I'm Superman, aren't I?

I carefully walked through the forest and found a few fruits I wasn't sure I could eat. Poison at a time like this would be really bad. The fruits sure looked tasty and juicy though. The air around them smelled good and somehow fulfilling.

They were yellow, spiky, and looked so soft that if you bit into them, they would be madly tender and juicy.

Ah, so tempting. I want to just rip through them with my teeth, absolutely devouring them.

After walking at least 20 minutes through what seemed to be the same trees over and over again, I decide to take a break. Physically, I was fine, but being somewhat on guard that entire time was pretty exhausting.

I look to my left and go to sit against a tree, but then I see the yellow fruits I saw from before on a bush. As I was previously observing them with fervor for so long, I subconsciously gained some sort of familiarity to it.

I recognize it at a glance that this was the same bush from before as even the positioning of the fruits were exactly the same.

Wait..what? "Is this-am I walking in a circle?!"

I shout so loudly some birds fly off into the distance. My voice cracked, revealing a childish voice, which only made me angrier.

"Ga-damn it man!" I pick up a few of the fruits and throw them into the distance, irritated. As I threw with all my strength, I shot out the fruit like a bullet.

I whisper under my breath, "Woah, that's pretty cool."

Excited, I instantly go to try the same thing with anything I could find. Like a little boy finding a new toy, I pick up a rock with a determined expression and hear a sudden voice come out from the side.

"I knew I couldn't hide from the young master." The voice quickly reveals itself as I watch warily. The voice which seemed to be a man's chuckles dryly as he bows slightly, revealing a ponytail reaching his shoulder height.

It was a man of clear Asian descent. More importantly, he spoke a whole other language! It clearly wasn't english, but I understood it perfectly. I kept my rational confusion in check as I tried to control my face.

I narrow my eyes as if questioning the young man. I knew very well that the term 'young master' makes me someone in power in this person's eyes.

And what else should a person in power do except be arrogant?

The man reveals a crooked smile. "I'm sorry, young master. I know you asked to cultivate in seclusion, but"

I flip my sleeve over and say with a hint of anger, "Silence. I don't want to hear any more of this nonsense."

Ah, I can't do this...

The man sweats ever so slightly as he bows once more without speaking.

I try to imitate the people I've seen with high status and try to be more defined. Mustering all of my face muscles to control my expression from laughing or faltering, I look far forward.

"Forget it, let's go back."

The man stands straight and cups a fist with his other hand. "Yes, young master." Then, he suddenly dissappears, as if someone accidentally pressed a delete button on his existence.

I-what? I almost went out into a fit and screamed in surprise, but ultimately held myself back. After all, there quite possibly could be yet another person in the shadows.

Besides, what in the what was that? Teleportation? Did that mother effer just teleport?

Ok, this isn't very scientific. This confirms it, this really isn't the world I know.

I try my best to maintain a serious expression while hoping for the man to come back. Please bring me with you. Pretty pretty please.

After around a minute or a half, the man finally comes back.

Man, standing with a serious expression is really difficult.

"Y-young master? Is there a problem?"

I clear my throat as I look at the man who definitely was around 17 or 18.

I thought about it and decide to say arrogantly, "We will walk."

I inwardly rate my arrogance a 9/10.

Turns out, the arrogance I was so proud of made him happy?

The man who keeps calling me young master smiled brightly and nodded to me. "Of course, young master." He keeps on an expression that made him look like he was constantly delighted.

What? Is he gay? A pedophile maybe? Noo, stop it, I'm actually 32 years old!

Please don't do anything weird to me.

He didn't do anything right away and seemed to have some little bit of patience.

The weird man led the way.

After a completely silent and uneventful walk through the forest, I look ahead to where he stopped.

It was the same scenery as always? There was clearly even more forest ahead of us.

Without needing me to say anything, the man stuck out his right palm. With a light motion, the scenery before us changed to the entrance of a large house that could easily be compared to a mansion. A night sky hung over the house.

The man looked back to me with a tired expression that even looked like disappointment with very little expectation.

I notice him from the corner of my eye as I try my best to keep looking forward with my chin up.

With the lack of response from me, he looked even further disappointed, almost on the verge of crying.

What are you disappointed of, you weirdo? What was that anyway? You're so awkward. Not even talking and being silent the entire way here.

The weird man hurriedly walks away when another person walks over.

Ah, well he's gone…

The other person was a good looking woman. She just looked great. I'd say an 8.5?

"Ah, you're back, Dai Ning? I didn't think you'd come back so early."

She seemed to be stressed out about something with the way her eyes glanced at the corner of eyes so frequently.

Seeing how she called me directly with a name, I'd guess she was a lover and my name was Dai Ning? Wait, she's way older than me, isn't she?

I glance at her breasts.

Hmm, it seems she's very developed, so she can't possibly be my age. So, this little rascal is pulling girls twice his age, eh?

Considering how affectionately she spoke my name, too, I'd say these random conclusions I made are likely true.

"I wish to rest." I waved a fan I found in my left pocket like I was making a declaration.

A nearby servant heard the request and walked in a certain direction. They had some sort of white kimono on them, similar to one I saw the other weird servant wear except the other's was more luxurious.

And it was clear they were servants based on the actions they were doing in the background while I was talking to the woman.

I followed the servant that walked to one of the many hallways. The servant, that was at the same time a woman, lead me into a room with a really comfortable looking bed and followed me in. She slowly peeled off her clothes and was about to be completely nude when I finally noticed her.

"L-leave at once!"

My voice cracked, but the message seemed to get across as she blushed and hurried out of the room.

It's not like I'm a virgin. I had plenty of women in my prime, but I'm on semen retention. I'm trying to boost those gains.

Ah, I forgot the past me died. Should I call her back?

Eh, I'll defintitely have oppurtunities in the future. I'll just sleep for now. Also, I'm a kid physically and a full grown adult mentally. Definitely would be awkward as h*ll for me if I did something like that.

I went to the closet and found clothes that fit me perfectly, but it was just another robe. Are robes all these people wear?

No, seriously. All I saw were different robes in the closet.

It's fine, I could sleep with anything.

Then my ears perked up. I heard a familiar voice whispering in a faraway room.

It was the woman that I assumed to be a lover of this kid.

At first, I thought, 'Wow, these walls are really paper thin', but after I recalled the teleportation, I thought otherwise.

I'm probably Superman.

This is definitely the best conclusion.

And besides, I've always wondered: how strong would Superman be if he got built? I mean what if he really worked out with weights only he could lift and followed a strict training regiment. Would he get stronger?

With that thought, I tucked myself into the bed excitedly. I untied my top knot hair style which I actually just noticed. My hair was silky smooth. The kid really kept his hair in good condition.

Trying to enter my sleep, I hear the woman's voice again. "What do we do, Dai Fu? He's here!"

Then a deep man's voice spoke in a normal voice, without whispering like the woman was. "We don't need to do anything. That little brat wouldn't dare do anything against the wishes of the heir to the family inheritance." He laughed.

I try to ignore these random squabbles as I go to sleep.

The warm bed sinks me in while a silk sheet softly comforts me.

After probably the best sleep I've ever had. I wake up and yawn with messy hair.

I stretched, feeling at peak condition.

Then I leave the room as it was and looked for a bathroom.

Right when I open the door with half open eyes, someone happens to walk in front of me. They speak in a voice I recognize from last night.

"Little Ning, we meet again."