Mini hotel.

James didn't even know if he should feel pity for his uncle's wife or not. Her thinking would be that she married a loyal husband, not knowing that he was cheating behind her back. James grinned once again and said to himself,

"Such a bastard, he is fooling his wife pretty well".

James knew that if he had a phone on him, he would have taken photos of him and the lady kissing, then find a way of sending the pictures to his wife...but he had no phone on him. At least, that would leave his wife heartbroken before she dies, that would be a way of shattering his Uncle's family before they die. That would be the first step of his revenge, but the fact remains...he had no phone on him.

"Should I just mount that staircase and barge into the apartment?". James questioned himself, "That would be fun stuff to do, but I don't wanna engage in such".

James hadn't still come up with a nice plan for his revenge against Uncle Fred, and it bothered him...that's one of the main reasons why he traveled to Atlanta. Seems like he'll have to leave, strategize something very effective, then come back to implement it. Then he thought of Aunt Jane, all she and her family could do was to start making plans to move to their apartment after the death of her sister and insensible.

He couldn't just understand what made the apartment so special. He wouldn't stand here waiting for his so-called uncle, he'll have to move. He hadn't eaten anything after that food he ate at the hotel, and it was close to complete nighttime. He'll have to find something to eat, then find a nice place to spend the night...most likely, an hotel.

He walked out of that spot he had been standing on for minutes now, he needed to find a restaurant. He was in a boulevard that he wasn't familiar with, but it seems like he'll have to find a nice restaurant in this boulevard, and mostly, find a hotel in this boulevard. He began sauntering about in search of a restaurant, while walking, he came across a food store that had very enticing snacks in it.

He could see doughnuts, burgers, chips, and the rest of other good snacks. Seems like he'll stop searching for a restaurant and purchase some snacks he'll eat as dinner. He strolled into the food store, and the owner of the store attended to him.

"Young boy, what do you wanna buy?".

"Can I get a doughnut, a burger, and two packs of chips?".

"Sure, I'll pack them for you in a nylon".

The young man grabbed all the stuff James requested, packed them in white nylon, and handed it over to James. James collected the nylon from him and bowed a little, then he inquired,

"Do you sell soft drinks?".

"Yeah, I do, different brands". The young man retorted.

"Can I get one?".


The young man strolled over to his refrigerator and brought out a chilled plastic bottle of soft drink, sauntered to where James was standing, and handed it over to him. Collecting the soft drink from him, he put it into the white nylon, settled the bills of all that he bought before evacuating the food store. He needed to balance somewhere and eat, so he began looking for a chair along the street.

He sauntered and sauntered until he found a long chair along the street, he wasted no time as he sat on it and began eating. Most of the people passing stared at him as he ate, what would be in most of their minds was, 'How could he be eating so comfortably on the street? He isn't even eating smartly'. But James gave no f**k as he kept on eating, they could stare for all he cares.

He ate all the snacks within minutes, then he drank the bottle of soft, his stomach was filled. He needed to find a hotel where he'll spend the night, that was his next objective. He stood up from the chair and began sauntering once again in search of a hotel. He strolled and strolled, but he couldn't find one. His plan now was to ask someone for help, he was tired of searching.

He kept on walking looking for someone with a nice face whom he could ask for direction, he didn't want to ask a rude person. But before he could do that, he found a hotel, a building by his side had the inscription, 'Gardens hotel'. The building wasn't that big, it was a bungalow...a type of hotel that wouldn't be able to contain a large number of people. But he gave no f**k about that, the structure was appealing and he needed to spend the night somewhere, so he began walking towards the edifice of the hotel.

It was free passage for him, there was no guard in front of the hotel. Entering the hotel, he wasted no time as he strolled over to the receptionist's desk. He told the receptionist his reason for coming, he wanted to book a room, and the receptionist said,

"You came right in time, you are lucky, it's remaining just two vacant rooms in this hotel, the rest are filled up. As you can see, this hotel isn't that big and there aren't that many rooms".

She told James the number of the room he was to occupy, then she handed the key over to him. James settled the bill for the room he was about to go occupy before walking out of the receptionist's presence. The hotel had no staircase in it, so there was no need to mount any. He sauntered until he arrived at the passage where the rooms were lined side by side, left and right. He searched for the room number the receptionist told him to occupy and found it. Then he unlocked the door and entered it.

The room wasn't that big, but surprisingly, there was a flat-screen TV in it. The first hotel room he spent the night in was spacious, but there was no TV in it...there was a difference. He took off the clothes he was wearing and dashed into the bathroom to take his bath...damn! the bathroom was so mini. After bathing, he came out of the bathroom and changed into one of the casual clothes in the backpack.

Now, it was about time for relaxation, he put on the television and sat down on the bed. He searched for a music channel using the remote, but he couldn't find one, the TV wasn't connected to a decoder. He had no choice but to begin watching a program that was being displayed on one of the channels. In the middle of the program, his mind drifted away, it wandered in thoughts.

He began thinking about the money he had left on him, it wasn't that much of a small amount...but definitely, it would finish. As far as he keeps on spending, it would finish someday. He'll have to find something doing while trying to avenge the death of his parents and trying to achieve his dream of becoming an artiste...he'll have to find a job. Any type of job, as far as it wasn't something illegal and it wasn't too arduous.

He'll also have to find a way to do the laundry, he didn't carry many clothes with him...and he had been changing clothes now for the past two days he ran out from the orphanage.

"I'll ask the receptionist tomorrow if it's possible to do the laundry in this hotel". James said to himself.

He focused his full attention on the screen of the television, he dismissed all thoughts from his mind, he wanted to enjoy the program that was being displayed on the television. He sat there for over an hour and some minutes watching the television, the program had climaxed, he was watching a movie now. Watching the movie for an extra one hour, his eyes became heavy...he was feeling sleepy.

He stood up from the bed, strolled over to the television, and put it off. Then he sauntered back to the bed and landed flat on it dozing off immediately.

Waking up the next day, he remembered that he needed to engage in the laundry. But he didn't want to meet the receptionist without taking his bath and brushing his teeth, so he did so. He took his bath, brushed his teeth, then dressed up in those casual clothes once again before departing from his room.