Ra deals with Bahamut.


I turned around I saw everyone except Ra looking scared or nervous I didn't want to waste my time on a Pseudo Elder God so I looked at Ra to give him the task . I thought Bahamut was an elder God since he wasn't i would leave everything to my friend . Ra didn't hesitate at all he turned into his original form and unlocked his power to his full strength peak Elder God .

Bahamut had a nervous look in his eyes I laughed and said " Little God you're to weak to face me so my brother will take good care of you I hope you don't mind". Somnus tried to stab Ra in the back but I used a walking stick to trip him by doing so Ra gave me a thumps up and grabbed Bahamut by the throat in a flash and asked Bahamut " You disgusting vermin how could you not even try to help the mortal but turn him into a monster only to be sacrificed by your stupid predictions ".

Bahamut who was in a tough spot did something I wasn't expecting. He actived his blessing on Ardyn which created a prison box than teleported him outside of this universe. Ra looked like he was gonna kill him before he could I flashed in front of him only I didn't want him to because we would lose the coordination of Ardyn but Ra to only punch his face and broke his mask off. It felt like time was slowing down when the pieces fell on the ground.

Ra was shocked to see his face it looked similar to Omnus he kicked Bahamut with a power kick which sent him flying outside of the kingdom this attack caused a lot of damage to the palace and the kingdom. Ra and I teleported with Aera to see Bahamut struggling to get up next to a tree out of the kingdom. He was coughing a lot of blood before he passed out he mentioned that if he dies the world would be destroyed because he absorb a part of the will of the world and has access to the crystal.

I was annoyed by his answer but I didn't want to destroy this world which was full hidden secrets and I had a lot of time to train before I leave after that whatever happens only fate can decide. Ra asked what we should do with him I told him we could absorb his divinities and leave him as a regular God . Bahamut had a scared look on his face when he heard me . I touched his head and felt 3 divinities War Dragon and Sword .

I told Ra to pick one I was surprised to see him choose the Dragon divinity because the divinity of war matches him. I took the other Two this caused my sword Saint to reach Sword God I felt my spear change into a sword I didn't care because I trained with both weapons for a long time. After I felt my Fertility Divinity grow stronger thanks to the War Divinity which didn't make since but when I thought about it .

I realized something wherever there's life there will be struggle or war. My rank went up to Peak Primordial God I was something I was extremely happy about .While Ra became a new Primordial God this was something I was expecting to happen at any point in time. He now looked similar to Bahamut but his Dragon form was golden instead. Bahamut and Aera looked at us as if we where freaks.

I didn't care about right now plus my old man appearance was still active. I told Ra to let Somnus rule on the other hand he had to Train Aera when I bring Ardyn back . Ra was confused I tapped his shoulder and said " Ra my brother you are a Primordial God now you don't have to care about fate and restrictions anymore " Ra answered " Micheal my little brother I have followed for a long time I can tell Primordial God is my limit in this life so I still listen to you because you are the only who can show me what is beyond the realm of the gods.

I answered " Ra my brother you are the one who showed me what it like to be a true God and for that I will always be grateful by the way you will find a beautiful Goddess in this world when I get back hope you can make her yours". After the talk I grabbed Bahamut and went inside my small dimension I didn't torture him bit gave him a choice to give me the location he told me he can't find it with his power being to low .

I told him I would help him recover his powers but he most give me the location and become my subordinate. Bahamut hesitated a little after 10 seconds of waiting he bowed down and submitted. After that I took to a small island in my dimension and told him to survive for as long as it takes until he recovers his full strength or stronger. Over the years of travel I captured a lot of powerful beast close to All Father rank and left them on the island.

After leaving on the island I travel to an old spot where I had my hidden stash and cultivation cave. When I reached my cave I sat down and came up with a new way to train so that I could rank up before I teleported to the Ardyn location. After two months I came up with Gravity and time training. I created a big Array in the cave that would made time go 3000 slower than The FFXV world while the gravity would get stronger over time It would start 3x stronger than the Earth and get stronger overtime.

While I started to train Ra returned to the kingdom with Aera he he told everyone Bahamut decided that Somnus would become the king after Ra started to train Aera while this was Happening Bahamut was struggling in the island in my dimension. 1000 later in the real world and my dimension Bahamut recovered most of his powers and breakthrough and became an All Father in the FFXV world Ra battled the other gods they all submitted to him after a big fight while one of the gods caught he's eyes it was Shiva she became his lover after the fight while Aera became a Healing Goddess with the help of Ra and his adopted daughter.

