I stepped out of my room wearing a thin orange sleeveless T-shirt. My gun was strapped to its holster on my shirtwaist, the vambrace fastened around my arm and the brown bag pack was strung on my back. Alph followed me out, in a navy blue shirt and brown trousers.

Brio had just checked us out and was waiting with the girls in the reception.

The guest was standing beside them, whistling away.

Dream zeroed in on us, and raised her eyebrows, Suhani and Yui turned to look at us, “about time”, Suhani spoke, “we began wondering if you had bailed”.

“No”, Alph spoke sharply, “we’re ready”.

“The boys-”, Brio began, turning around- he stopped, “oh they’re here”, he said nodding at us, “we should get moving now”.

I caught Suhani’s gaze, she hoisted her elbow.

A good luck representative at the camp, I put my elbow through hers.

“You’re no good to us dead”, she rustled.

“You too”, I nodded.

“Kick some ass”, she smirked.

“Kick some ass”, I repeated.