Chapter 136: It Was Just One Date

"The he..." Addison trailed off not finishing the word she really wanted to say.

"Surprise, pumpkin," her father said as he smiled over at her. Her mother was beside him looking prim and proper like she always did.

"What are you guys doing here?"

After a big hug, her father said, "I was over this way for a conference, and we thought we'd drop in and say hello."

"Oh, well, hey. It certainly is a surprise. Mom didn't say you guys were in the area when we talked the other day."

Addison showed them in and watched as they looked around her small dorm room. Her mom gave her a dissatisfied once over before asking, "What are you wearing?"

Looking down at herself, Addison inwardly cringed. "I was out earlier helping a friend move some stuff." She hoped that would explain her jeans and cotton shirt. It was sad that she had to defend something that seemed so normal. She'd seen many of her classmates in sweats and pajamas.