"Creation" was not anything paltry like magecraft. A thousand years of research and a hundred generations of magi wouldn't even be able to touch the mystery of the spell. It was even more mysterious than True Magic itself. Reaching the Root would only be able to give you an ability that is a pale imitation of what 'Creation' can do. Even divine authority - at least in the sense in which it is understood by the magi and those initiated into the secrets of this world, would be the only thing that can describe a small part of what is happening.

An ordinary person could well say that what is happening could not be anything other than an act of god.

To say that the world has become like clay that is worked on by a mysterious purpose is close to describing what is happening, but not truly. Rather, to an outside observer, it was like the world that they have observed before the spell, was nothing more than a thin layer of varnish that was erased in order to reveal the true picture hidden underneath it.

There was no transition from the world that was to the world that is now. It's just like the world simply took the form that it had originally, it was just as if a person wearing dirty glasses finally cleaned it. It was a sensation incomparable with anything else one could just imagine. The world simply took the form that, according to the design and consciousness of a person, it should have had. Such a process was so unusual and at the same time so natural that even the Servants who were in the Singularity that watched what was happening from the inside, were ready to swear that the Singularity - if it could even be called a Singularity now at all - was the only correct and natural one...

Ainz's magic did not make any drastic changes to the world. The island remained exactly the same as it was before. The ugly holes that were gnawed away by the monsters of Cainabel were no more, turning the site of battle again into a small cozy beach. It was if there was never a fight in the first place

The cracks in the ground from the fall of Camelot also disappeared. Even the forest that was there before has returned with wildlife now populating it again, a faint sound of chirps could be heard.

The sea, agitated by the volleys of the Drake fleet, calmed down. Once again turning the calamitous sea into a calm one, with calm foamy waves lapping at the white sandy beach. Even the destruction Megalos and Jason had caused, disappeared.

The world took the form of such an ideal idility that even the Servants that five seconds ago were locked in a battle to the death would have laughed at the mere suggestion that in this absolutely quiet and peaceful corner of the world there could ever be a fight at all. Not even between Servants, but even between a couple of arguing tourists who arrived on the island for holidays.

The sky, which had before collapsed with the sound of cracking glass, was now light and serene, with clouds quietly floated across the sky.

Still the only thing that did not fit into the idyllic picture of the world was the gaping black funnel in the sky. Even more, against the background of the new, peaceful environment, it stood out like a sore thumb, It was as if a drop of black paint was casually spilled on a finished painting, spoiling the appearance of an ideal picture.

Ainz slowly lowered his raised hands.

Everything went better than he thought! No, it was even better than he could have hoped for!

The Super-Tier Magic 'Creation' in the game was used as an ability for a purely utilitarian purpose. The magic was primarily used to neutralize negative field effects and for some very rare cases to create them purposefully. For example, in an icy wasteland in order to remove a nasty status field effect that constantly inflicted damage and slowed down players. Or in the event of a large scale battle, to provide a field advantage. For example, to create a lake of magma that would damage those without sufficient Heat resistance. However, the 'lore' of this ability was much more impressive.

After all, the very name of the magic, 'Creation', was already an allusion to its nature and power. And perhaps even the effect it would take in this New World.

Ainz knows that his abilities have acquired a vastly different effect in this New World. Although he had many abilities that remained the same, he also encountered much more instances where they are no longer the same. It was when he encountered various Servants, who bore names known to him, but who had very different capabilities and abilities, never mind their drastically changed appearance. The most stark difference though is in his own abilities, skills, Noble Phantasms, and even spells. Therefore, his current action, casting the Super Tier Magic 'Creation', although it was in some way a gamble, was fully justified.

The only surprise for Ainz was that his plan worked even better than he could have hoped for. He knew the spell would be able to create a 'field' that would overwrite the original one. So he had hoped that using the spell, he would be able to create a stable field for a time and find some other way to fix the Singularity. So the fact that the spell was enough, in this case, Ainz could only congratulate himself on the unexpected success.

Sighing in relief, Ainz teleported back to his discarded body that he left with Focalor back at the boat.

As soon as Ainz arrived at the bridge, Focalor, whose body finally acquired a certain resemblance to a human as much as a mannequin is human, recoiled in shock at his presence.

However, due to the absence of eyes or even a face on the mannequin, Ainz could not determine the expression on Focalor's face. It was all for the better though. Because otherwise, Ainz would feel extremely tense being stared at by the simultaneously shocked, enthusiastic and even pleading eyes of Focalor, if he had eyes of course.

