Ainz was...

Ainz was physically active and moving.

If that were the defining traits of a living person, then Ainz counts as a living person.

If, on the other hand, the traits of a living person were the presence of complex thoughts? Then Ainz, for the last hour, was not among the living.

"Wow..." - Repeating such a phrase for the thousandth time did not bring any new revelation to Ainz. Nevertheless, for the last hour, the same word kept being uttered by Ainz. Again and again.

"Interesting. However… What should I do?"

A fight to the death with the gods? The death of humanity? Fiendishly, bordering on lovecraftian traps?

Baby talk!

The enemy he's trying to figure out now was much more complex. Women... Girls? The fairer representative of Humanity?

Ainz was not even entirely sure what words he could use to describe the situation he's in right now.

About twenty minutes ago, Olga, The Chief, kissed Ainz. And not because he just saved her life like the last time.

Of course, speaking apart from the conundrum he's in, getting kissed was not such an incredible event for him. Ainz may not have lived a very exciting life. But, he was not an absolute recluse. and once, albeit a long time ago, he also had youth. He also have went on dates, kissed, started a couple of short-term romances during his life and somehow managed to try sex for himself. Although he was, in essence, a rather boring adult. There are some small 'boring' adventures in life that he nevertheless embarked on… sometimes.

Therefore, if he were to assess what happened logically, getting kissed was not that an incredible mind-tearing event that Ainz would remember all his life.

The words that she uttered, 'I love you'. That… that was more difficult to parse.

Of course, Ainz, in his short-lived relationships, such words are also spoken periodically. Therefore, in a normal situation, such a thing might surprise Ainz, but not shock him to such an extent that his mind was actually in line with his real appearance. Dead.

But, in his defence, the current situation was very, very, very unusual.

So, Ainz, the Savior, in a sense, of the world. At least he had come close to the salvation of the world, after a couple of epic fights and other interesting events. Was stumped.

Ainz have actually lived the last twelve years without a single meaningful social interaction on a level greater than passing a pen to a colleague at work. So being so intimate now… was… yeah.

Ainz, whom Olga-Marie Animusphere had confessed love to, was stuck in a loop.

His boss... A pretty enough girl. A girl from another world... A world in which he is in the body of a powerful lich... guiding the salvation of humanity. And age... How old is she anyway, eighteen? Well, that is... somewhere along half his age?

Oh oh oh…

Emotion Suppression could calm Ainz down, preventing him from jumping head-first into the wall from an excess of emotion. Its function was the lynchpin for his current existence, but it could not suppress the thoughts swarming in his head.

Ainz exhaled deeply once more, shaking his head in a fruitless effort to clear his head.

So... What should he do next?

The situation was not only difficult, but inherently, genuinely, strange.

Does he love Olga? Up to this point, such a fantastical thought had never entered his head.

If he were to put it in words then he supports her, as he could understand a bit of the stress that her position would cause. He protects her, as her position is not lacking in dangers. Most of all, he will be extremely angry if so much a hair of Olga's is harmed.

But… If it were in the romantic sense of the word… To 'love' Olga...

Well, that is… Speaking objectively… Olga is beautiful. And while her character was... not the most ideal, Ainz did not consider it bad per se, rather just somewhat peculiar. And lastly she was young, very young in fact.

Ainz could not even confidently say that Olga was not playing a trick, a prank, on him. Ainz thinks he remembered some of his guildmates complaining about girls stringing them along for this and that. And Ainz doesn't think that an undead Necromancer from another world is really that appealing for a beautiful girl like Olga to date. The less said about his ordinary salaryman self the better.

On the other hand, Ainz could not guarantee that it was all a joke or even a quirk of communication. A kiss… is kind of blatant.

"Ughhh…." Ainz sighed loudly for the thousandth and one time.

His mind could not give an answer to his current predicament. Partly because Ainz could not even find the right question in his head. At least ones where the answer to which he liked or can stomach.

For example, if he wanted to know whether or not Olga was 'serious' ? He would be troubled by the fact that he wanted to know in the first place.

Or if he wanted to know if he 'loved' Olga? Then the answer would only come from thinking about things he really rather not.

And finally, the question that lies at the center of Ainz absent-mindedness, 'can we have a relationship'? Well… Ainz was scared of even contemplating the line of reasoning to even come to a conclusion.

