Chapter 138: Don't Make Me Tell My Mom No

Bryce was sitting in class waiting for Addison to show up. It was probably the only time he'd be early. He'd gone to her place the night before to see her, but she was gone. If you asked him why he had gone, it was to drop in and see about working on their project, but that was the biggest lie ever. He wanted to see if she'd actually gone out on that date. He was trying not to jump to conclusions, but since she hadn't been there, he could only guess that's where she was.

Bryce didn't understand why she would do that. It wasn't so long ago that she had sent him a text in the middle of a party, and he'd come to her rescue. She'd wanted him to kiss her that night, and he wouldn't do it. Maybe she was just trying to scratch an itch or maybe he was just some sort of curiosity of hers. Just thinking about it that way was pissing him off.