Chapter 5_

Raine forced Rose and April to join her for lunch and as they ate, they discussed the recent happenings in the country and April told Raine and Rose a bit about the latest gossip and trends.

When April had been employed as Raine's personal assistant, she had already heard rumors about Raine being a cold-hearted woman and tyrant so she had been of her utmost best behavior that day. However, the instant she had been escorted into Raine's office by a person from human resources and had come upon Rose, her brain had shut down.

Rose, who she had mistaken as Raine was the human form of winter. Not only was her whole being shrouded in ice but her eyes which were blue in color were equally as cold as snow. They were so piercingly cold that April was sure she could see right into her soul and she had begun to get goosebumps because of that.

In intimidation, she had bowed and stammered along with her greeting in a squeal. "Ms. Pr-rre-ssssident!"

She had been so scared that she remained bowed for two minutes until she heard a throat being cleared and her name called out icily. "Miss April? It seems like you have not done adequate research on this cooperation. I am President Raine's secretary and I will be putting you through your obligations.

However, I believe the first thing you need to do is to do your research. You can go back home now and find out about this cooperation. Failure to answer my questions correctly tomorrow would warrant you being fired and if you cannot complete this assignment then do not bother coming in tomorrow."

Upon hearing Rose's decree, April froze and began to sweat profusely. She had been pretty lucky to have gotten the job as Raine's personal assistant as she had applied last minute and frankly she did not think she performed quite exceptionally at the interviews she had attended. However, if she wanted to tap into her luck then she had to prove her worth and she was sure this was just an entry-level test.

There were much more tests that were going to come her way and that frightened her. She was already fretting on how to accomplish the task given to her by tomorrow, she dared not to overthink.

"Understood, secretary Rose," April murmured in a thin voice and watched as Rose walked away without any hesitation.

The person from human resources who had escorted her over winced and led her out of the office. "Sorry about that. Secretary Rose is pretty cold. People regard President Raine and Secretary Rose as a pair of twins because they are cut from the same cloth. Don't worry you will get used to them quite soon. Practice with Secretary Rose will prepare you for your experience with President Raine. "

April had looked up at the male speaking to her and had smiled sweetly at him while checking the tag on his shirt; Benjamin Cooker. She committed his name to her memory and promised herself to return his kindness to him someday.

April had gone home and committed herself to the task Rose had given her. She wanted to prove her worth to them and show her that they had not made a mistake by employing her.

The next day, she had dressed up elegantly and professionally and had applied light make-up to her face; just enough to cover her eye bags and to add a bit of color to her otherwise pale face. She had barely slept the previous night.

She marched into the cooperation with false bravado and traced her way back up to the office she had met Rose the previous day. She had received her company identification card and other necessary files from the human resources department the day before so she had faced no issues on entering the company.

She got to Rose's office quite easily but hesitated in front of it. She knew that her fate was sealed by whatever occurred inside the office. However, it seemed like lady luck was still shinning on her because when she had finally made up her mind to enter the office, the person she had met inside Rose's office was not her but instead it was president Raine.

Because of her mandatory research, she was now able to accurately identify who the apathetic beauty was. "President Raine, good morning Ma'am."

Raine had turned around to stare at her before she went back to search for the documents she needed on Rose's table. "If you are looking for my secretary, she is not around and will not be around for a while. Come back later."

"I was meant to report as your personal assistant today Ma'am." April had responded tentatively and Raine stopped what she was doing.

Raine re-turned around and took her time to assess the lady standing in front of her. Raine had always been intuitive since she was young and she never took her feelings lightly.

"In that case, study the post-it notes Rose pasted inside this notebook and take care of it all," Raine replied as she took a file from the table while simultaneously passing a notebook to April.

April looked at the notebook in confusion and cried out before Raine could open the door to her office. "Ms. President! But Secretary Rose said…"

"You can forget about the test. I believe you will do the job brilliantly. Don't let me down and please do not enter my office under any circumstances. If you need my attention, just dial zero on the office phone."

Raine entered her office immediately after she said her piece and April stood flabbergasted for a while before she snapped out of it and went to sit on Rose's chair.

She flipped through the notebook and saw it littered with different post its. At first, she was confused and didn't know what to do but the more she studied the book, she realized that each page was dated so she went to the page with the present date and read the tasks that were present. She noticed that each of the tasks was timed so she checked the time and searched for her first task.

"Report today's news to President Raine…" She read out loud and gulped then she stared at the office phone that was placed at a corner of the desk and smiled hesitantly. "Here goes nothing…" she murmured as she picked up the phone.