At the very least, after finding the right 'question' Ainz mind was no longer in disarray, and his Emotion Suppression finally kicked in. Ainz could kiss the skill, the relief it brings almost palpable. Still, even without the trainload of emotions, the complex situation Ainz found himself in was still not resolved. Never mind the confusing thoughts that were the source of the problem.

No, the thoughts themselves did not go away. Moreover, Ainz was sure that if he touched his past reasoning with even just one bare wonder now, they would once again get out of control and paralyze his entire mind again. But Ainz at least felt that a delicate balance had finally been established in his head and such confusing thoughts have faded into the background. Perhaps, it would be more appropriate to use the word 'hiding' instead. Like predators waiting for the moment of greatest weakness in their prey in order to pounce on it again.

But, even if Ainz had won only a couple of hours from his thoughts, he still won. And so, he could once again congratulate himself on another unplanned victory.

As a result, Ainz was able to finally get his mind in order and leave his room...

Only to face Da Vinci face to face on the other side of the door.

Ainz blinked and then turned his gaze to Da Vinci. Da Vinci, looking into Ainz's eyes, smiled, "Well, is it time yet?"

Ainz blinked, confused. And then looked at Da Vinci like she was only a mirage of Ainz's confused mind, "Leo?"

"Despite the fact that my name alone has the secret power to solve any mysteries, it still does not answer this particular question," Da Vinci smiled, "So, Ainz. Can we go to the lab now?

Ainz blinked again and then slowly exhaled, "Leo… a little later."

"How much later?" Da Vinci narrowed her gaze, looking at Ainz, "Is it now?

"Not yet," Ainz rubbed his eyes, then glanced at Da Vinci.

Now, in a purely theoretical sense... Just a silly thought, but what if Ainz...

If he could have thought about Olga like that... Then, for example, Leo...

"Ooohh," Da Vinci suddenly giggled when she noticed the peculiar look on Ainz's face. And then with a fully caricatured gesture brought her hand under her chest and lifted it slightly, showing her very noticeable… neckline, "What a Casanova... Is Olga alone not enough for you?"

Ainz felt how a terrible attack of embarrassment was just suppressed by his skill. Ainz once again thanked his Emotion Suppression, after which he could answer Da Vinci calmly, and not like a panicked high school boy - "You want to talk about this so much, Leo?"

"Maybe…" - Da Vinci stretched out her smile, turning it from a cheerful one to a slightly mocking one, her eyes slightly squinting.

Ainz could have continued this game of keep away. But in the end, taking a deep breath, he charged ahead. "Leo, we can talk later... I left the room to summon new Servants."

"Hmm…" - Da Vinci stepped away from the door, nevertheless slowly moving her hands to the sides and smiled, - "I can't say that I fully understand the reason why you continue to do it, but... I suppose the mighty of this world have their own quirks. So... Come on."

Ainz nodded, taking a step along the corridor before Da Vinci joined beside Ainz.

It did not take long before Da Vinci, having lost the opportunity to talk about Ainz's actions in the Singularity and his romantic successes outside of it, began to speak about other things, - "By the way... You know, I have learned a couple of absolutely wonderful things about palingenesis!"

"Palingenesis?" Ainz blinked at the weird word, making Da Vinci smile.

"Let's just say... What if I found a way to heal all the wounds inflicted on the Servants by their death?" Da Vinci smiled seductively...

On average, Ainz understood every tenth word spoken by Da Vinci.

Okay, every twentieth.

"The very origin of the Servant will be changed to heal the damage", - Da Vinci, who probably did not notice this fact, continued to speak, - "It was incredibly difficult to suppress the effect of such a change on the psyche and personality of the Servant. Someone may even say that such a thing is impossible to control. But, thanks to the fact that I, Da Vinci, the genius of all geniuses, is the one that took up this task - such a modification in the palingenesis procedure was nothing more than a minor complexity. I could even say that such a thing did not become an obstacle for me at all. At least more than other questions of interest to me…"

Ainz exhaled.

So, the conversation was about the use of the Grail. Ainz remembered and understood this, and would do his best to prevent Da Vinci from leading him about.

