At the moment Ainz released his Aura of Despair, an Aura of unimaginable terror, Medusa was inside of her room.

The moment the Aura of Despair washed over Chaldea, it seemed as if the whole world froze for a second.

Everybody felt as if they were a small beast frolicking on a prairie when the monstrous shadow of a dragon soaring in the heights suddenly fell upon them.

It is as if Death itself just passed them by. Medusa felt the primal horror passed her by.

As if Death itself, with a sidelong glance seeing the insignificance of Medusa, simply passed her by. Medusa felt something had touched her figure with the very edge of her consciousness, leaving only a sense of presence, like a protective sign that felt familiar somehow to Medusa.

That something was near. That the thing did not consider her significant enough to even stop nearby. And that thing has allowed her to continue to exist.

The power that touched her was not evil or threatening, but just indifferent and powerful. Death does not care about hatred, envies, or desires. Death does not care for people's emotions. Death does not wait for its victims, neither with a vicious grin, nor with a large smile. Death is indifferent.

And Death, which had touched Medusa, was indifferent, calm, lazy. It was in no hurry. It waited in the wings. And for that frozen second, to Medusa, the fleeting touch of Death was what she had been waiting for all this time.

It seemed as if there was no longer a future for Medusa. That there was no way to take a step further. There was nothing more for her.

Death has decided to put an end to her fate. And Medusa could do nothing.

She froze, unable to do anything but meet her end.

Then, the overwhelming feeling was gone.

As fast as it had appeared, it also disappeared just as fast. As if Death, standing in front of her, had retreated. As if by looking into her eyes, Death looked at her whole life - and made the decision to let Medusa continue living, retreating from her path in an instant. As if it hadn't happened at all, simply a figment of her imagination. But Medusa knew better, she knew to her very core, that what just happened was real..

Medusa slowly exhaled the breath she was unknowingly holding, and then fell onto the bed like a puppet whose strings have been cut.

She did not need to wonder for a long time what exactly had caused this phenomenon, and what made her inevitable death retreat.

Ainz, her Master.

Medusa sighed again, after which her mind, finally clearing, allowed her to remember her sisters and how they would react to the presence.

Euryale and Stheno...

Medusa couldn't imagine Ainz being angry. However, she could imagine him being truly intimidating. As if Death itself have descended to the Earth to reap its harvest.

And yet, even imagining Ainz as Death walking toward her slowly - emotionless, measured, almost bored, Medusa could not imagine Ainz hurting her at all.

Even so, Medusa wouldn't deceive herself. If they were on opposite sides of a side, if they were to be pitted against each other… Medusa did not harbor any illusions that she would survive or be treated in a special way. Ainz acted efficiently and without mercy. Ainz acted in a controlled manner, with steady steps in accomplishing his goals. Ainz acted logically, not emotionally. Medusa could not even imagine the horror that Ainz could bring, if they collided in battle. Perhaps she would experience whatever it is that traumatized her sisters so.

However, Medusa was Ainz's Servant. A Servant he valued. The Servant he lost his composure for. The Servant he... loved?

Even if Medusa were holding onto Ainz's right hand while Death itself descended from the pages of ancient scriptures and legends older than any Hero, Medusa could not imagine that, on a whim, Ainz would decide to get rid of her. Ainz would throw her like an unnecessary burden, whose fate will henceforth be to rust in the pouring rain, lying on a distant wasteland abandoned by people.

Medusa could... Medusa could imagine her ineffable Master - Ainz - standing in front of her, protecting her from Death itself. She could picture how mildly he will chide her for her mistakes. And of how easily he will wave his hand and eliminate even Death.

She could imagine Ainz standing in front of a thousand godly enemies, making them tremble. She could imagine his disinterested face as he wrought upon them hell and suffering. But, for the life of her, she could not imagine Ainz looking at her the same way. Coldly, unemotionally, distantly.

It seemed to her that even at the moment when Death itself reached for her, Ainz was not the Death reaching towards her. Instead, Ainz was the one who forced Death to retreat from her in the end.

Medusa sighed forlornly.

How easy it is for one to make a decision, to be more courageous and open when dreaming, and how difficult it is to fulfill it...

A knock on the door made Medusa open her eyes slowly from her stupor. She then slowly lifted herself off of her bed and walked towards the door. Medusa wondered who is visiting her now

Most likely, it was her sisters. Surely, when they were confronted by that very familiar overwhelming presence, they got scared, and then rushed to their younger sister for support and protection. And Medusa was not against it, she was ready to console her sisters, however... Sometimes, sometimes it was too much. Sometimes Medusa was not so happy that her sisters turned to her for help all the time.