Ignoring the strangely unmoving Focalor, Ainz returned back to the body created by Da Vinci, and then let out a sigh from his now existing lungs.

Well, Ainz at least could be relieved that the Singularity was now solved , and in an even better way than he might have hoped. He did not lose a single Servant, won all the battles, and in the end was even able to neutralize the unexpected unpleasant surprise thrown at him.

In other words, for the first time in all his time in the New World, Ainz could pat himself on the back for a job well done.

However... Ainz had been feeling some strange sensation that had not left Ainz since using the super-tier magic. However, Ainz shook his head, thinking that it's just all in his head. Yet, it was the first time a super-tier magic was used in this world. Who knows exactly how the spell was implemented in the New World?

"My God, Ainz. What kind of crazy thing did you do in the end there ?!" These were the first words that Ainz heard when he and his Servants were Rayshifted back to Chaldea.

The source of the racket was Da Vinci as expected, who greeted him first in front of the Coffin, pushing even Olga-Marie into the background. Olga, who was now looking at her with both indignation and interest.

However, Da Vinci's appearance was so scary that, for a second, Ainz wanted to hide behind the backs of his Servants. Da Vinci looked like a drug addict who had gone cold turkey for a month and was presented with a large pile of drugs. In her eyes, Ainz could see that there was simultaneously indignation, admiration, madness and some completely childish joy blazing. At least Ainz was sure that he did nothing wrong with his super-tier magic, if he did Da Vinci would be angry. On the contrary, it seems that he did something too right.

Da Vinci took a step towards Ainz, who was still stuck in the Coffin, and only his suppression of emotions allowed him not to flinch at that moment. It even seemed that Da Vinci would press herself into the Coffin before suddenly stopping. Just as suddenly her gaze went from a barely hidden insanity to a one that is incomprehensible and pensive, - "Hmm…"

Ainz was frozen in place by Da Vinci's strange actions, swallowing inaudibly, and then turned his gaze to Da Vinci, "Is there something wrong?"

"We already know that you will bring Focalor here, and perhaps some change would appear when you contracted the Demon King. But… .", - Da Vinci then glanced over where the Servants are, finding Focalor's figure, completely lost against the background of the others, and then shook her head, - "But... Something... Something in you... Something has changed... Something…"

Ainz could feel the strange feeling intensifying under Da Vinci's gaze, but after shaking his head, Ainz exhaled, "Da Vinci, can this wait?"

"In the very, VERY near future, I'll see you again.", - Da Vinci looked carefully at Ainz and then smiled, - "By the way... Congratulations on the successful completion of the mission."

"Thanks", - Ainz nodded, - "Now, please excuse me... I need a shower."

Ainz moved forward out of the Coffin, not noticing the glance that Olga-Marie was giving him...

The King was not furious.

It was... It's hard for the King to describe the emotion that he's feeling right now.

None of the Demon Kings were present at his side - each of them was now doing their job. The King was alone.

The sensations, feelings that he experienced were so complex that even the King himself could not fully understand them.

Was there anger inside him?

Oh, there certainly was! How could he not be angry with the one who ruined his plan, killed his servants and have declared war on him?

But… there was also much in it besides anger.

Fun. The King had enjoyed the interaction with that strange Master.

The King made no mistakes. It was simply impossible, one of the immutable truths of this world. And the King was amused to realize that he had made a mis... No, not a mistake. That he allowed some undue carelessness in assessing his opponent.

Interest. The King felt significant interest.

Creating Singularities was not an effortless task, but it was also not a great act. The King was strong and patient enough not to fear the loss of the Singularity.

However, resolving the Singularity was one thing, returning the normal Human Order was not really noteworthy. What his enemy did, hmm... It was in a sense... Impossible.

There is a correct, true history of mankind. There are Singularities, altered, broken histories of that same history. However, Singularities remained Singularities in the end. Small changes to the Human Order, little pseudo-worlds that were only threatening in the way they affect the correct history.

His enemy... 'Changed' the correct history of mankind. Not by creating another Singularity, but simply... 'Changed' it.

Of course, it was not a very big change in itself. But, if the King was to be honest, the King himself was not sure that at the current stage of his plan he would be able to make such changes on his own. Yet the creation of Singularities, points of time with a disrupted course of human history, was not at all the same with creating a change in human history.

And therefore, the King experienced a new, such a rare and strange, virtually unknown emotion for him.


When his unknown enemy took Focalor from him, the King was enraged. It was as if a rootless tramp had dared to slap his King in the face. Execution for such an act would be too lenient a punishment.