"Undoubtedly, such a process could be considered a panacea that we should use to heal all the wounded Servants. At least if not for our limited resources - with the Grails being the most limiting factor. Nevertheless, such a change in the spiritual Core of the Servant is an act, akin to True Magic in its essence. In fact, one could even say that the very fact that this is possible to be done using only the Grail, and only one of them at that, is amazing in itself…"

Using the Grail, Ainz could repair all damage done to the Servants. Not just the physical ones, that is much easier to heal, but those that remained after their death in the Singularities...

"A specific change in the level of True Magic... It is extremely difficult to estimate just how much change would occur after the procedure. Nevertheless, at the moment, Palingenesis is primarily an experimental project, rather than a prepared procedure. However, theoretically, my calculation tells me that not a single Servant, baring some very rare exceptions, will be able to contain the whole power of the grail during the procedure. In other words, how much the Servant will become stronger by using the Grail will depend on how strong the Servant is now. Or, to put it even more simply, a weak Servant undergoing palingenesis will barely have their parameters raised. While a Servant that is already strong in the first place will ascend to an unimaginable level of power… "

'Additionally, the Servant Ainz decides to use the Grail on will additionally acquire a significant increase... In some incompletely specified ways.' Da Vinci added in her own mind.

"Of course, although it is actually impossible to say that such changes will not cause any reaction or changes. I can personally guarantee that such changes will be within the personality of the Servant himself. Indeed, the reaction to an unexpected change in the level of one's powers and abilities is absolutely normal, and is not a reaction generated by a change in the spiritual Core…"

Da Vinci then started to do her best in assuring Ainz that the impact on the personality and psyche of the Servant would be minimal. Despite the fact that such a change was... Hmm, what does 'change in the Spirit Origin' mean in this context?! Ainz shouted in his head.

"Oh, we have finally arrived!" Da Vinci finally said, happily finding a thing to distract Ainz. She then opened the doors for Ainz, allowing him to enter.

Ainz... did not fully understand the motive behind why Da Vinci was doing her best for Ainz to convince Ainz in using one of the Grails for Palingenesis. However, taking a deep breath, he came to a conclusion.

'Apparently, making a Servant undergo Palingenesis has extremely positive effects…' - Ainz nodded to himself - 'In addition, doing so would repair the injuries inflicted on the Servants that were defeated in the Singularities… The fact that there were many Servants with very convenient abilities that could no longer be summoned in the Singularities is a problem that could be solved. And if my priority was to take care of the Servants, both the ability to heal the Servants and make them stronger look very enticing for me… Besides, a Servant upgraded by the Grail would be a unique exhibit of my collection!'

Ainz smiled, after which he entered the summoning chambers.

The summoning room this time was not crowded. Except for Ainz and Da Vinci, who just entered the room, only Roman, the operator of the summoning machine, and Baal, who saw Ainz, smiled and made a small bow, were inside.

Olga was nowhere to be seen in the room, and Ainz sincerely believed that it was for the best. He admitted that he was still too insecure about what exactly he should feel and think about what happened to be able to face Olga right now. Therefore, perhaps Olga's absence within walking distance from Ainz at the moment was a boon. At least Ainz could focus on what was happening at the moment right in front of his eyes and not have his mind blue screen again.

Before long, the machine for summoning Servants was already in front of him.

Ainz glanced at the data crystal that he had found in the Singularity.

Unfortunately, due to what happened at the very end of the Singularity, Ainz was unable to collect the data crystals from the bodies of the other Servants that Baal and Cainabel finished off. Worst of all, Megalos himself dropped only the Grail and not a single data crystal after his death. Of course, one could say, in this case, that if Megalos was something like the Boss of the Singularity and the Grail was a drop of a higher grade than standard data crystals. Then, in a sense, it was logical for Megalos to drop only the Grail and not any Data Crystals. However, Ainz was still a little saddened by such events.

On the other hand, Ainz received two whole Grails in this Singularity, from Medea and from Megalos. And furthermore, Poseidon was quite generous with the drops when he was defeated. So Ainz was not particularly saddened by this fact. Moreover, he not only could summon... Four Servants, but also possessed two Grails to use!

And if Ainz decided to spend one Grail on the Palingenesis of one of his Servants, then even in that case it meant that one more Grail remained in his personal use!