And at the same time, Medusa could not refuse to be a supportive presence for her sisters.

Therefore, when she opened the door and found not her sisters behind the door, Medusa was somewhat surprised.

When she found Ainz outside the door, Medusa was surprised even more.

Blinking several times, Medusa stared like a deer in front of a light at the object of her thoughts, who looked at her kindly in response, "Can I come in?"

"Yes, yes, of course!" Medusa stepped back hurriedly, reproaching herself for her lapse, and then looked at Ainz as he entered her room.

So here's Ainz now... the one to whom Medusa wanted to... wanted...

Oh, what did she want?

All of Medusa's previous thoughts were somehow strangely lost as soon as she saw Ainz, forcing her to mechanically place one of the chairs in the room next to the bed, and then sit woodenly on it, looking at how Ainz sat on the bed.

There was an overwhelming silence in the room, in which Medusa and Ainz stared at each other for several seconds before Ainz coughed into his fist, breaking the silence.

"I came to meet you on an important matter," Ainz exhaled, then extended his hand. The black hole of the abyss opened in front of his hand, after which a second later, a small object flashed in Ainz's hands.

The golden cup, the Holy Grail, to be precise.

"The Grail" - Medusa noted to herself, not even completely surprised.

No, Medusa had heard that Ainz received a Holy Grail every time one of the Singularity was solved, but hearing and seeing were different things.

The Holy Grail, the most desirable thing in the whole world. Wishmaker, the coveted prize of the Holy Grail War. The greatest artifact created by a confluence of True Magic that can do the impossible.

And it was in Ainz's hands. Within spitting distance from Medusa.

That for which she once participated in a Holy Grail War for. A tool that can grant what she so longed for. So close to her...

Medusa blinked and then turned her gaze to Ainz, of course he had the Grail. Probably not only the one at that. Moreover, if Ainz had said that he had something better than the Grail, Medusa would not have been surprised. Yes, it was logically impossible to have something better than something that can give you anything you want. But then again, who were they talking about? This is Ainz. Impossible in this case is just a word Ainz used to ignore.

Therefore, Medusa was not surprised that the Grail was suddenly in Ainz's hands. The only thing that only interested her was the fact that for some reason Ainz is showing it off in her room.

Of course, there was some incredibly small probability that Ainz was looking for something else and got it by accident. Or it might even be possible that he just decided to show off one of his treasures to Medusa. But Medusa hardly believed that Ainz was the kind of man that liked to gloat. Therefore, Medusa, having studied the Grail closely, shifted her gaze to Ainz.

"I have to admit, I'm not quite sure what exactly will happen," Ainz exhaled, "But I would like to offer you… This Grail.

Medusa froze.

The most coveted prize in the universe. A prize even legendary heroes would fight for in a terrifying war where there are no allies and the righteous... He just offered it to her. Just… just like that...

Although yes, it's Ainz. Who, if not Ainz, would offer the Grail as a normal person would give a mug that he bought in bulk, which he himself did not need at all?

"Da Vinci explained to me that if a Servant would use the Grail, then they would become much stronger. And, more importantly, besides that your previous... injuries due to your 'death' in the Singularity will also heal", - Ainz explained glibly, then nodded slowly, - "I apologize for the fact that I allowed it to happen in the first place..."

Medusa might have said something like 'no, no, it's my fault' to Ainz, only to realize that she might... offend him with such a reply.

Ainz was not a typical king, not one of those who brutally ruled his domain with a tyrannical hand. One who would send their armies to the slaughter callously. And yet, Medusa understood that despite all his kindness and meekness, Ainz's position in this world was so high that it meant absolutely nothing to him. After all, what giant needs an ant's worship?

He did not need grand titles or validation of his merits. Therefore, he perfectly understood what he was doing at the moment, bowing to Medusa. If he had decided on a course of action, any excuses on the part of Medusa were tactless, if not offensive in nature. Therefore, Medusa remained silent, allowing Ainz to speak further.

"In any case, I have no right to demand that you agree to such a thing", - Ainz explained softly, - "Although Da Vinci assured me that such a procedure would not have an effect on your memory and personality, even so, it is still an experimental procedure in the best of cases. Therefore - if you refuse - I will certainly respect your decision."

Medusa believed that Ainz did not make mistakes. Not her perfect, unshakable, powerful and incredibly wise Master. Therefore, it was so strange for her to realize that Ainz had made an error in his speech.

What is he talking about, 'have no right'? The Servant is only a pawn of the Master, so obeying Ainz is instilled by nature. A Servant exists as long as he has a Master and not the other way around. The Master's Absolute Orders make the Servant obey. The Servant themself are only existing in this world only at the behest of the Master.

