Chapter 23_ Past experiences

Even though it was Raine's home, Xu Ying happily took over the duties of a hostess. She led Raine down to the dining room and sat her down.

On moving to her own seat, she saw the arrival of April and lifted her eyebrows. "Oh dear! You are still around? Pardon my manners, I should have extended an invitation to you to come dine with us but it's great you came on your own."

Hearing that, April gulped and moved a bit away from the dining chairs. "No, no, there's no need to bother Ms. Xu's dining time. I am about to leave now but I need to deliver some news to Ms. President."

Xu Ying smiled in content and rounded the table to hold April. "Please don't think you are bothering me at all. I am already pleased Raine has you with her so please join us in dining. I won't allow Raine to stand up until she has eaten so if you don't join us, you would gave to wait for a while. Moreover, take this as helping me; Raine is poor company." 

Xu Ying winked at Raine as she dragged April to a seat and sat her down. Then she called out to the housekeeper and asked for an extra set of utensils for April.

April looked at Raine for help in the midst of the whirlwind but Raine turned away and behaved like she didn't know her. She, herself, was looking for someone to save her.

After the table was properly set, Xu Ying began to serve both April and Raine. At first, April resisted but a smile from Xu Ying froze her into compliance. 

"That reminds me, we were discussing earlier before we were interrupted. Do you mind if I continue from where we stopped?"

April shook her head with a crying heart. "No, please ask whatever you would like to." She didn't dare to refuse.

April suddenly felt that the next time she ever heard about Xu Ying visiting, she would run off or trade positions with Rose. Xu Ying's countenance was too powerful for her.

"That's great!! I want to ask a by the side question. Are you in a relationship?" 

April looked at Xu Ying in confusion. That was the last question she thought she would ask. 

Seeing her confusion, Xu Ying just smiled and reached. "Was that too personal?"

"No, it wasn't. I was just a bit shocked." 

"I understand that I might have been a bit too intense with my questioning earlier. It is an ex-occupational habit I've yet to drop but despite the vibe I might give, I was brought up to be ladylike so I know what to ask on the dining table." Xu Ying replied with a smile.

Raine tsked and took a sip of water. "And I believe you were taught in your training that it was polite to ask about the relationship status of a person you've just met." 

Xu Yig pouted and glared at Raine before looking back at April with a sad expression. "Do you now understand why I asked you to join me? She doesn't know the right way to treat a lady."

"...but she's a lady..." April whispered under her breath and was caught unaware by Xu Ying's chuckle.

"Really? You consider this beast a lady? You must be surrounded by weird people for you to say that." 

"First pick out the stone in your eyes before offering to help someone pick theirs out." Raine retorted and this time April really felt like crying. If she didn't diffuse the tension then she might pass out herself even before any of them draw the first blood.

"Ms. Xu, you asked if I was in a relationship?"

Temporarily way laid, Xu Ying looked at April and responded. "Yes, I did."

"I'm presently single. I have been single for close to 2 years now."

"Really? That's a pretty long time, is it because of work? I can help you if it is..."

"No! It's totally unrelated to work. I'm in a place where I am not looking forward to a relationship because my previous ones were nothing to write home about. The last one was the crown on top of it all, he cheated on me with my apparent best friend and partner." April rushed out before more damage could be done.

On hearing her experience, Xu Ying froze and a chilly laugh erupted from her. "It seems like it is quite the culture for men to cheat nowadays. My first also did the same thing and he cheated on me with my younger sister."

"The nerve of him to actually play my family like that. Though, we showed him we weren't push overs but the damage was already done. I'm happy though because it melded the void between my younger sister and I and through him, I met the love of my life." 

Raine raised up her head and stated silently at Xu Ying. "When did that happen?" 

"That should be five years ago. I met him the year we came down here and was in a secret relationship with him for three years until I found out he was a scumbag. During the time, I was hurt and decided to be reckless but I encountered John who talked me out of my ridiculous idea and did his best to pull me out of my depression. I am forever indebted to him."

"Wow, that's so much to know. It must have been a big struggle for you." April said. After hearing Xu Ying's story, April had become more comfortable conversing around with Xu Ying.

"Yes, it was very hard initially and I gave John a lot of grief. It's a miracle he ended up loving me because I really showed him a lot of problems and he was never intimidated by my countenance."

"That reminds me, he seems to be the same as my former commander who treated Raine as his treasure. It's a pity..."

"Ms. President was once in a relationship?" April asked flabbergasted and Xu Ying laughed.

"She doesn't seem like someone who has been in a relationship before right?" Xu Ying smiled.

"I haven't been in a relationship before." Raine said and Xu Ying laughed it off.

"Yes, but you were in a crush relationship." Xu Ying laughed it out and April chuckled.

"Are you done eaten? Then go and wait for me in the office."

April pouted but stood up to leave the dining room while Raine followed after her and Xu Ying was left all by herself in the dining room.