Chapter 29 : DISASTER

It was a quarter of the size of Earth. It played a dark shadow over the entire country of Zeu and parts of the Margel Ocean.

The world went into a panic.

Nearby countries could see the unknown sphere as well.

It seemed to be standing completely still as its thin tentacle-like arms blown lightly behind it.

It appeared to have eyes but no one could know for sure what they were.

Zoar was scared, but he couldn't give up.

He hadn't gotten the fight he wanted with Neal but he now had to save the world from someone he thought he could trust.

Blitray. Blitray was the one who taught him about magic, taught him to use it and for him to be the enemy all along left complete shock in Zoar's mind. Zoar didn't understand how and why Blitray even put himself inside that sphere thing.

Suddenly the sphere began to shake.

Something started to grow out of the sides of it. It grew out like wings that wrapped Earth in an embrace almost.

They went touching Earth but it was almost within its atmosphere.

"What the Hell do we do!?" Maurice began to panic.

"I..." Zoar had no clue what to say.

"Maurice, Zoar doesn't have the answer to everything!" Kasstia defended Zoar.

"I know... Shit!" Maurice punched a pole.

"I... I'm feeling dizzy..." Krycella collapsed to her knees.

"Krycella!" Zoar caught her before she completely fell.

"Thanks... I'm just exhausted..." Krycella closed her eyes.

"Hey! It's opening up!" Someone yelled from the other side of the street.

Everyone moved their attention from Krycella to the sky.

A crack began to form in the middle of the sphere.

Zoar then realized this was like an egg. Blitray was more than likely reforming himself.

The crack suddenly busted open into a wide gap and a powerful gust blew out of it.

It almost knocked down Kasstia when it reached Earth.

"Shit!" Maurice said.

Zoar looked at the hole and saw something coming towards Earth.

It was moving fast too.

"Everyone get down!" Zoar ran over to Kasstia and dropped to the ground, pulling her with him. Maurice took Krycella.

The thing crashed into the middle of the road like a meteor.

Everyone got up and looked at the crash site.

Smoke was everywhere.

The egg was spitting out dark red clouds that gathered around the skies.

The smoke cleared and a crater the size of 5 elephants was in the ground.

In the middle stood a being that looked like Blitray with dark red skin and pure white eyes.

"Blitray?" Maurice said.

The being turned to Maurice and smiled.

It held up its hand and quickly shot a burst of energy into Maurice's left leg.

It blew the leg straight off and Maurice screamed.

"MAURICE!" Everyone screamed.

"AAAAHHHHH!MY GODDAMN... AAAGGGGHHRRE LEG!" The bloodshot out of his leg like water from a sink.

Krycella and Kasstia began to cry.

Zoar stood there with a shook expression.

He couldn't comprehend what happened.

The figure put its hand down.

"My name is Arthimus Creevon..." It looked back at Maurice.

"PLEASE NO!!!" Maurice screamed with a terrorized face.

Arthimus lifted his left hand and shot a burst of energy straight through Maurice's chest.

"NOOO!!!" Krycella screamed and ducked her head down after the blood shot out.

"Why...? WHY!?" Kasstia broke down into a terrifying sob.

Zoar fell to his knees.

Maurice was dead.

Maurice was his best friend. To be gone so easily was such a disrespectful thing.

From the forest Zoar met him in to now, everything felt like it passed by so quickly.

"He always gave me a headache..." Arthimus jumped out of the hole and next to Zoar.

"I think I'll do your girlfriend next." Arthimus smiled and looked at Kasstia.

"No... no.... no, no, no, NO, NO, NO!!!" Kasstia's face was disturbing.

Zoar cracked.

His arm began to glow red and he stood up.

"Look at me, you bastard..." Zoar said.

"What?" Arthimus stopped and slowly turned to Zoar.

As soon as he turned around Zoar landed a punch right in his nose.

The explosion happened right on impact and Arthimus's blood went everywhere.