Yes, most often than not, the Servants are much stronger than the Master. With her Master, Ainz, being one of the very rare exceptions. Just as with a soldier holding an assault rifle. While it's true that the rifle is in a sense more 'powerful' than the soldier, it still doesn't mean that the rifle has ceased to be a tool.

Just as it is with Servants, they are simply more powerful weapons. Servants were created as a wordless tool, perhaps with intelligence to facilitate interaction with the Master. However, primitive artificial intelligence has long since been built into even kitchen utensils. So even from that angle, Servants were not a particularly special tool.

The Servant's right to life and death is determined by their Master. The right to power, to exist, to behave. What did it mean, for Ainz to say that he 'have no right'?

Perhaps if Ainz were talking about a person. About someone, even if not equal, but standing on the same level with him then that would make sense...

About somebody…

About somebody…

Medusa blinked.

Ainz... considered her... a Person.

The realization of this strange, incomprehensible fact suddenly hit Medusa with a force with which even a hundred Excalibur could not equal.

How... strange...

Ainz has been taking care of Medusa for so long, and Medusa couldn't understand why. Why is he treating her so well? Why does he bother to reward her? Why was he angry about her death? Why does he forgive her mistakes?

Ainz... just thought that she was a normal person.

Even if she was not as strong as Cainabel - Ainz considered her to be human. Even if she was not as good-natured as Mashu, Ainz considered her to be human.

And even if she was not as close to him as Olga - Ainz considered her a human.

Not a monster, not a Servant, not a tool, but... a girl. Person. Human.

If she were not frozen in shock, it would not be strange for Medusa to burst into tears at that moment... And Ainz would sit down next to her to comfort her. He would wipe away her tears, hug her, and say that everything is fine... Not as a Servant, but as a girl, as a person, as a human.

But the discovery, which she should have figured out so long ago, was so unexpected and strong for her that there were no tears in Medusa's eyes.

It's just that the moment Medusa met Ainz on the threshold of her room, all her words were suddenly lost. And now Medusa also could not find the right words.

Instead, she realized that she didn't need words.

A second later, showing incredible courage and even some disregard for rules, Medusa grabbed Ainz by the collar of his shirt and, drunk with her own insolence, pulled him in, kissing him.

Ainz once again found himself in a strange, incomprehensible, and very confusing situation. Okay, he must admit, a situation that he really likes. Still, he was so shocked that he was locked in place like a statue.

Medusa planned to take full advantage of this situation.

Therefore, for about five and a half minutes, neither Medusa nor Ainz was aware of the world outside of each other. And even when the Grail fell out of Ainz's hand - none of them reacted to this fact. Moreover, Medusa, just in case, kicked it with her foot under the bed - so as not to distract them.

In the end, however, even such a passionate and romantic moment needed to end and Ainz pulled away from Medusa, slowly regaining clarity.

Medusa did not know, but during those long and yet paradoxically short minutes, Ainz's Emotion Suppression fired off about ten or fifteen times. Even so, Ainz felt his mind still in an incomprehensible state.

However, for Medusa, his silence took on a completely different look.

Medusa saw that Ainz didn't show any particular emotion on his face, other than maybe a faint surprise. As if to suggest that Ainz was expecting something like this to happen, not now, but maybe in a couple of hours or at least tomorrow. His eyes were not cold, but not overly loving either. They were simply warm and understanding.

Medusa was well aware of both her position and the rationale behind punishing such actions.

It wouldn't be strange if another Master in Ainz's place would punish Medusa for her willful actions or decisions. However, Medusa could not imagine anyone else could be in Ainz's place. Medusa would not allow anyone to take Ainz's place. And if she had a different Master, she would never even think of kissing them.

And so Medusa was confident that Ainz, even if he never considered her worthy of his attention and even if he considered her a simple girl below his rank, would not throw her away or hurt her. There will be no disappointment about her in his voice, and there will be no condemning look.

Therefore, Medusa did not regret what she did. Whatever the result, she has made her decision. And although Medusa was a quiet girl, this did not mean that she would be shy about her goals.

However, Ainz did not look happy when he pulled away from her. Perhaps the only word Medusa could describe Ainz's expression was somewhat confused.

Medusa sighed.

Ainz exhaled and shook his head. Medusa... She felt something in her chest clenched, but did not show any reaction to it. Whatever Ainz says now, she will take it steadily and calmly...

"Medusa", - Ainz slowly raised his gaze, looking into Medusa's eyes. Not at all afraid of her gaze. Looking into the eyes of the one whom he considered not just a Servant, but a person, - "I am... Not so stupid as not to understand your actions, but... Why?"

