Chapter 33_The Discussion

In tacit understanding, Dante kept quiet and drove towards a mountainous region. As Raine had her eyes closed, she couldn't see that they had left the city. However, she knew that they had spent nearly an hour already on the road.

Dante pulled up in front of a glass restaurant that faced the ocean. The restaurant was a homey building that catered for few people. It would only accept 4 pairs of people and only opened on random days of the week.

Unlike the norms of other restaurant, this particular restaurant was very cheap to reserve but it wasn't easy to get a reservation. Everyone who made their desire known to book a reservation would have their names printed out and placed in a ballot. Only the lucky four who got picked will gain access to the restaurant and its full services.

Except for the reservation and food, every other entertainment including a full massage, a dip in the hotspring and karaoke was all free. Rumour had it that the restaurant was run on free bono just to offer entertainment and service to the community.

Raine opened her eyes when she realized the car had stopped moving and looked out then she looked back at Dante and raised her eyebrow. "Really?" She asked.

"It's as far as the city than any other. Moreover, no one would think you'd come here and the owner owes me." Dante replied as he unbundled his belt and came down from the car to open the door for Raine. "Let's get you changed." He said and Raine nodded.

Dante led her to the building. There was a butler waiting for them just as they entered. "Good morning honored guests. Please follow me." He said as he led them into the building and up the stairs to the top floor. As the building was a two floor building, the stairs they had to climb wasn't that much.

"This whole floor is at your disposal. If you need the attention of any of the staff then you can ring any of the bells around and we will be up. We were told you wanted the utmost privacy." 

"We appreciate your help." Raine said in her normal voice which surprised the butler for a while but he masked his surprise and bowed. 

"It's our pleasure."

Dante watched as the butler left them alone then turned back to Raine, his cold persona back on. "Do you need me to excuse you?" Dante asked and Raine shook her head.

"Why should my husband leave when I'm getting changed?" Raine said as she took off the wig from her head then walked towards him. "Please help with the rest." She said.

Dante looked at the lady who stood in front of him confidently. "You've really accepted me?" He asked her and she shrugged.

"You know me more than to ask that question. If you don't mind, I'm really feeling uncomfortable." She reiterated and he found himself reaching out his hands to peel off the human skin from her face.

He took one facial wipe from her bag and cleaned off the powder and marks on her face. He used another one to double clean her face then used his personal handkerchief to wipe her face dry. He looked through her bag for her moisturizer then applied it to her face and straightened her hair.

"I believe I'm done." He said and Raine nodded.

"Thank you." She replied as she removed her suit and draped it on the couch in the lounge.  They hadn't left there since they had been escorted upstairs.

She loosened the cufflinks at her wrists, pocketed them and folded the sleeves of her shirt to her elbows then loosened the first three buttons of her shirt. 

Dante looked at her transformation in to a sexy business woman and gulped down his saliva. "Would you like to go for a massage before we eat brunch? Or what do you want." He asked. Today, the ball was in her court and he was willing to follow her lead.

"I'd rather we hash out everything now before we do anything else." Raine replied and motioned him over to her side.

Dante understood she wanted him to seat down near her so he did as she wished and sat facing her.

"What would you like to talk about first?" He asked after taking his seat and watched as she lifted the jug that had been prepared earlier and poured herself a cup of water.

She took a sip then dropped the glass on the table. "Us, well and last night."

"I'd like to apologize for breaking my promise to you. I had an annoying but important visitor I couldn't shake off." Raine said as she stared him in the eye. 

She wasn't used to apologizing and she frankly found it hard to swallow her pride but she knew that if she wanted their marriage to work then she had to pay attention to the little details that could cause a problem. That was one of the good things she had learnt from her parents marriage.

Dante looked at her and seemed like he was thinking seriously about something. "I'm getting the feeling you want a no-secret marriage." He said after a while and Raine shrugged. 

"Only in things that could cause a disturbance to our relationship. I could care less about what you do in your office as long as it doesn't affect us directly or indirectly." She replied.

Dante laughed at her cuteness before turning serious. "The person you saw yesterday should be Xu Ying. I know she came to the city yesterday." He confessed.

Raine wasn't surprised he knew. The day he re-appeared in her life to marry her, she had figured out that he had deep connections. "I'm still under your watch." She stated.

"Yes, you are and I will prefer to keep it that way for many reasons, some I would rather not divulge yet." 

"Ohh...and if I say that I find it problematic?" Raine enquired.

"Then I'd be forced to argue my case. Raine don't even try! I will not shake my stand on this, anything but this." Dante said coldly.

Raine thought for a while then glanced at Dante. "You investigated my family. Why?"

"You should know why... I like to know my enemies." Was the short reply he gave her but Raine read deeper into it. He was upset that they couldn't live together because of her family issue and was digging to find a way to put it to an end.

"Know them but don't interfere. You know my rules." Raine told him fiercely and he nodded his head. He knew her limit.