Chapter 13_ More Unbearable!

Raine gave her sister some time to express her feelings and only detached herself when she had felt that her younger sister had become a bit calmer.

Even though Rosalina was no more feeling that emotional, she still wanted to hold on to her sister. However, prior knowledge and understanding of Raine had taught her to not ask for a mile after being given an inch.

It had been a miracle for Raine to have tolerated her hug for that long; overdoing it wouldn't bring forth any benefits at all and that was if it didn't even result in punishment or embarrassment. To prevent either of the two options, she decided to take the safer side.

After she had readjusted herself into a respectful position, Raine spoke again. "What did you find out?"

Rosalina rolled her eyes and smiled inwardly. Her sister was too business-minded. "Someone didn't give me enough time to find more detail. " Rosalina sassed. "But... you were right. A spy has been planted into the company."

Raine kneaded her temples and sighed.

"Sis, there's something I'm confused about though," Rosalina said as she interrupted Raine's thinking process.

Raine lifted her eyebrows and stared at her. However, Rosalina didn't say anything but looked at her in anticipation. It took a while for Raine to understand what she wanted.

"What is it?" She huffed out in annoyance which made Rosalina smile in content.

"As I was investigating, I noticed there were more than a few hints that were pointing to someone being interested in me..."

"And of what concern is that to me?" Raine interrupted her rudely and got an earful from Rosalina.

"Can't you wait a bit before you interrupt me? I was clearly getting at something. I have no need or care to brag about the daily attention I get from the opposite sex, something you have never and probably would never receive because of your scary demeanor."

Raine paused and smiled. "Are you done with your insults?"

"Done..." Rosalina asked perplexed while Lilith and April laughed.

Raine clearly hadn't taken her outburst as something important and that instantly deflated the rage that had been building up in Rosalina. She felt like she had been punching the air, there was no satisfaction at all.

Rosalina took a deep breath and responded with a forced smile. "I'm done."

"Then continue with your rant. I'm listening."

Rosalina had to repeat 'I will not get angry' in her mind over and over again before she could calm down enough to speak. "As I was saying..."

"Wait, we're already at home. We will continue this conversation in my office." Raine interrupted her as the car came to a standstill in front of a grey and white Villa that was built in a Victorian-era theme.

Without waiting for a response from Rosalina, Raine climbed out of the car and began her walk to the house. April glanced apologetically at Rosalina but rushed after her boss leaving Lilith with the fuming Rosalina.

Lilith glanced at her lady and tried her best to garner the courage to speak with her.

"My lady..." She began but didn't get any reaction from Rosalina. "My lady, we need to leave the car so that the driver can park it."

However, even after her gentle reminder, Rosalina did not speak. In worry, Lilith spoke again. "Young Miss, the Young Mistress is waiting for you in her office!"

Finally, Rosalina looked towards her and spoke. "Lilith is it just me or has my elder sister become more unbearable."

Lilith didn't know how to respond to her lady. She couldn't possibly tell her that her idol had always been that mean and that due was just noticing it but neither could she tell her that she had changed because that would be lying.

Instead of picking either of the options that would undoubtedly prove detrimental to her, she decided to change the topic. "Miss, we really need to go now."

"Okay, let's go inside."

Lilith opened the door for her lady and ushered her into the villa.

"Good evening, Young Miss. The Young Mistress is waiting for you in her office." Miranda, Raine's housekeeper said immediately they entered the house and Rosalina smiled in response before nodding to Lilith.

Lilith understood that her presence wasn't needed in the office so she left Rosalina's side and followed Miranda. This wasn't her first time here so she was familiar with her.

Rosalina walked past the living room into the hall of fame and stopped in front of their family portrait.

She admired the picture just as she always did whenever she came over to her sister's house before moving it 45 degrees to the right.

A small box protruded out of the wall and opened up to display a hidden biometric scanner. She placed her palm on it and after a minute, her information was displayed.

However, the secret door didn't open yet. Instead, the scanner moved upwards until it was eye level to her then stopped.

She moved forward and allowed it to read her iris and the wall separated to show a glass door that opened for her.

She entered the office and walked towards her sister who was seated behind a huge black mahogany desk.

"You took your time to come." Raine stated as she waved towards the chair beside April.

Rosalina sat down and smiled back in response. "You cannot blame me for that, I'm not the one who has do many defense mechanisms in front of her office." She shrugged in retort before getting down to business.

"Like I was trying before I was interrupted. I've noticed there are a lot of people trying to get into my good book and those who aren't are investigating me. At first, just as you thought, I associated it to them being interested in me but later I found out that some were trying to take advantage of my 'naivety'. A good example was what happened in the hangar today, Justina was trying to rope me in." Rosalina said with a crease in her eyebrows.

Raine drummed her fingers on her desk and smiled mysteriously. "So you think they want to make use of your link to the company to do something?"

"Of course, it's too suspicious but then, sister must have thought the same because you got mother to send me here on time. I don't understand how you were able to do that though."

Raine shook her head and frowned upon being reminded of their mother. "I haven't spoken to mother in three months."

Rosalina opened her mouth in surprise then turned towards April who nodded her head. "Rose has been speaking to Mistress instead but that was just about the blind dates."

"Then why was I..."

"Lina! What you said is right. People do want to make use of you but what you don't know is that one way or the other you've already walked into their trap. I wasn't playing around when I came over to pick you. You've been framed and a code purple has been declared."

"What? No way?! What the..." Rosalina shouted as she stood up and began to walk around.

She paused and looked at her sister. "Father?!"

"It is out of his hands, the family called a meeting and declared you a criminal yo be punished but Father knew that punishing you himself would cause chaos so he told mother to get you over to me. I'm known to be impartial."

"What am I to do now? If I'm punished then the investigation too will come to a close and it'll be harder to trace them."

"No. It will make my job easier. Go along with the flow for now and I apologize in advance for any inconveniences or pain that might be inflicted on you." Raine said with clenched fists.

Rosalina looked at her sister and guessed that she would probably go through a lot of suffering but she wasn't afraid. She smiled and tried to reassure her sister. "Don't worry, I can take everything you give me. I am your biological sister after all!"

Raine smiled back at her. "Then I'm looking forward to your performance, don't let me down."