Medusa was shocked. Apparently, she really did overestimate Ainz's attitude towards her.

"I understand that we will never be on the same level", - Medusa smiled sadly, - "But... I love you."

Ainz blinked.

Such a simple human gesture of confusion… after which Ainz still looked at her straight in the eye, "Right. Even though these words are kinda cruel... Ahem, maybe even too cruel for me…"

After that puzzling remark, Ainz slightly shifted his gaze and frowned, reflecting on what Medusa just said, after which he shook his head, throwing off the thought. Or maybe he was thinking about some incredible mysteries about the fate of the world, Medusa did not know, - "But… it's true. So why?"

"Because you always considered me a human", - Medusa smiled, - "I just... I am... Not very attentive. It's funny, I always thought that my ability to see without sight makes me insightful when compared to other Servants. But, to think I only realized some things just now. That you always treated me like an equal, not as a wordless tool or a despised monster. Not even as a legendary Servant. But always as me, Medusa."

Ainz sighed and shook his head, "Is that all?

"That's all," Medusa replied softly.

Of course, she could refer to each event that reached her heart one by one. Perhaps when Ainz says that he loved the same books that she did. Or maybe when he fought for her. Or maybe even when he helped her, and how he defended her. That he was smart, handsome or noble. Or about the strange, inexpressible sense of security that she felt when near him, as if she was behind the back of an older brother always ready to help and support her. But...

Should she have said that? Did she really need to vulgarize her feelings with a petty listing of all the priceless artifacts that he spent on her. All the seconds of time that he was forced to spend on her petty problems. All the effort he took to solve all the inconveniences that she caused him? Medusa did not think so and therefore only smiled at Ainz.

She was ready to be rejected. Perhaps it was even the correct thing for Ainz to do. Who was Ainz and who was Medusa? A powerful magician, a conquering king without a kingdom, a godkiller who walks through the worlds with an inexpressible goal. A Saviour to the salvation of humanity, or if he wanted to, even to its death...

And Medusa. A Servant who appeared at the whim of human rumor, a legend whose most famous deed is to be killed by a gallant hero in his story...

Medusa was ready to be rejected, expecting it even.

But what will this mean after? What will she do? How will she feel?

Will she step back from Ainz? Will she let him enjoy his wonderful life, where there was no place for her?

Yes. Medusa will do just that. Ainz already gave her happiness, something that Medusa considered an unattainable dream for herself. Therefore, giving him happiness, even if there was no place in it for her, would be the least that she could do for him in return.

Medusa slowly felt tears were welling up in her eyes...

"Understand," Ainz breathed out, "You... You are beautiful and I know thousands of other guys that would be crazy happy if they were in my place. However…"

Medusa lightly trembled.

Well, rejection… It was even romantic, in the saddest sense of the word.

Medusa felt a pleasant sadness settle in her chest.

"However, Olga-Marie…" - Ainz spoke the words...

Medusa slowly accepted the rejecti...

She froze.

Olga-Marie... That is... The name of the chief...

"I… I can't betray her," Ainz exhaled, "I'm not completely sure, but still…"

Medusa blinked, slowly, as if breaking through the veil of sleep.

Olga-Marie... The Chief of Chaldea... Was with Ainz.

It… Medusa already knew it.

"I know," Medusa answered slowly.

At that moment, Ainz stopped short. After which, Medusa and Ainz looked into each other's eyes once again.

Medusa, in general, knew that Olga-Marie and Ainz were very close.

So what?

"I also know about Serenity and Kiyohime…" - Medusa spoke directly.

It was Ainz's turn this time to be frozen listening to Medusa.

Medusa... She considered herself an instrument of her Master. Not too few Servants also felt the same way.

Throughout all of human history; power, money and strength have attracted partners to whoever possessed them, be they female or male. In many legends, great heroes were famous not only for their exploits - but also for the list of mistresses and lovers they left behind.

Even according to the most modest version, Heracles, during a meeting with King Thespius, left behind twelve mistresses. And this without listing his four wives and dozens of mistresses throughout Hellas.

It was not strange to imagine that Ainz also would have many mistresses. In this case, the fact that this cohort included only Serenity, Kiyohime, Olga-Marie and maybe Nero, Cainabel, Mashu and Jeanne Alter was more strange in itself. Moreover, the fact that he did not leave his mistresses after one night, but continued taking care of them, spoke more in Ainz's favor than anything else.

So of course, Medusa knew that Ainz had other lovers and was prepared for it from the very beginning that she would consider herself one of many. After all, one could even say that Medusa considered it natural...

