Chapter 32_ The Flirt

The first thing Raine did after she left her secret office was to go back to her room to change into a more business-like attire. Even with everything that had occurred that morning, she had not forgotten her appointment with her husband by 8:30. Fortunately, her restaurant wasn't that far away from her home so if she packed up quickly, she would be able to make it there in time. 

As she was about to button up her suit, she had a change of mind. She was not willing to take a car out because she wasn't feeling the vibe and as a person who relied a lot of her intuition and feelings, she wouldn't betray herself.

Since she was planning on taking her bike out, she opted for blank pant trousers and a blue blouse. She packed her hair in a messy bun and picked up her backpack of disguises. She was actually feeling excited to open her pandora box after a long time. 

She walked down the stairs as she fiddled with her mobile phone. "No one is allowed in." She told Miranda as she walked past her and out of the house.

As usual, her chauffeur was there waiting for her with her office car. "Drive over to the office at 6 p.m."

"What about now, Ms. Raine?" He asked with a frown and Raine gave him a chilling look that him not to question her. "Yes, Young Mistress!!!"

"Good. Join Miranda to recruit 2 people; their gender doesn't matter but they must be sharp, agile, loyal and obedient. I don't need to expatiate on that right?"

"No Young Mistress, I understand clearly." Simon replied with a deep bow.

Raine walked past him and went straight to the garage to get her bike. She had had the bike for about a year and a half but this was her first time taking it out in the day. She wore her helmet and sped out of her compound. She stepped on the gas and accelerated throughout, she noticed the spies behind her couldn't catch up to her but she knew that wasn't the end. They had a network of people watching her steps all over the city.

She was not going to hide from them. Moreover, it was common knowledge she had a connection to the Bleu Raine so she parked in front of the restaurant and confidently jumped down from her bike. She checked her time and saw that it was two minutes to the appointed time. However, she could see his jeep parked a little bit away from her restaurant's parking lot.

With a deep smirk, she walked into her restaurant and was welcomed by the receptionist. "Should I get the Manager, Ms. President?"

"No, Lucy. I'm here to scout something and would prefer to be unnoticed." Raine mentioned and Lucy smiled. "Your wish is my command, Ms. President!"

As Raine walked past her into the ladies' room, Lucy hacked into the surveillance and wiped all history of her appearance in the restaurant. Not long after, Raine came out looking like a pretty young man with a devilish aura and a white and black twin dragon tattoo on his right hand. 

The twin tattoo which was shaped as yin yang was what Lucy used to recognize her boss. The tatoo was a code number given only to the top agents of Raine's secret organization. Lucy was surprised by how fast Raine was able to transform into her new identity; everything from the clothes to even her backpack had become different.

"Hope, you had a nice experience Sir?" Lucy asked and Raine winked at her.

"It was most pleasant but it could have been better with a beauty accompanying me." Raine replied seductively and Lucy had to stop herself from falling into the trap.

Lucy was lucky but the group of ladies that just got to the reception were not so lucky. They fell straight into the seduction of Raine. Raine smirked at them all then dismissed herself with a handsome salute.

She walked out of the restaurant with a slight swagger and flirted with all the ladies she came across till she got to Dante's Jeep.

He had come out of his car and had watched her perform her play while leaning against the door to the passenger seat. 

When Raine got to his side. He lazily perused her get up and changed his cold aura to match her devilish one. "What? I'm too perfect that you're at a loss on how to flirt with me? Should I show you how?" He asked.

Raine smiled and shook her head before running her right middle finger down his shirt till she got to his belt. She used his belt to drag him closer to her. "The only thing I need you to do is to open that door for me and to drive me to a place where I can get rid of this ridiculous outfit."

Dante laughed and moved out of her grasp. He moved off the door and opened it with a slight bow. "For you!"

Raine haughtily entered the car and adjusted her self so that he could shut the door. Dante closed the door with a shake of his head and turned around to see a group of ladies gathered and in a trance. He saluted them with a wink then got into the driver's seat.

"What's going to happen to your bike?" Dante asked as he reversed and got on to the road.

"Lucy will contact my personal assistant." Raine replied as she stared ahead. "You called yesterday." She stated after a while, breaking the silence in the car.

"Yeah." He replied and continued driving. "Do you still like seafood?" 

"It's not too bad." She replied and Dante nodded his head.

"I'm glad your taste has not changed that much. I'll take you to a restaurant that I am sure you'll love." Dante smiled.

Raine turned to look at him and caught his smile. It pulled her heartstrings but she cut herself off from the feelings it was trying to stirr. She was willing to marry him but she wouldn't give him her heart. 

"I hope you don't disappoint me." Was all Raine muttered before she closed her eyes and shut off every kind of discussion Dante might have wanted to bring up.