
The footsteps were louder and louder, when the person came into view.

Ena was shocked, yet she wasn't surprised. 

"Unbelievable..." Ellie muttered with a grim expression.

The person in their peripheral view was Alex, Ena's brother, but he had a different atmosphere around him making him unrecognizable. It was as if he became a whole different person. 

"My army, I see that you've been waiting for me." 

Alex's cold, chilling voice echoed throughout the area as he let out a sinister smile.

With his arms spread out, "Kneel to your king." 

All of the mutants immediately went on one knee, they were now the same height as Alex.

"Good job, I can say you all have gotten smarter." said Alex, he looked at them as if the mutants were his children, "And stronger if I must say so myself."

His gaze scanned all of the mutants as he nodded his head in satisfaction.

"What do you think is happening?" Kiri asked quietly.

"Most likely Alex is making them familiar with him, he's taking control over them, and showing that he's above them. It's like when he told them to kneel and when he praised them." Ena whispered.

"This really is amazing, with the halo's power, no one will ever stand in my way." Alex said with a chuckle.

That was when a bright, tyrian purple halo appeared above his head. 

"Tyrian purple, the color representing a king, he's really proving himself." muttered Ellie.

"He now rules over them, he's basically now the king of the army." Ena added. 

They all stared at the scene, not daring to miss out on anything, and make a single noise that would give out their position. 

"It's really amazing, the overflowing mana pouring through my veins. My magic feels so much better, this really is AMAZING! HAHAHA!~" Alex said with a smile that reached his cheeks. 

Magic overflowed the area, ice appeared on his left hand, fire appeared on his right hand, as the wind swirling under his feet lifted him up. The three was surprised except for Ena, she's already seen another mutant do this.

"What the heck is that ability?" asked Kiri.

"It's the experiment, somehow Alianor was able to modify them enough to allow them to use multiple types of magic." said Ellie.

"If he could do that, then just how strong is Alex?" asked Kiri.

"Not only Alex, all of the mutants are probably modified too. From what I can decipher, the mutants most likely can use fire, ice, air, and earth magic. The basic elements while Alex could use the same, but I'm not sure since he does have a golden halo." said Ena.

"Then these mutants are stronger than almost three royal members. Just how crazy and smart is Alianor?" Kiri asked in disbelief.

Ena frowned, that was a really good question, just how smart was Alianor? Considering he was a system inhabiting a human body, she'd say it's intellect was higher than her own, maybe even rivaling Yue's intellect. It was hard to calculate but seeing that he was able to create these kind of things, his intellect was much higher than hers.

"He's probably much smarter than me." said Ena.

"Hmm?" Ellie hummed.

"Even I can't think how this he created these abnormalities, I'll only figure it out if I see some blueprints. Otherwise, I have no idea." said Ena.

"I think we should go, we've stayed here for too long already. I don't want to get caught here." said Kiri.

Looking at the scene, Alex was testing out his magic, and showing off to the mutants who were still kneeling.

"You're right, let's go." said Ellie.

As the four proceeded to leave, Ena looked back one last time, wishing her brother could turn back.

But that was basically impossible...

When they made it back, everyone was already waiting for them.

"What took you so long?" asked Ivy.

"There was some interesting information we were able to get so naturally we had to stay a bit longer." said Ellie.

"I would've been in and out of there in a second and easily get all the information I need with just a glance. But what information were you bale to get?" asked Ivy

Ignoring the first sentence of what Ivy said, Ellie replied, "The person who's controlling the army of mutants is Alden's son, Alex. There's more though, Alianor seems to have experimented on the mutants allowing them to use multiple elements of magic like fire, ice, wind, and earth. Alex can also do that, but we don't know his full capabilities." said Ellie.

"You can't forget the halos, there were halos above the mutant's head. They probably allowed the mutants to gain some form of intelligence and their magic powers. Alex also had one but his was bright purple, his halo might boost his existing abilities by a lot, and allows him to use different types of magic." added Ena.

The mood suddenly turned grim, the four who just came back didn't know what happened.

"Are you guys okay?" asked Ellie.

Adonis gazed over to Ellie, "How are we going to defeat them? Judging by the information you just told us, it was basically going to be impossible for us to stop their plan." said Adonis.

"Eh?" asked Ellie, her eyebrows were apart due to her surprise. 

"They have an army with abnormal abilities, they probably have another army somewhere too." said Adonis.

"That may be true, but we still have our people with us, don't forget them. With our combined power, we might be able to take them down. If we're not able to, then at least we die trying to save the world from corruption." said Ellie.

"You're not going to say anything inspiring or anything to motivate us?" asked Edward.

"Of course not, I'm feeling the same way as you guys." said Ellie.

"Since we now know some of their forces, we can calculate how much forces of ours can defeat them. Don't forget, I can also use magic, and I'm pretty strong with it too." said Ena.

"Princess, is there any proof?" asked Marie.

"Yep, after all, I was the one who caused the floor to collapse, and there was a huge hole." said Ena.