However, Ainz himself did not consider it natural.

"Therefore, even if I'm not worthy…" Medusa is no longer going to hide, she was ready to retreat if Ainz asked for it, but if not, and the problem was something else... Well, Medusa was not used to giving up so easily, - "I'm ready for anything."

Ainz blinked, after which he even scratched his head somewhat perplexedly, "Ah, so this is the kind of 'we are not equal' you mean …"

Before Medusa could comprehend what Ainz just said, he continued, "That is… You say you agree… To be… One of…"

"Yes, if you call it that, then it completely suits me", - Trying to take all Ainz's attention to oneself... Medusa, maybe, could dream of something like that, however... She needs to keep her expectations in reality. Medusa was not equal to Ainz, so she would never achieve the position of a wife. So, for her, even the title of 'concubine' sounded more than enough for her.

Ainz, still confused, exhaled, "Oh... Hmm, I see…"

After that, as if battling some kind of difficult thoughts and even Medusa was ready to say, a little bewildered, Ainz got up from the bed, "I… I'll think about… This question… I… I… I'll have to… Discuss it…"

Medusa nodded calmly. Although Ainz did not have to report on getting a new mistress to the others, the fact that he decided to discuss it first spoke of how much he valued the other girls.

Ainz slowly got out of bed, after which, measuredly moved away, carefully closing the door behind him. For some reason, Medusa had a strange feeling that Ainz was moving as if on autopilot.

Medusa was now left alone, after which she raised her hand to her glasses...

It is dangerous for it to fall off.

She's an adult. She is a mature woman. She will not jump on the bed, waving her arms and shout out to the skies her jubilation.

She won't...

She won't!

Medusa came to herself after about two hours, finally having the adrenaline flushed out of her system, falling on the bed exhausted.

Okay, Ainz still hasn't made a final decision...

But the most important thing is that she was not rejected in the end!

Therefore, Medusa's mood was so good that it would not be unusual for her to feel so joyful.

So joyful that the Grail that accidentally rolled out from under the bed did not even immediately attract her attention. And even when Medusa nevertheless found it with her gaze and remembered what it really was, her first thought was to question why the Grail was in her room...

The heart pounding conversation she had with Ainz in the end had swept all the information about why he originally came out of her mind. It took several minutes for Medusa to remember the several agonizingly long seconds about why she was originally given the Grail.

After a while, Medusa nevertheless remembered. After which she reached for the Grail under her, lifting it in her arms.

So, palingenesis... Da Vinci had told, perhaps, every Servant about her incredible new invention. And, to be honest, Medusa really didn't think that Ainz would choose her for such an honor.

In such a case, Medusa could say that it was... Something like an expression of personal gratitude, maybe even a sign of trust from Ainz.

Medusa slowly traced the Grail with her finger.

An incredible amount of magic boiled inside the artifact, ready to be unleashed on her slightest whims. The most coveted prize in the entire universe...

Given to her like an insignificant trinket that was just gathering dusts on the store shelf.

Medusa smiled beatifically.

It's funny, she so wanted to make a wish to the Grail for a very particular wish...

And yet, now that Ainz has accepted her...

All her desires seemed so unimportant, so petty, so insignificant... So unnecessary...

It's funny how it turns out that it was actually very easy to fulfill her most cherished desire.

And all of it without any help from the Grail.

Medusa slowly extended her hand, then tossed the Grail up into the air, catching it a little later.

She didn't want to wish for anything to the Grail.

Not that the Grail would change her story. Not that it would change her curse.

In the end, Ainz accepted her as she is. So... perhaps she should accept herself like that.

And therefore, before the process of palingenesis started, Medusa's inner desire was perhaps very shocking to anyone who knew of her legend.

"I accept myself for who I am."

And the Grail answered her.

Medusa Gorgon (Echidna) received (12) levels!

Echidna (5); Lord of Monsters (5); Mother of Monsters (2)

HP: 60 (+40)

Mana: 60 (+20)

Physical Attack: 60

Physical Defense: 0

Agility: 80

Magical Attack: 0

Magical Defense: 60

Resistance: 40 (+30)

Special Abilities: 90

Medusa's True Name has been changed!

2 Skill(s) have been added!

1 Skill(s) have been changed!

2 Noble Phantasm(s) have been added!

Player comments:

-Build still doesn't work!

-God, why are you adding even more mana to her?! Why was the hp increased even further for such a build?! Phys. defence - zero… Like, come on, this is not even funny anymore!

-A summoner... who has no Magic Attack... And with agility up to the parameters of a decent rogue… orz :(