Ainz smiled and waited for a signal from Roman for him to begin the process. With it he took a couple of steps toward the summoning circle and placed the requisite Data Crystals to begin the summoning process.

The Grail, hmm... What to spend the extra Grail on...

The summoning circle flickered as usual, indicating that the summoning had taken place. After a bright flash, a female adult voice interrupted Ainz's thoughts.

"Oh my, you are a rather cute Master!,'' Taking a step forward, a girl… no, a woman, wrapped in a cloak with a hood thrown over her head, appeared in front of Ainz's face. The hanging hood over her face made it difficult for Ainz to see the summoned Servant's face. However, it was not like Ainz had time to forget about the Servant he had just summoned.

"Oh, Medea", - Baal instantly, joyfully greeted the newly summoned Servant. Forcing Medea, who had heard Baal's voice, to turn her attention towards Ainz's devilish Servant, - "Just exactly the beautiful girl whom I have missed all this time! Could you remove your hood - so I could enjoy your beautiful face in its entirety again!"

Medea froze, as if she was making sure that what she was seeing was not a dream. And then after a few agonizing moments, she slowly turned her attention back to Ainz, freezing instantly. Medea just realized that the pretty Master she just met was in fact very familiar to her.

"Oh! Medea", - Ainz smiled, - "Welcome to Chaldea."

Medea, frozen, swallowed slowly. After which she robotically raised her hands, pulling the hood off her head, freeing her beautiful face, pointed ears and long purple hair that fell to her knees for everyone to see.

"Hmm, so this is what fate has decided..." Medea was still shocked and her face, which until that moment had been very friendly and welcoming, turned into an expression that could only be called 'determination', "Well, I understand... and I cannot say that I was expecting something diffe... Well, I mean it in such a way that it was fate that you turned out to be my Master?"

"Yes", - Ainz nodded and then smiled at Medea kindly. In the end, in the last Singularity, they parted on a good enough note and they fought side by side against a common enemy... Well, before that they fought against each other in a battle where Ainz, Cainabel and Baal, the three of them together killed several of Medea's allies. Therefore she must still have somewhat mixed feelings about being summoned. Well she didn't seem angry at least?

Even so, Altera and Cainabel seem to have found a common language with each other after spending some time together, so...

"Baal, would you mind if I give you an additional task?" Ainz turned to Baal, and he, as if he was just waiting for this moment, broke into a large smile, and then bowed to Ainz.

"With great pleasure, my lord," Baal then glanced at Medea knowingly. She, catching something in Baal's gaze, sighed deeply. She then looked closely at Ainz and, finding in his gaze - or, on the contrary, not finding something important, retreated.

"If it pleases my new Master," Medea took a step toward Baal, then looked at the summoning machine.

So Medea, hmm... Medea was not a bad summon. Judging by Focalor's description of her, she was a very powerful magician of this world. And as Ainz has seen from the trap created by Medea herself, she was good. So, having her on his side made Ainz happy.

The next summoning then progressed as usual...

"Are you the new Master!?" Ainz was surprised by a loud voice when the new Servant that had been summoned began speaking before the flash from the summoning even dimmed out. "I'm Francis Drake! Well, I hope we can work well together."

The newly summoned Servant was garbed in a pirate's uniform. With her beautiful face crossed out by a huge slanting scar it was Drake. She sported a joyful and content expression when she was summoned. And when she became aware of Ainz's presence - contrary to Medea's reaction - her smile widened.

"Ah, Ainz! Admiral!" Drake shook her head happily, which caused her imposing… assets, framed by her largely exposed neckline, to jiggle, "Glad to see you in good health! We just passed each other by quite recently. But, believe me, I already managed to miss the guy who could kick Heracles' ass, and then repeat the feat with his even angrier cousin!"

Taking a couple of easy steps, Drake found herself next to Ainz. She then flashed a radiant smile, - "Well, are you my new Master?"

"Yes", - Ainz nodded.

"Nice!" - Drake grinned, - "Well, Master, then go ahead! Where is your bar, casino and tavern where I can fight here?!"

"Hmm," Ainz chuckled a little, "There should be some alcohol stored somewhere. For gambling… ask some of the staff or the other Servants. Surely there must be a place where they wind down you can join. And If you want to fight, well in the next Singularity there will be plenty of them."

