He is even cheating on his wife.

The whole contestants came on stage, they were so many that the stage couldn't contain all of them...some had to drift away from it. Just as the man in suit said, the whole contestants now had numbers plastered to their bodies. Then the man faced the crowd once again and said,

"They are all here, you guys can see the numbers plastered to their body. Please, let the voting begin".

Most of the people there were with phones, so they brought out their phones and began voting. James had no phone with him, so he couldn't vote, but he was still gonna stay...he wanted to see who will emerge as winner of the contest. After the voting had climaxed, the man in suit went into a door in the compartment, and after some minutes, he came out.

"Your votes have been calculated, and a winner has emerged". The man held a paper in his hand as he made that statement, "The winner of this music contest is, Greg".

Greg came out from the midst of the whole contestants placing his palms on his mouth, happiness was evident in his facial expression...he couldn't believe that he emerged as winner of the contest. His performance was very unique, he was the only person that brought a guitar to the contest. The rest of the contestants made use of either the sound the DJ generated, the guitarist, or the pianist.

The male guitarist played the guitar for the contestants that were good at singing to the sounds of a guitar. The pianist played the piano for those that were good at singing to the sounds of a piano, and the DJ played beats to those that needed it. Some even made use of the guitar and the piano at the same time.

But Greg didn't need any of those, he played the guitar and sang at the same time. And not only that he was good at playing the guitar, he was also good at singing...his singing style was very unique. Not that other contestants weren't good at singing, they were all great musicians, but somehow, he received more votes from the crowd...he won.

James acknowledged that Greg won the contest, he really enjoyed the way he played the guitar and sang at the same time. But there was a guy James was rooting for to win the contest, he enjoyed the guy's singing more than the other contenders. The guy sang like one of his favorite artistes, and that made James love the guy the more...but what is done is done.

Greg was so happy that he needed to make a speech of appreciation to those who voted for him and make him win. He took the microphone and kept on thanking those who voted for him, after he was done talking, the man collected the microphone from him and stated,

"The contest is over, a winner has emerged, we really thank you guys for being here and voting. I'm sure that you enjoyed the contestants' performances, for those of you that didn't follow through from the very onset of this contest...sorry for that. The winner of this contest is gonna receive a certain amount of money, and those that came second and third would also receive a certain amount of money...but it wouldn't be up to Greg's own,

And to surprise you guys, all the contestants that performed in this contest would be given money, but it would be way lower than the first, second, and third. Once again, we thank you guys for being here, impromptu music contests like this are also going on in other cities in the USA as I am speaking to you. Thank you, guys, for being here. Bye".

Concluding with his statement, the man and the contestants began sauntering off from the stage. The crowd started reducing as most of them began dismounting the staircase and evacuating the edifice. James waited for them to reduce before he strolled over to the staircase and descended from it. Dismounting the staircase, he strolled out of the edifice.

His destination was to arrive at his Uncle's house, but he had spent hours watching the music contest. Well, it wasn't his fault, music was his thing. He began trekking once again with his Uncle's house in mind as the destination. He strolled until he arrived at the street where Uncle Fred's house was located. Now, he had gotten very close to his house, but he doesn't have a valid plan on how to get revenge on him.

'Should I just burn down their house? I'll set the house on fire when all of them are inside. But I want Uncle Fred to know that I was the one that killed him. Just as he showed me his face before shooting me, I want to reveal to him that I was the one that took the life of him and his family. Haven't come up with a valid plan yet'. James thought to himself.

He kept on strolling until he arrived at the front of Uncle Fred's house. You know, Uncle Fred owned a house of his own, he was more stable financially than James' dad. Not only that, he and his wife owned a car of their own. James' dad had never gotten a house of his own, always from one apartment to the other. He has a car of his own, but his wife doesn't.

Though Fred was wealthier than his brother, he still wanted to have all the money to himself from a certain business they both engaged in...that's greed men. James stood in front of the house as he kept on staring at it, his plan right now was to go knock on the door of the building. He wanted to gain access into the house and see how they were faring, he wanted to see if they were happy so his anger could blossom more.

As he was about to walk to the door and knock on it, Uncle Fred came out. The moment James set eyes on him, the rage that began burning in him was as hot as fire. All he wanted to do was to bring out a gun and shoot him right there. He didn't move a bit as he stood there staring at Uncle Fred with rage in his eyes.

From the way Uncle Fred was dressed, seems like he was going out. James became fully sure that he was going out when he strolled over to his car and opened the door. Before entering his car, he glanced at James 'cause he noticed that he had been standing on that spot since he came out. He stared at James for some seconds and glanced away before entering his car, his thinking was that he was a normal harmless boy, not knowing that that was James.

He started the car and drove off, James wanted to know where he was heading to, and luckily, a cab was driving past. He stopped the cab immediately and told the cabman to follow his Uncle's car, and surprisingly, the cabman agreed to do so. James hopped into the car immediately as the cabman sped off. The cabman was a skilled driver as he kept on following Uncle Fred's car without missing him for a second.

Meanwhile, Uncle Fred had no single idea that a cab was trailing him from behind. He wouldn't notice it 'cause other cars were on the road also. The cabman kept on trailing him until Uncle Fred suddenly drove off from the road into a boulevard, the cabman wasted no time as he drove into the boulevard also, but he did so carefully so James' Uncle wouldn't notice that a cab was following him from behind. It was risky now that they weren't in the midst of cars anymore.

Uncle Fred drove until he arrived at the front of a certain building, then he stopped the car. The cabman stopped driving and parked the car the moment he noticed that the car he was trailing had stopped. Uncle Fred came out of his car and began sauntering towards the building, the moment James noticed that, he said to the cabman,

"I think he has reached his destination, thanks for driving me and trailing that car, I really appreciate it".

He paid the cabman and hopped out of the car, the cabman wasted no time as he drove off immediately. Then James began watching Uncle Fred as he mounted the building's staircase, it was a three storey building, and from the look of things, tenants reside in it. Uncle Fred mounted the staircase until he arrived at the first floor of the building, then he strolled to one of the doors and began knocking on it.

Suddenly, the door opened and a lady came out of it. The moment she set eyes on Uncle Fred, she began smiling as the both of them began necking and kissing. They kept on kissing until they entered the apartment and shut the door. James opened his mouth in awe at what he just saw, he grinned and said to himself,

"So, the fool is even cheating on his wife".