14 REIGN OF EMILIA- "Say that again, I dare you."

WARNING: This chapter contains a topic that can be very sensitive to some readers. I hope you know that I mean none of that and that it's just apart of the person's character.


The week went by quickly and before Emilia knew it, it was already Friday and time for her to move into her new home.

Emilia made her way out of gym class with her groupof friends. They were all laughing at how they had taken each other out in dodgeball.

"Did you guys see Noah's face when I took him out. He was like..." Alec laughed while shifting his face to a surprised an confused expression.

"You are one to talk. You were completely horrified when you realized that I got you." Abigail laughed, causing Alec to instantly zip it.

"Let's not forget who the real winners were" Emilia says, high-fiving Ace. They had both won, Emilia being the only female standing and Ace, the only male.

The moment their hands touched Emilia swore she felt a slight electrocution. Ace felt it too. They both made eye contact before awkwardly looking away.

Emilia cleared her throat before speaking: "So, are you guys still helping to move Abbie and I's stuff to the condo today?"

"Of course. We'll meet you guys there?"

Emilia: "Sure, okay."

A few minutes later, the girls were out of the female locker room, changed out of their gym clothes.

"I'm telling you, they scared me half to death, I-"

Soon after McKenna had spoken, the girls heard a loud bang! as of someone was being shoved against a locker.

Emilia: "What the-"

The girls followed the direction in which they heard the sound coming from and to their surprise, they came across a group of boys who were continuously shoving another guy against the lockers. The guy looked less muscular than the other guys and wore a pair of blue glasses, he looked like he was probably a freshman, while the others looked like Juniors.

Suddenly, one of the boys shoved the guy against the lockers again causing the freshman to tumble to the floor and spat a little bit of blood. Then one of the juniors spoke, his words causing Emilia's blood to boil.

"Stupid, deaf nerd. What are you still doing here, huh? all you do is waste oxygen. Why don't you just disappear?" One of the guys spat, he seemed to be the leader of the group of asshats. Soon after, an other one spoke, laughing at the same time. "Don't bother man. He can't hear you remember." he said, causing his friends to laugh along with him.

In reality, the freshman, Eric, did in fact understand what they were saying. He might be deaf, but being deaf for most of his life has caused him to learn how to read lips really well.

Without saying a word. Emilia rushed over to the group and pushed the leader out of the way, causing him to land on his butt while she helped Eric to stand. After helping, she calmly used ASL to ask: "Are you okay?"

Eric was shocked, apart from his translator that so happened to be absent today, he had never known anyone at the school who could sign, so when this random girl asked if he was fine by using American sign language, his breath caught in his throat. He stood in shock for about ten seconds before nodding to indicate that he was alright.

"Great, just what this school needs, another deafie. Might as well just make this a school for the retarded. " the guy who was previously knocked onto the floor spoke, venom lacing his tone.

"Say that again, I dare you" Emilia threatens and the guy she shoved, Dylan, just gives her a surprised look.

"So you can hear me? Well then, maybe we can-" before he could finish the sentence, Emilia swiftly grabbed his hand and raised it in the air so she could punch him under his sweaty armpit, causing his left hand to go completely numb.

Dylan, stared at his arm in utter shock, wondering why it had gone lifeless, once he realized that it had something to do with the punch the girl, one year older than him gave, he angrily lifted his next arm in attempt to hit her, yelling:

"You stupid bitch." he launched at her. However, before he could even get close enough, a very tall and muscular figure stepped in front of her and held Dylan's hand and twisted it behind his back, so now, both of his hands were sprained. Nevertheless, when Dylan saw who dared to cause him so much pain, all he could do was swallow the lump in his throat and stare at the person in absolute fear.

Emilia saw this and was immediately surprised by Dylan's actions l, so she too, looked up at the tall muscular figure.

~Ofcourse~ Emilia thought.

It was Ace. And he did not look happy. He glared at the now coward boy and his equally scared friends behind him.

That glare could make someone commit suicide for crying out loud.

"A-ace, what's up man?" Dylan nervously asked. Ace continued to glare at him, that was enough to make Dylan cower away.

"If you so much a look at her or even try and touch one single strand of hair on her head. I swear to god, you will lose a limb." Ace growls and that was all he needed to say and Dylan swore he felt himself pee his boxers a little.

"I- sorry man, I...didn't know she was your girl." The scared boy mutters, closing his eyes in Hope's that this was all a dream. No matter how much of an ass he is or how popular he gets, he's knows not to mess with Ace King, everyone does. Not only is he scary as hell but his family are some very dangerous people. If anyone were to mess with a Kingsman or the people close to them, bodies might start dropping from left to right, and not alive ones.

Ace thought about it for a moment then decided that he like that term. 'His Girl'. Has a nice ring to it.

"Well, now you do, so of I ever. ever see you near her again, you will regret the day you Deborah gave birth to you." hearing his mother's name, Dylan starts to fret even more, luckily for him, Ace was not ruthless enough to kill his mother, just like that, at least he likes to think so. "And stay away from Eric." Eric wasn't even surprised that devil knew his name, he knew everyone. What he was surprised about was that The Ace Kingsman was defending him.

"Yes, Got it, I won't even look at her...or him. Just please let me go, I don't want any trouble." Dylan begged. His friends all stood in absolute fear. Ace roughly lets him go and Dylan and his gang hurriedly scurries of to get away from the beast as soon as they could.

Emilia or in true words-Amanda, just stated at the gang running off in pure shock, she was wondering ~What could Ace have said to make them scared so much.~