chapter 8

>10000 years ago<


As I open my eyes my body laid on the cold ground with blood dripping from my face. I look up to see 3 men who are lower rank Gods.

"how pathetic"

"disgusting how can it be so weak"

Then their leader stepped forward.

"seriously how did the three high ones create something so terrible with all that power they have, don't you agree Lucifer"

"ha, boss what's the point in asking him he is just a dog who knows how to bark"

I was weak then so they were a few of the many who beat me and beat me more until I was on deaths door day after day after day for so many years.


They kept laughing for so long.

I used all my remaining strength to say this.

"fuck you M...."


"Michael" I said in a low angry voice

I glared at the man standing at the end of the Hall.

"oh my, little doggy Lucifer there is no need to stare so hard I don't plan on leaving yet, we have plenty of time to talk."

[damn it what the hell is this]

"let her leave" I said in a low voice

"now that would ruin all the fun"

Michael suddenly disappeared and reappeared with Katrina being held by he hair in his hand.

"ahhhh" Katrina screamed in pain

"Katrina" I called out

before I could take a step Michael held a knife to her throat.

"uh uh uh don't move if you don't want your little girlfriend to get it"

I stopped immediately.

"good now lets have a seat"

We took a seat at opposite ends of the long table that was in the middle of the hall.

"good now we can talk"

"let her go first"

"hmm, fine my arm is tired anyway"

He let Katrina go and she immediately ran to me. I got up and wrapped her in my arm and she started sobbing.

"It's alright now I'll keep you safe" I whispered in Katrina's ear

After calming her down we sat at the table.

"alright what do you want to talk about, maybe about why you look like that Michael."

[Katina is looking between the two of us, she must be trying to figure out what is going on]

"hmm, I was thinking about what your favorite movie is. hahahahaha."

"Hurry this up" I stated with my teeth clenched

"ok ok hmm lets put it this way this body is in a sense my host"

"the hell does that mean"

"oh come on you were always quick on the uptake"

"so what if he is your so called host"

"let me put it in term you may understand then, He. Is. My. Immortal"

"n-no that's not not possible" I said with my head down and hands covering my face

Michael started laughing hysterically at me, watching me in despair.

"yes that is the truth, you are still nothing before me."


"What was that" Michael looked angrily at me

"Haaa, you really are an idiot did you think I would still be weak like I was back then."

"W-What are you talking about"

Michael started panicking and decided to grab Katrina but the moment his magic came close to her it backfire back on him.

"ahhhhhh" Michaels ear piercing screams resonated throughout the Hall.

His hand was mangled and bloody from the magic backfire.

I walked over to him and looked down on him.

"You never should have touched her" I said in a low authoritative tone

"h-how is this possible"

"I became strong, strong enough to take revenge against all the Gods who hurt me and betrayed me"

"It was so hard not to kill you immediately when you touched her but I needed answers but now I have them and you lost your use" I added on

"No you can't kill me if you do they will come after you and they will hurt her"

"Then I'll kill every last one of them."

I snapped my fingers and Michael turned to nothing more than dust.

(level up)

[and it's here]

(system update)








(Download complete)

Name: Shay Watson

Level: 1

Job: **Choose**


Strength: 10000

Attack: 10000


Health: 10000/10000





[What the fuck I'll have to check this out later]

"Shay are you ok"

That sweet voice brought me back to reality. So I smiled and looked at her.

"ya I'm ok, what about you"

"I'm fine but your going to have to explain a lot when we get back"

I looked down as if I was being scolded and responded

"Ok, I promise"

(System Notification)

(The first God has been killed. The System will now update. All hunters will have there systems reset to level 1. God's may now open dungeons. Will they be Good or Bad that is for the hunters to find out. Good Luck. You'll need it.)

(P.S. Dungeon breaks will now start)

(End Notification)

"You just saw that right" Katrina asked me

"Ya, for now lets look around and see if we can find anything then we'll get back and then figure this out."

"mmh, ok"

We searched around and found some weapons and spell book. I also found a beautiful necklace with beautiful light blue gem that looked like Katrina's eyes. I looked at the Stats, it can protect its wearer from a certain amount of damage.

After looking around before we went back up I stopped Katrina and put the necklace I found around her neck.

"I knew it, it suits you perfectly"

She blushed at my sudden action, probably because of how close we got, even I felt my heartbeat get faster.

"lets get going" I said

She nodded in return.

She leaned up against me while we were walking up the stairs, I wrapped my arm around her, and looked down and smiled.

[I wish this moment never ended]

What we didn't know was that we were going to have even more problems when we got back to the surface.