"Well, great! Everything I wanted in this world all in one place!" Drake smirked at Ainz, she then passed him by out of the summoning room. She seemed to not want to linger long in the drab room, leaving in search of some of the three things she asked Ainz about.

"Hmm, so far everything seems to be going well..." - Ainz breathed out - "I wish that everything would continue to go well..."

The next summoning... It ended somewhat unexpectedly for Ainz.

"Uooo!" - A bestial roar from the newly summoned Servant made Ainz instantly tense up. However, the roar was not like that of a beast, but rather of a child trying his best in imitating it.

A second later, Ainz could see the silhouette of a huge creature that towered a good two meters above all the people around him. It only took Ainz a moment before realizing who exactly he had summoned this time.

"Ah, Asterios!" Ainz smiled genially. After which the monstrous figure that had raised its hands in a show of might, froze at the words casually thrown by Ainz. The Minotaur, Asterios, then turned his attention downward, toward Ainz.

"You are... Good... Magi..." It did not take long for recognition to slowly flash on Asterios' face and in his eyes. After which Asterios took a step forward and looked at Ainz attentively, "You... My... Master?"

"Yes," Ainz nodded, after being acknowledged, Asterios' monstrous figure started moving towards him. If any other person were in Ainz's shoes, he would clearly experience at least some discomfort from the approach of such a muscle-covered giant. However, instead of a menacing grin, or even a threatening posture. Berserker's face sported only a big smile - which, however, due to lack of practice, looked more like a bestial grin... However, Ainz did not move away from Asterios, allowing him to come closer...

Then grab Ainz.

Easily lifting him off the ground, Asterios grabbed Ainz with both hands and squeezed him with such force that Ainz felt his defenses react, preventing injury and damage.

"Good magi... Good Master…" - Asterios said in his low, but still childish voice.

"Yes, probably," Ainz, with one hand free, patted Asterios on the back of the neck like a child, making him utter a vague sound of some kind of childish disapproval.

"I beg your pardon…" Ainz took his hand away from Asterios's head. However Asterios, after releasing Ainz, grabbed his hand and then put it back on his head. More precisely, he tried to do it and, finding that due to his height Ainz could not reach his head, he instantly sat down on the floor. However, even in his seated position, Asterios' head was approximately at the level of Ainz's. So Ainz, seeing Asterios' distressed face, raised his hand in order to pat Asterios on the head, to which Asterios let out an approving low growl.

"Asterios… " Ainz sighed. Indeed, he had promised Hector to take care of Asterios, and Ainz would never break his word. So Asterios being summoned is a way for him to fulfill his promise with Hector.

The memories of Hector made Ainz sigh.

Eh, Hector, an ordinary Servant with an ordinary appearance… What a rarity! Hah… Hector. What a shame it was that in the end Ainz still had to kill him. But at least he could repay him now by taking care of Asterios!

And as if answering his prayer, the summoning circle flashed again.

"Yo, this old man's a lancer, the name's Hector." Ainz froze in disbelief at the moment the fourth Servant was summoned. For a second he stopped thinking. He even stopped stroking Asterios' fair, forcing the giant to mumble something disapprovingly. Ainz was frozen in shock staring at the Servant appearing out of nowhere, - "Have you heard of me? No? Well, nice to meet ya."

"Hector…" - Ainz blinked, feeling his heart beating in delight...

The lazy gait of an overworked office worker who has not seen a vacation for three years...

The unshaven stubble, with which the man has long ceased to fight against...

The tired expression on the face of a guy who has long since come to terms with his usual gray fate...

This is the face of the most ordinary man in the crowd...

Hector froze, then glanced at Ainz and frowned. Then, seeing Asterios sitting next to Ainz, he smiled, "Ah, Ainz! Glad to see you again!"

"Hector!" Ainz felt his Emotion Suppression work full force, forcing him to regain some clarity of thoughts in spite of his overwhelming happiness, "Hector, you can't imagine how glad I am to meet you again!"

"Oh, me too", - Hector smiled wearily, - "Especially joyful of the fact that now I'm not against you, but with you."

Ainz felt as if all his dreams had come true at once.

Beautiful goddesses and powerful heroes? Take them all! Leave only Hector and Ainz will be happy!

Ainz took a deep breath and smiled.

