I raced up to the cockpit my moment of relaxing and feeling victory gave way to a pounding heart that was threatening to burst. The sun had just barely begun peaking up over the horizon illuminating the tall building of a vast metropolis area.
“Where the hell are we?” I asked in panic.
“From the barren landscape, I’m not an expert, but I’d say… Texas.”
I guess there was a bright spot to this shit-icicle, I thought sardonically.
“How is this plane flying?” I quizzed.
“I managed to find the autopilot,” she said proudly.
“Okay… so why don’t you… TURN OFF THE AUTOPILOT AND PULL US UP?” I screamed unable to understand how she couldn’t see the obvious solution.
“I TRIED!” she shouted back. “But apparently it’s not as ‘point and click’ as turning it on was.”
“Try again,” I demanded.
Cynthia flopped down in the pilot seat with a puff of exasperation. She quickly began fiddling with the buttons and cussing under her breath.