Micheal to the rescue.


When I became the Origin of Rebirth I knew I was unbeatable at least from the mortal to the strongest God ranks none of them can possibly hurt me . I saw the old man he introduced himself as the Origin of Creation and the Tree was the origin of Life . He told me I don't need to attach myself to the lower planes of existence because we can see everything that's gonna happen. I told him I want to travel the multiverse when I'm I will join them them .

When I saw my appearance I was the size of the nine tails but I had two tails now I still had my wings but all my fur turned Red i had a Red aura that looked Similar to broly but mine makes his look like a light against the sun. I turned into my human form my height is now 55 feet tall now I didn't like but I couldn't shrink anymore that's what the old man told me . He was actually 33 feet tall when I meet him the first time.

My hair was Crimson Red I loved it I told the two Origins I would come back when I'm done with my adventures they nodded their heads . I teleported to my dimension and located Bahamut I saw him making the beast hunt for him I teleported in front of him and grabbed his neck and said to him " Bahamut you fake dragon you will now become my butler and I won't take no for an answer do you hear me ".

Bahamut gave me a confused look I landed and tried to turn into an old man but i failed so I told I was Micheal Hale the one who brought him here .Bahamut looked confused and asked " What's a butler and Is that your true form ". I answered Silence I don't have time for this from now on you serve me and that's all there is to it you hear.

Bahamut nodded his head and bowed down I told him to give me the coordinates of the Prison . He gave me the coordinates I grabbed him again and we teleported to the Assassins creed origins universe timeline . When we got there I flew to the ruins and saw Ardyn sealed in a divine prison I felt bad and told Bahamut to never manipulate people with pure hearts. He nodded and unseal Ardyn who was about to fall on the ground but I caught him easily with one hand . Ardyn who woke up bowed his head with his hat on his chest than saw himself in my palms he panicked but I told I was Micheal the oldman.

Ardyn who saw Bahamut next tried to warn but Bahamut interrupted him and told him he was my subordinate. I told them I didn't want to keep wasting time . We left this but I left an illusion and told Bahamut to leave a sword and shield for the one who will discover thus ruin in the future. After that we teleported to FFXV world in the kingdom of Niflehiem. When I got there I it was a peaceful than the original timeline I saw Ra and Aeras statues in the kingdom I was happy to that .

I forcefully turned ardyn into a sword God and meet With Ra and Aera I knew sheb wouldn't recognize me except Ra . When Aera saw me she tried to kill me but Ra stopped her and told her it was me . I gave Ra a big hug he was shocked by my height I told him my rank and powers won't allow me to shrink anymore. Ra laughed and told everyone about the time when he and I used to act like old people and fool around .

While everyone was having a good time I told about Bahamut and I asked Ra about Shiva he told me she became his mate after a little a couple of years ago. After the reunion I told Ardyn to deal with this world as he sees fit he stared at Ra I told him to go back to his home with Shiva when his ready he can come back to the clan with his family.

After that I opened a portal for him he left with Shiva after that I took a portal that would lead me to one of the toughest place in the multiverse I told Bahamut to go in my dimension. before the portal could close all the way I saw Ardyn kissing Aera and marching toward the palace. I finally made it it the other side and when I did I was in space their was no planets in the area but I detected a dark red cloud that was destroying everything in this universe.

I decided to approach the cloud when I got really close to it I saw a beautiful red haired woman crying and sleeping in the cloud . I scanned her aura and I detected that she was a Supreme Primordial God I was shocked but I wasn't scared of her because gods are weaker to me more than mortals are to gods. I tried to communicate she didn't answer so I tried to leave this universe but I felt a soft hand touching my leg.

I felt like I was in a scary movie i sceamed and saw the young woman she was whispering something " please don't leave me I'm lonely I've been in this Here for a long ever since I got the law fruit." I knew it only a Supreme Primordial God could be here that means she was in the Origin trial world and she failed like everyone else. I told to let go she released me and told me her name it was chaos I would have been scared if I was a regular God but I'm too strong.

I told her I'm Micheal and it's nice to meet a Primordial God. She blushed and asked if I had a law fruit I told I'm not a God so I wouldn't need one she was shocked she tried to bow down but I refused and told her Origins don't like to be worshiped it's something that gods love . She told me she's looking for a companion a mate she extremely lonely I thought about Ra but he already had Shiva so I told her to wait I needed time.

She and I spent 2 billions of years trying to fix her destruction all over this universe in the end I created a planet just like the earth but it had a cleaner air water and more habitat after I gave in and mated with Chaos in 200 years she gave birth to my first Primordial kids Green haired Gaea , Dark haired like the night Nyx , Erebus who looks almost identical to me, Tartarus a giant Red haired man similar to me a little but has rocks all over his body, my last offspring was Eros he had wing similar to mine .

Chaos and I raised them for 2 million years we tough them how to be true God's , how to fight , how to love , when to fight, when to relax, and to never give up. Those kids of mine had enough experience to beat up Ra right now . Over the years I told them about the world where I came from even Chaos i told them I would take them there one day .

500 years later Chaos and I where arguing she wanted to have more kids but I didn't want anymore while the kids where already Mature Primordial Gods who wanted to reproduce too I had a headache dealing with all this crap

. One day I couldn't take it anymore and teleported to my dimension and told them to deal with that by themselves.