Cultivators? What's that, can I eat it?

'Little Ning'? Who are you calling little? Yes, I look like a kid right now, but calling me that makes me feel uncomfortable!

The man who stood in front of me was around 17 or 18. He had a similar top knot I previously had and an arrogant expression.

Ok, I'm definitely in some chinese world as everyone is both speaking chinese and looks chinese. I'm 90% sure I didn't mix them up with other Asian countries.

Then feeling idiotic, I recall something and go to an area besides the closet where a mirror was hanging and look at myself.

Ah, I'm Asian now. I want to complain, but I really can't when I just received what seems to be a second life.

The man in the hallway gets angry for some random reason and yells at me. "You b*stard!"

I turn to look at him with confusion. What's his problem?


Before I could say anything, the man continued even more loudly while pointing at me. "You ignore me? You, the talentless mistake of our family, ignore me?"

Oh, are we brothers? Seems like a great family already.

As I wasn't really sure about what might happen if I ignore this guy, I tried to along with the situation.

"Ah- I'm sorry, who are you?"

I couldn't think of anything! I can't be blamed for something like that.

Far from my expectations, he gets even more angry. "Are you mimicking the words of the Great Ancestor? You garbage! You couldn't even compare to his toenail!"

Woah, that's mean. I think I'm going to cry. Who's that anyway?

"I'm sorry, I think I lost my memory, I don't know where I am or who you are." I scratch my head and say half truthfully.

The man in the hallway then breaks out into a huge laughing fit. "Little bro, you know that cultivators at your level can't lose their memories, right?"

"Cultivators?" I perk my head up at the word. Isn't that someone that grows food at a farm?

Dai Fu, my brother, looks at me as if inspecting my soul. He looks through my eyes as if they were an open window to my mind.

He nods. "Come with me, Little Ning."

Hearing his calm voice, I sigh in relief.

He brings me to a huge room with a large amount of drinks, women, and a few comfortable looking seats.

Don't mind if I do. I plop down on one of them before he even asks me to and groan in comfort.

He sits on the other seat opposite of me while a few girls sit besides us alluringly.

Fu tells them to leave and we talk alone for what I think was a few minutes.

He looks puzzled at my responses and asks, "You really lost your memories?"

"I never heard about any of this, so yeah." I fold my arms.

He sighs and nods his head. Shortly after he laughs loudly. "You act and talk completely different from my little brother. You took over his soul didn't you?"

I reveal a surprised expression. "People can do that?"

He waves his hand and crosses one leg over another. "It's a common thing."

He looks off to the side and answers my random questions absentmindedly. Then he stops me and then looks at me deeply for a second before saying, "Even if you act like you didn't take over Little Ning's soul, I know you did."

He observes my reaction and laughs. "But that's alright. I was planning on killing the little boy. Too arrogant for his age and talent."

Then Dai Fu looks at me once more, his thoughts a mystery. "Anyway, I'm leaving."

He sits normally, stands up, and then f*cking disappears. How do these people keep disappearing?

Well now I can answer that question! I learned some really surprising things about where I am and all that.

So the people in the kid's family are efficient in the domain of speed. Everyone who learns under this family or is part of the Dai family learns mainly the path to cultivating speed.

The higher their cultivation, the more speed they can output.

Oh, and cultivation is a really strange thing. I'm guessing it's somewhat like magic as I know it or have seen it in games and such.

All cultivators have Qi, which is like mana and they can use that Qi and direct it through their body in a certain way to bypass the limit of the human body in certain ways. It becomes really difficult to control the more you have.

At first, a person tempers their body so that they can actually sense Qi and then send it through their body. That's the Qi Condensation stage.

Then, the Foundation Building stage which, based on what Fu said, is where my body is at. In this stage, a person develops a core in their body that differs based on their Qi circulation technique.

Right now, my body just reached the Foundation Building stage. So, I haven't really developed a core yet.

And, answering the question on how they can "teleport", they directed their Qi with speed in mind and a core was formed naturally by their own body. That core is what I'll call a Speed Core. It's not like there's official names out there as everyone's own core differs. They aren't really teleporting, but only moving at a speed that looks like teleportation.

Um, I don't know the later stages since when I asked, my guy Fu just smiled, completely avoiding the question.

Also, Fu is so chill, bruh. He was acting arrogant, putting on a scene in the hallway, but when you get to know him, he be so awesome.

Half the time we were talking about woman, and whew. My guy got some good taste.

Oh anyway, I'm in a house that's shared by the descendants of the Dai family. It's only use is its resources which include a whole bunch of things. Mainly though, people come here for the cultivation area I was in.

Apparently, you can't be interrupted when you're cultivating since people can lose control of their Qi at critical moments and possibly be greatly injured.

So, that could be why the servant was so flustered when I "caught" him. He thought I might've chopped off his head.

Well seeing how everyone views the original owner of this body, I'm not too surprised he thought that way.

For example, half the girls that were in this luxurious room previously were super hesitant to even touch me. I don't think I'm that ugly, right?

No of course not. I'm handsome, no matter what body I reside in. I also heard cultivation can make people have better skin and eventually, become better-looking!


I stand up and decide to try out this cultivation thing. It doesn't sound too different from exercising. Of course, besides the superhuman parts of it.

Cultivation needs patience though. I know how to be patient. I've stood in very long lines just for the right to use a bench at the gym. I know patience better than anyone.

Yup, I can do this!

Wait, I don't know how to cultivate. How does one cultivate? Do I just sit down?

I sit on the wooden floor, away from the furniture.

It's essentially meditation, right? Just with magic. I mean Qi.

I sit cross legged fairly easily. It seemed this body was very adapted to sitting in such a way.

I test different positions and one of them automatically clicked with me as I felt my body was comfortable to be in that position. One leg over another and both of my handss folded into each other, interlocking the fingers.

I close my eyes and try to calm myself down.

10 minutes pass.

I need to use the bathroom. I haven't used the bathroom yet.

I'm not distracted, I just need to use the bathroom.

Ah, that's better.

Hmm, I'm a little hungry.

I arrive at what seemed to be a kitchen and watched what was being cooked.

I peek over the shoulder of some guy who was so skinny, he looked malnourished. I instinctively ask, "How much calories is in that?"

The skinny cook, who wore an apron, looked back half frightened and confused. "Calories?"

I look back at him, thinking he was joking. "The unit of energy? Is there any energy in that? Is there any sort of sort of substance in that?"

From the steam rising from the pot of what he was cooking, he was already sweating, but after hearing that, he clearly was sweating much more and looked really nervous.

"I wouldn't dare put posion in any of the foods, young master! Please believe me!"

I feel like a question mark hangs over my head any time I interact with anything in this world…
