call so your friend tell me about spare keys " he explain, briefly.

" ohh " she get up from bed and they came out from her room. staying in her room with men she hardly knew sanjana feel awkward.

for some second they didn't talk anything, Sanjana was talking to her friend and explaining her by mistake her phone get off. Raj just looking at her cute expression that she is making while talking.

after talking to Suhani, Sanjana look at Raj and then look towards her room.

Sanjana pov

while cleaning my room, suddenly i feel my stomach is which is hurting from morning is getting worst, then i remember its my period i just forget about that. i am some of those girl unlucky girl who face so much pain in period i mean i know some girl those doesn't get that much of pain in there period.

I took painkillers and lie on the bed, I didn't realize when sleep took over me until i feel someone presence in my room i wake up and saw Raj, he is looking very concern.

I was about tell blur out about period but i stop in the middle i am kind of a girl shy to talk about period in front of boys so i lie to him.


" lets go to shopping " Raj said, looking at almost empty fridge.

" actually i change my mind to go out " Sanjana said, she doesn't want to go out with him.

" okay so you have extra stuff for my assignment " Raj said.

she nodded negatively he look at her, and somehow Sanjana feels that looks means you lost the battle. she get up from couch and move towards her room.

" just 5 min i change " she said and move to her room hearing him chuckle.

we are going to near mall in which we get our things easily. he is driving his car and looking ridiculously hot i mean i don't know first time in my life i found a boy this attractive. he is wearing goggles his hair which is coming to his forehead increase his hotness, Sanjana thought.

when they enter mall, somehow all the girls looking at their direction Sanjana check herself and look at those girl again founding nothing wrong with herself. wait they are not looking at her they are drooling over Raj, it mean i am not only the one who is attractive to him, Sanjana thought and then shock by her own thought.

they move inside the stationary shop to buy something. they took there small staff she selected all of them he was too lazy to search, he paid for that all the time. sells girl flirting with Raj and Sanjana don't like it. she don't know but i didn't like the way he is talking to those girls.

Raj feel Sanjana glare when the sales girl try to talk to him he was going to ignore them but After feeling her gaze he talk with that sales girls.

they do little more shopping moving around. his company is not bad except the attention we get from girls, sanajan thought.

Sanjana buy lots of chocolates and other stuff which they needed snacks with lots of juices actually he buy all the staff which ever She said or even look.

" do we need anything else " he ask. we already have more than enough Sanjana thought.

" no " she said.

" you didn't take any thing of your choice " she ask he look at her, give her a cocky smile.

Raj pov

I hardly ever went to mall or anywhere to buy anything, always though its all waste of time and whatever i want something i getted without so much of effort. i know little bit of cooking but i never have to buy anything for my own self it was already available.

she ask me about my choice but i really don't know anything about which brand stuff we really use in home so i don't know.


" anything else " he ask again.

she nodded negatively after that they move to car, where he saw paper in windshield, Sanjana took that paper and give that to him, there is number with lipsticks mark on that. he look around and there is a girl giving him smile he also give her smile.

with a corner of his eye he look at Sanjana who is shooting draggers to him, he made a what have i done like face she made an angry pout and looking very cute he sit in his seat and start the car there was silence in the car but he felt guilty for teasing her.

" you know it's not my fault " Raj said, making innocent face.

" i didn't say anything,.......... but you also took that paper " after some time see added.

" i already threw that paper " he said in his defense.

" yeah really " she said rolling her eye.

" are you jealous " he ask.

" haa sure " she said look outside of the window.