Everything is fine! Now everything will be sunshine and rainbows!

Ainz was not even sure what he should do with Hector first.

Discuss the musical tastes of the younger generation?! Complain about the employees?! Drink a can of beer, talking about life and girls?! How many things for a completely ordinary pastime could Ainz come up with!

His Emotion Suppression went full blast once again, forcing Ainz to breathe out, collecting his thoughts.

Great, getting Hector as a summon is just fine! However, he still has one more thing to do. The Grail!

After all, if he decided to give the Grail to one of the Servants, then he still had one Grail. The Grail that could be spent on summoning a new Servant!

However, Ainz froze.

Whom should he summon this time?

He already had two Servants from Yggdrasil. Two Servants, whom he seemed to understand and control quite well... However, were he to add a third…

There was nothing wrong with the Servants from Yggdrasil themselves. Both Cainabel and Baal were very good as Servants. They are strong and balanced enough to act as second in commands, and most important of all, Ainz could easily control them. However, without his direct supervision, they were quite unpredictable, perhaps even dangerous. And while he could monitor the two Servants, Cainabel and Baal, all this time. Ainz wasn't sure a third Servant like them wouldn't turn out to be excessive for Ainz.

However, Ainz did not want to just leave a Grail idly by. Nevertheless, he already has one Grail left in his collection, he did not need an additional copy.

Therefore, Ainz steeled and took a step forward.

As Hector showed him, Servants of the New World were sometimes more than welcome rewards too!

After placing the Grail, Ainz thought about it.

While he did not want to deviate too much from the already existing pattern and not use the grail. He could admit to himself that if the Servant he summoned this time was too weak, then Ainz would probably have felt that he wasted a Grail.

Therefore, Ainz's thought when placing the Grail in the center of the summoning circle was simple.

'I want someone as strong as the Servants of Yggdrasil, but also from this world. Oh yes, and it is better if the Servant was older!'

And the Grail easily responded to his desire.

This time, unlike when summoning entities from Yggdrasil, the summoning machine did not go crazy. Although the summoning process itself did last much longer than usual. The flickering of lights, the rotation of the half rings, the operation of the machine itself - all this looked just like a normal summoning. Perhaps the long summoning time would have made Ainz tense, but after seeing Cainabel's bombastic summoning, such a normal summoning was no longer so impressive.

So when the Servant emerged from the summoning flash a second later, Ainz was not perturbed.

The first thing he sees is her long legs, clad in light black armor. After that, the red cloak she wore, fluttering easily in the wind. After that, his attention was attracted by the body of the girl, who took a step forward. In contrast to her legs that are clad in steel boots, her torso was covered with a tight black leather suit sticking closely to her skin. The fit outlining the seductive form and rather large breasts of the girl.

Then his attention was attracted by a collar, a strange one, as if created from hundreds of narrow steel strips on her head. It was placed like a kind of hood, or perhaps even in the manner of a laurel wreath, framing the head of a girl - or is it a woman? Judging by the appearance, the Servant looked stunning and beautiful with a certain masculine charm to it. An appearance that young girls often dream of.

An Onee-Sama. A look straight out of a shoujo manga aimed at a certain audience that likes lilies.

Long, deeply scarlet hair fell down her shoulders, reaching about the middle of her back, falling in uneven strands on all sides.

The Servant's face was sharp, her features were sharp, and the look from under narrowed eyes was cold, but at the same time somewhat charming.

In the end, Ainz had wished for someone like Cainabel and Baal.

Who can be more like Cainabel, the conqueror who appeared for a moment in the world only to die ingloriously, than another conqueror. A Servant created only like a passing dream from thousands of impossible timelines?

Who could be more like Baal, the Demon Emperor, than a True Demon King?

"I am the Demon King of the Sixth Heaven," The summoned Servant took a measured step forward, continuing to survey those around her, "Papiyas, Oda Nobunaga. The welcoming ceremony. Devouring the world is the going of a hegemon. Guide me. O one who travels endlessly with a human body"

Ainz froze.

'The one who travels with a human body…' Ainz swallowed nervously. Did she know something?! Did he accidentally summon a Servant from Yggdrasil after all?! Oda Nobunaga... She did not look at all like the Oda Nobunaga from Yggdrasil. But, just like the two Servants from Yggdrasil, her summoning could significantly change her appearance of course...