"Hm. I'm impressed. But..." Arthimus wiped off some blood. He was completely fine.

Zoar's anger got worse.

"I thought you were a friend..." Zoar's arm began to get brighter.

"You were all so foolish! How did you not realize that I knew everything about you before you ever told me!?" Arthimus was laughing. He began to charge up a ball of energy in his right hand.

"You hurt Ami and lied to us." Zoar's arm became even brighter and the air around it began to sizzle.

"We need to run Krycella!" Kasstia picked up Krycella.

"I got you!" Kasstia said and started running south of the fight.

"Cmon! Hit me with all you have!" Arthimus's energy ball was 6 meters in height and width now.

Zoars arm was almost white because of how bright it was.

"YOU SON OF A BITCH!!!" Zoar's eyes opened and they were yellow.

Zoar threw his punch.

Arthimus forced his energy ball forward.

Zoars fist collided with the ball.

A second of silence went by and a sudden massive explosion erupted.

It knocked Krycella and Kasstia forward even though they were about 40 meters away.

The explosion caused a mini mushroom cloud.

Zoar was unharmed.

Arthimus was on his knee.

"Goddamn, you..." Arthimus couldn't get up.

Zoar walked up to him and instantly hit him with another explosion in the face.

"Your so weak..." Arthimus said.

Zoar hit him again.

"Cmon now! I'll be ready t get up before you c finish me."

Zoar held his fist up and the red disappeared.

Zoar took in a deep breath.

"EVERYONE AROUND HERE NEEDS TO RUN!!! THERE'S A BOMB! ITLL GO OFF IN 15 SECONDS!" Zoar screamed as loud as possible.

"Oh no..." Krycella said.

Kasstia picked her back up.

"I know it's wrong but we gotta steal this car!" Kasstia said running to a car.

They got in and started it.

Kasstia began to speed away from the scene as fast as possible.

"15," Zoar said.

Zoar began to charge up every last bit of his magic into his fist.

The red came back and his fast started to grow a black aura.

"Shit... I just transformed too..."Arthimus was angry. He was still unable to move for some reason.

"14. 13," Zoar said.

The energy around him was so powerful it started to create a gust of wind around them.

"come on! Get up!" Arthimus was sweating from his struggle of getting up.

"12. 11. 10. 9," Zoar said.

"EARTH!" Arthimus fell to the ground completely.

"Must.. crawl..." Arthimus began to crawl away.

"8. 7. 6."

"Fuck" Arthimus was about to have a heat stroke. The heat from the magic was powerful and hot.


Arthimus coughed up blood.



The ball of energy around Zoar's fist was as black as space.

"3." Arthimus gave up. He only made it 1 meter away from Zoar.


Zoar didn't know what was about to happen to him or the area surrounding him.

He didn't care though. Arthimus was dangerous and his underestimation was something Zoar needed to take advantage of.

This could be the end of him.


Zoar punched Arthimus in the back.


"I hope we're far enough!" Kasstia had driven to the other side of the city.

The police didn't pay any attention to her speeding because they were focused on the sky.

The egg was still there and so were the dark red clouds.

"Krycella are you okay?" Kasstia turned o the back seats where she laid Krycella down.

"Yeah..." Krycella fluttered her eyes open for a couple of seconds.

Kasstia smiled a little.


Kasstia quickly turned to her left.

It happened.


The explosion ripped Arthimus's body into a thousand pieces.

Zoar went flying into the air and was knocked unconscious.

The explosion ripped through the ground and sent the buildings around him flying into debris.

The smoke from it all was as thick as water.

It was pitch black and covered an area of 200 meters around the crater.

Zoar fell off the high street and landed in a garden. Black smoke rushed over him as it all leaked into the lower streets.

The smoke was clearer near the bottom of the street levels so Zoa could breathe fine.

The entire high street was gone now.

It was just a crater now.

The NEO Earth parade turned into a doomsday.