I had no idea all of this things happened because I seal the cave because I didn't want any disturbance. Today marks 3 million years since I've been here and I still a Peak Primordial God but my body can survive any disaster even if the universe collapse or a black hole absorbs me . Right now the gravity of the area is 90 million times the gravity of the Earth I can barely move that's without using my divine powers I've been training my body for 3 million years.

I planned to make my divinities grow stronger next I turned the gravity to normal I fell on the ground really fast but when I tried to get up I ended up jumping to high I broke the ceiling of the cave a flew above my dimension and ended up sensing Bahamut. I decided to ignore him and landed in my cave and Started to train again for the next 3 million years I cleansed my divine energy to be more pure than ever after that i fused all my divinities they formed ghost like mirage behind that looks just like me.

I realized something when I fused my divinities I understood one thing is the moment I fuse this ghost like mirage with my body I would immediately become a Supreme Primordial God / Omni God and be on the same lv as Pangu , Chaos , Zeno , and Yahweh the Bible God and the one above all but I would be stronger thanks to my Undestroyable Body, Infinite divine Essence , Primordial bloodline, and being favorite by fate.

So I decided to fuse my last Divinity with the mirage which was Nirvana the moment it fused with the mirage . The mirage turned into a being beam of light and got absorbed by my body in a split second I felt my rank changing it went down from Primordial, Elder, All Father, Diety, Demigod, Legend , Mythical, Transcendent, Supernatural, Mortal. In that moment i became a mortal human being without any powers anymore I recognize what was happening I was experiencing a Tribulation or some kind of inner demon trial.

After that I got sucked into a worm hole and fell on a the ground . when I got back up I saw an old man pointing at a Stair leading to a big gate . I recognize the old man he was the one who granted my wishes I payed my respect told him I was grateful and asked if I was dead the old man laughed and said " Youg man you have reached a level beyond what I expected you made it to the roots of the Tree of Reality now you have now you have to pick a seed to grow your own tree that would help you become stronger than ever or climb the stairs and leave your name of a branch.

I realized something when he said to pick a seed maybe he was talking about Primordial gods getting a seed so that they can create their own universe like Chaos and The one above all. So I told the old man I would climb the stairs instead. He chuckled and said .Nice choice your the second to do so ". young man getting ahead and walk the path beyond the gods .

On the first step to the 10 I felt the gravity tickling my skin a little and I felt 10 times stronger than a regular person the old man said " Congratulations young man you have become a true Supernatural you have 90 steps left to go."

From the 11 to 90 step I felt like I was climbing forever I was in constant pain the whole time when I made it to the 90 step I heard the oldman say " Congratulations you have become a True Primordial from the 91 to 100 each step is a whole rank so good luck."From the 91 to 93 step it felt like I was climbing for millions of years and the gravity was crushing my bones I heard the old man say something about Congrats about ultra God or something but I didn't care so I climbed all the way to the 99 step.

Before the last step I Felt different I could see the origin of everything , predict the future of everyone I knew and manipulate the multiverse like a toy but I knew I was still a God so I attempted to take the last step but the oldman asked" Micheal are you sure about this because if you fail you will be erase from existence but if you succeed you will become a being above the gods so Good luck. The old man had a smile on his face and teleported in front of the gate .

Before I could climb the step I saw vision of myself failing and dying I ignored it but got sticked by lightning bolts that could destroy the multiverse but my body was too strong . Another that almost caused me to fail to the last step was a ghost of my Mother asking me to revive her I started crying like a baby because reviving her was the hardest thing for me because he body is gone and her spirit I no more because the will of that universe was damaged.

I looked back at the ghost and said " Mother I'm sorry I failed you but remember I'm your little wolf who never gives up so wait for me to revive you for now I have to live you ". I saw the ghost smile and vanished this gave the confidence to take the last step with ease . When i finally took the last I used my wolf form instead of my human because I considered myself a Wolf . After that I didn't feel my rank going up at all I felt like a failed I got on my knees and howling with tears in my eyes .

Out of nowhere the old man Smacked my head and told me to stop being a cry baby and walk toward the gate " Young Origin" I was confused i wanted answers but the oldman pushed in the gate . on the other side I saw a giant tree bigger than anything I've ever seen it had a bunch of fruits that had will I recognize those fruits they are the will of world and universes.

I Approched the tree and heard a voice " Young Origin Touch the tree and you shall have the chance to decide your own fate for the gods and mortals are still manipulated by fate and you are no longer a God hurry young Origin. I touched the tree and I felt a my energy leaving my body going into the tree I panicked but I saw the tree becoming bigger and the law fruits become stronger . One the giant tree a big branch bigger than the multiverse touched me and I heard a voice saying " Young Origin thank you for helping heal and experience a rebirth from now on you will become know as the Origin of Nirvana/ Rebirth ."