However, if it was not a rootless vagabond... If it was not a slap by the presumptuous boor... If it was an official declaration of war from someone like him, perhaps even an equal to him, then the King could not help but feel nothing else, except respect for the opponent.

Coming together in battle against an equal... The King was not tempted by the idea of putting an unknown enemy on a par with himself, but looking at the deeds of his enemy it would be criminal from the point of view of the King himself not to honor him at some level.

In other words, only someone who is equal to him has the right to challenge him. And only the one who challenged his power could be equal to him.

And so the King was about to give his enemy the greatest honor he could.

"Everyone, return from the Singularities." The King smiled. "I will personally take control of them."

To meet face to face with the King is the greatest honor he could give the opponent.

Ainz felt the streams of water wash away his fatigue, leaving Ainz completely content and calm.

A small sensation, as if slightly tingling feelers, still remained in Ainz's body. However, Ainz did not pay any particular attention to them.

After cleaning himself, Ainz got out of the shower, after which he quickly dried himself off with a towel, putting back on the clean clothes he found in his room, and then looked in the mirror.

However, Ainz's self-admiration did not last for a long time - a knock on the door distracted him. After a couple of seconds, opening the door, Ainz found Olga-Marie standing behind the door, smiling at him with a slightly cheeky, but still good-natured smile.

Ainz blinked, "Chief?"

"Olga", - Olga chuckled, - "We kind of agreed on this."

"Exactly, Olga", - Ainz nodded, and then opened the door wider, - "Come in."

Entering Ainz's room, Ainz closed the door behind her. Olga then started looking at Ainz, whose hair had not yet dried after the shower and smiled, "Congratulations on solving the Singularity."

"Thanks", - Ainz nodded.

"So do you feel like a hero-savior of humanity yet?" Olga smiled at the flustered Ainz. Somehow, her smile looked too kind.

Ainz froze for a second at the sudden praise.

His innate and nurtured humility were badgering him to smile stupidly and deny any sense of self-righteousness or pride, but...

Ainz had achieved everything he wanted, had almost perfectly handled the last battle in the Singularity. And, on the whole, had coped with the task entrusted to him brilliantly. He had dealt with the Singularity in a blazing fast three days. So, for today, even if only for a couple of minutes, he wanted to feel like a hero. So after letting out a huge breath, Ainz smiled - "Well, in general, yes."

"Good. It would leave such a bad taste in my mouth if after such accomplishment you still didn't consider yourself a hero.", - Olga smiled, and then went silent for a second before continuing - "I came here to say thank you. For the Singularities, for your help, for... For everything."

"It's nothing, Olga", - Ainz smiled beatifically and then fell silent.

For a second, a silence hung in the room, before Olga loudly exhaled, as if to gather her courage - "Well, okay. The road ahead is difficult, but there is no turning back either, Olga. So... Ainz."

Ainz turned to the monologuing Olga, suddenly finding Olga standing on her feet with her hands clenched into fists and her face full of determination. Ainz had only a short time to think about Olga's strange behaviour for a second and about what Olga planned to do next, before her next words knocked any thoughts out of Ainz's head, "I love you."

Ainz froze, completely shocked.

Somehow, completely, inhumanly slow, as if moving at the speed of a turtle, the information from his ears, slowly poured into his mind.

Ainz was already planning to ask some stupid, incomprehensible question before Olga-Marie kissed him.

It was not a particularly skilled kiss, Olga-Marie had no practice in this matter after all, and Ainz even if he was not shocked by what was happening, the last time he kissed someone was so long ago that he had forgotten how to do it. However, where Olga-Marie could not boast of her skill - she could compensate with her youthful enthusiasm.

For a full minute, Ainz fell out of reality. All he could do was remember that, strictly speaking, this was not his very first kiss. Neither in this world, nor with Olga-Marie. It was also surprising how strongly these two facts were intertwined.

And if last time Olga-Marie was aggressive, simply a way for her to vent her emotions, anger, fear, stress, then this time she was soft and a passionate kiss... In general, Ainz liked it.

This kiss did not last for a long time and, after a minute. Olga finally parted from Ainz, after which she giggled, "Okay, now it's your turn for your head to hurt from these thoughts!"

Pulling away from Ainz, Olga with a quick, almost bouncing springy step made her way to the door then left the room, quickly walking down the hallway. The quickness of it caused Ainz to blink a couple of times before bringing his hand to his lips.

For a second, Ainz's head was empty, except perhaps for one thought.

That in the current conditions, he definitely liked being the savior of humanity...

Skill: YGGDRASIL: * (E -) upgraded to YGGDRASIL: * (E-)