War Prologue

The ground shook as the army of mutants started walking through the underground tunnel as the royal members began walking through the sewers. All of the royal members were working cooperatively and didn't complain since the situation was grave.

The entire walk through the sewer system was quiet, no one knew what to say, it was as if they forgot all of their vocabularies. They all stealthily walked through the sewer system, they didn't want to alert the mutants that were making the floor rumble above them.

Ena and Marie stayed in the middle of the group since it was the safest spot for them, if anything happened, the royal members in the front and the heads in the back could immediately help them in need.

"This place stinks," Ena muttered under her breath.

"Well, it is a sewer system. This place is unbefitting of a princess, why must the plan commence here?" Marie asked.

"I can agree on this place unbefitting of a princess, but we have no choice," Ena said.

"I know, I'm just quite stressed out about everything that's happened," said Marie.

"I feel the same, I'm pretty sure everyone is feeling stressed about everything that has happened. But we're all in this together so there's no need to put all the pressure on yourself, you can rely on me or anyone. We're all going to be there for you." reassured Ena.

Marie let out a small smile, "Thank you, I feel quite embarrassed getting lectured by someone younger than me." said Marie.

"Haha~ You're lucky I am a princess otherwise people would be teasing you," Ena said.

"That's true, what happened with your sister?" Marie asked.

"I got her to sleep for a while but otherwise, it was pretty eventful I guess," Ena said as she stared at the ceiling recalling what happened.

[ Flashback ]

It was around the time Alice was waking up and Ena was preparing for the plan. As Ena was putting on her clothes, Alice entered Ena's room to ask her for something but once she saw Ena, her old question disappeared.

"Where are you going?" asked Alice.

Ena froze on the spot, she was too busy contemplating to detect Alice enter her room and laughed nervously.

"Nowhere...I'm just trying out clothes..." said Ena.

Alice frowned, "Don't lie to me Ena, where are you going?"

Ena should've known better than to lie to her sister, they've been together for eight years, after all, she could probably see through anything. However, Ena couldn't tell her, the information was too dangerous for Alice and it would be better if she stayed in the house where it would be safe instead.

"I'm not going anywhere Alice, I'm just trying out the clothes mother brought back for me while you were asleep," reassured Ena.

In the next moment, Alice has pinned Ena onto her bed with her wrists spread out with Alice's hands pressing them onto them.

"Alice...?" Ena muttered Alice staring into her entrancing blue eyes.

Ena used her chi to detect if there was any manipulation done on Alice but she wasn't able to detect anything like that. The Alice on top of her was the real Alice, her mind wasn't controlled.

"My dear younger sister, why are you lying to me? Is it something so important that you couldn't tell me?" Alice asked tilting her head, "We're siblings, aren't we? We tell each other everything."

The look in Alice's eyes was dangerous, even though her sister was right in front of her, Ena couldn't believe this was her. Even being together all these years, she's never seen Alice like this, yet she somehow found this part of Alice lovely.

"Okay, okay. I'll tell you," said Ena.

The grip on Ena's wrist loosened as she sat up until her face was a few inches apart from Alice's face.

"Goodnight," said Ena.

With a swift chop to the neck, Alice was passed out on the bed as Ena circulated her chi into Alice's brain to keep her from waking up. Luckily her control over her chi was precise so she wouldn't do damage to any part of Alice's brain.

"I'm sorry," Ena whispered into Alice's ear.

[ Flashback End ]

"And that's what happened," Ena said.

"That's weird, I've never seen the first princess like that before. She's always calm and collected, she wouldn't do something like that." Marie said.

"That's what I was thinking, I don't know if she was always like that or her personality has recently changed," said Ena.

"I think she was always like that but she kept it hidden for her reasons. Who knows what would happen if she showed that side of her at such a young age," said Marie.

"Did you forget about me...?" asked Ena.

"Haha~ No I didn't, but two princesses who are abnormally different from regular kids? I think it would cause a bigger commotion than the time you showed your intellect," said Marie.

"Well, you're not wrong. It's just weird that I've never seen this side of Alice ever," said Ena.

"It's fine princess, everyone has a secret they aren't willing to share," said Marie.

Ena couldn't argue with that, she had a secret she isn't willing to share. No, she couldn't share this secret with anyone at all, who knows what people would say if she said she had a system in her head.

Moreover, where was Yue nowadays?

「 I'm still here. 」

The feminine robotic voice that spoke in Ena's brain made her feel relieved.

'Where were you?'

「 I'm currently using my abilities to hide your existence from Azazel but I don't think I can help with that anymore when you reveal yourself. And I'm watching the plot unfold, just know I'll be there when you need me. 」

Hearing that, Ena felt better. Just knowing there was someone with otherwordly powers that would help her if she was ever in trouble reassured her.

「 Don't get your hopes up, I'll only be there to help you if it's an emergency, if not, don't even think about it. 」

'... never mind.'

"Everyone get ready! We're almost there!"

Hearing that, everyone prepared themselves. A war between the mutants would begin a few minutes from now. No one knew if they would win or lose, they didn't think about it either. The most important thing was to contribute to killing the mutants and killing them.

"Let's do this."