"Hmm?" Oda's gaze then rested on Ainz, after which, seeing Asterios next to Ainz, she smiled, "Oh, I see that you turned out to be a good servant. Well, well, your king is pleased."

Ainz blinked. No, apparently it was not a Servant from Yggdrasil. They usually showed him much more honors, especially when they first met, and they realized who had summoned them.

Ainz blinked in confusion. After which, just in case, he decided to clarify something, - "I'm not sure about this servant thing... I summoned you, which means the Servant in this case is you, and I am the Master."

With a short laugh, Oda looked at Ainz in confusion, "I don't care about what you imagined would happen, Master. I am the king and you are now my servant. That's how it works."

Ainz blinked again, "No, I'm pretty sure that…"

"ENOUGH!" - A sharp burst of mana, which took the form of a black and red wave of flame flared up around Oda, easily crashing and gnawing pieces of the concrete floor, - "Don't overstep your boundaries!"

Asterios started stirring under Ainz's hand, feeling a clear threat to his new Master, forcing Ainz to step forward.

It is worth saying that Ainz was a very humble and a pacifistic person in himself. Perhaps even too much. Ainz practically never got involved in other people's conflicts, he was not nosy about people's business and did not grandstand, often believing that his merits were actually nonexistent.

However, he admits that over the past months, Ainz has become significantly accustomed to the fact that the Servants he summoned to Chaldea treated him with respect, kindness, or even fear. But never were any Servants so rude and dismissive like Oda just now.

And, he must admit, he really started to get a liking in being treated as someone special. After talking with Olga, he really considered himself a winner in life. He solved the Singularity almost perfectly, coped with the unexpected crisis quite easily, and generally showed his best side to the people around him. He has begun to get used to the fact that people treat him not only well, but respectfully.

And so, although Ainz was a humble and pacifistic person, this time Oda's actions and reactions hurt him.

And so, Ainz took a step forward.

Although his body could not withstand his full strength, if he only used the first or second rank of his Aura, that would be enough.

A second later, an intangible wave of primal terror swept through Chaldea. It was nothing like the showy wave of intent from Oda that looked like a wave of fire. It was simply a wave of despair, it was if Death was stalking behind you.

A sensation of dread washed over every Servant, every person. A certainty of their death made them frozen in place for a second, as if a black cloud hovered over them, blotting out the sun.

Oda, who had previously looked at Ainz with disdain, froze suddenly. After which her mocking gaze suddenly became serious.

Ainz suddenly realized that his reaction was very impulsive and ill thought of. However, the suppression of his emotions also deprived him of his shame, making Ainz realize that he had only one way forward. Once he started doing it, he had to do so until the end.

"I don't care if you are a king, a demon or even a monster," Ainz mouthed quitely. In fact, it was a bluff and Ainz realized that he might be crossing the line, but he could not do anything else,

"I am Ainz Ooal Gown, and I am your Master. You can call yourself whatever you want and behave whatever you like. But, from now on I am your Master and you are my Servant. Nothing you can do will change this fact. And if you wish to resist my will. Well, I will be glad to show you why even gods become my Servants."

For a second, there was a deathly stand off between Ainz and Oda, during which the Master and Servant looked at each other intensely.

Oda didn't look scared - but Ainz also didn't show the belief that he just did something unnecessary. The two looked at each other.

Before Oda, who had looked mockingly before, took a step back and grunted, "Hmm, Master… Okay, Master. If you consider yourself worthy of this title, then I will allow you to become my Master - and I will be your Servant. But you will have to be the greatest Master of all time and worlds to justify such a lofty title."

After that, Oda took a step and turned around, waving her cloak, and then headed away from the room.

Ainz swallowed internally.

He did something stupid. Something extremely stupid in fact... But this time this stupidity turned out to be successful!

Ainz slowly exhaled the air which he managed to hold back unnoticed.

"Hmm, still, my master's legacy lives on,"' Baal weighed out his comment, making Ainz sigh, and then glancing at the people around him.

To be honest, he hoped that this small excess would not have far-reaching consequences.

Oh, how he hoped...

Skill: Charisma: A ++ (C) Upgraded to Charisma: A ++ (B)