As Vinnie was thinking about Raghav's childish behaviour her bracelet started to vibrate. When Vinnie looked at her bracelet she saw that someone was calling her. When she checked the name of the person that was calling her, she was a bit taken aback. After she saw the name of the person calling her, she thought "Why is Tania calling me right now? That to a video call?"
After Vinnie contemplated to either pick or not. Vinnie finally picked up the call and she was able to see a hologram of Tania in front of her. When she saw Tania's hologram in front of her she asked "Why are you calling me?" When Tania heard Vinnie's question she said "You don't have to be so rude, you know."
When Vinnie heard Tania's reply she took a deep breath and said "If it's not something important then I am cutting the call."
When Tania heard Vinnie's reply to her call she realised that Vinnie was in a foul mood. Tania in a calm voice said "Calm down Vinnie. I am calling you to ask about your-" before Tania could complete her sentence, Vinnie intervened and said "My brother! right? Well, I think you are wrong about him."
When Tania heard Vinnie's response, she was a bit taken aback and asked "Vinnie did you try to test your brother's powers?" When Vinnie heard Tania's question she sighed and said "I didn't need to. Just some moments ago we were attacked by some thugs. Their strength was about that of an Intermediate-Level warrior and Raghav was not able to fight even one of them. He was totally outclassed."