New People


I don't think I slept at all the first night I was alone. The next day, when the sun was far out in the sky, I dared to open my front door. Scared of someone coming out of the bushes or a creature attacking me. I was such a coward. Like a door could stop any of them. One thing about Juliet that I didn't have was her courage. It must be a creature thing. Even that day at the cages, I was so scared. She lifted her hands, ready for the fight.

I also got a text early in the morning… Anonymous said I was still being watched. Strangely, it helped to know someone cared. And when it was light, I wasn't so afraid. I packed up all our stuff and moved to the main house. Being in Louis's room would make me feel better. I needed to be with Katty anyway. I didn't want to be down there. Even if the whole house was boarded up. It was only, so I didn't have to do it… If I ever decided to leave or had to, I also wanted to be near a car.

Katty and I were playing with Miné on the bed. She would need to see a vet soon. There was so much to do. I kept watching my phone for any news—nothing. I couldn't wait around forever for this 'hang tight' that came out of nowhere. Two nights alone in the big house was enough for me to decide I had to leave. Later, Marcus came on TV and declared there were aliens among us…

Things were only going to get worse, so the next morning, I packed up everything I needed and started to load the car. I tested the ignition. The car tried, sputtering… Great… the battery must be flat, and it needed a jump. All I had to get it going was a portable pack Louis had in his garage. He mentioned the thing, but Louis's A-Z was lacking. What did I know about jumping a car? Nothing! I lifted the thing, "How are you going to work… What if you're flat, too?"

Resolved to hit the road, I was in the garage watching all kinds of videos on how to use the thing. In the end, I think I got it. All I needed was to wait ten minutes. I had Miné in my arms, walking around and looking down the lane. The familiar black clothes came from the bushes. I was used to white with the other watchers. Kubra never wore white. He was in a hurry and didn't even glance at the main house; went straight to banging hard on the door, calling for me. What was he doing? Edgy and nervous, he came back into the street with hands on his hips, thinking.

"Hey!" I thought I should say something. Hearing me, his hands fell. Shoulders dropped a little, eyes closing. I was just glad it wasn't his father. I'd heard how he and his dad dressed the same.

Slowly, he walked up to the garage, skeptically eyeing the packed car. "You going somewhere?"

"As you can see. I'm all alone." His eyebrows raised. "I can't stay here."

His eyes drifted to the car's open bonnet, and he slowly moved around to the front, pressing his lips together. His nostrils flaring. I followed his gaze and could see nothing wrong. He unclamped the two colors and switched them. There was a buzz from the battery. I groaned. I sighed dramatically, rubbing my already red eyes, "Thanks."

"So, where are you going?"

"Paris for now… I need to be somewhere closer to shops… I can't be out here all alone with a baby."

"Marcus and I heard from Carl about… Ben," Kubra looked away, "I'm sorry."

"It's better this way. At least I know what I'm dealing with," I yawned, covering my mouth.

Kubra's eyes scrutinized me, "Are you almost done? Is there something I can help you with?"

"No, I would let the car run for about ten minutes… While I locked up and then hit the road."

"I'll do that…" his voice pitched, and he moved to the door, "You get Miné settled and get in the back with her. I'll do the first drive."



Charlene seemed confused. "I don't think you should do this alone, Charlene. Juliet would never forgive me if something happened to you. Marcus asked me specifically." I lied. "You'll have to drive all the way to Paris… You really want to do that alone?"

I wasn't going to confess right there. I had been waiting for an opportunity to play the hero. Neither was I going to tell her it was me who was watching her. She shook her head, opened the door, and strapped Miné in her baby seat. With a bounce in my step, finishing up took me less than five minutes. She allowed me to stay. I couldn't believe it.

"Katty," Charlene said loudly when I came down the few steps into the garage. "She is in her carrier at the door." I turned to pick up the cat. I had never tasted cat. She was kinda cute.

It wasn't five minutes, or Charlene was sleeping. Her head rested on the baby seat. I stopped the car, opened her door, and pulled her down onto the seat, putting one of Miné's blankets under her head and bending her legs so she could lie on her side. When she was comfortable, I went to Miné's side and pulled up the car seat to tilt back so she could also take a nap. Right at that moment, I didn't understand what Ben was thinking. Or why Carl was being so stupid.

It was a good two hours before Miné stirred, and after another half hour, she became fussy. She had lasted longer than I anticipated. I pulled into a gas station and parked close to the convenience store entrance, locking it as I went inside to get some hot water for her bottle.

I rummaged through her bag inside the car and got everything while Charlene snored away. Had she slept at all? I had only watched her when I could. Make sure she was fine… I saw her packing her bags. I would've come anyway… Thanx to Carl—I had an excuse… The bottle was made, and I took Miné to the bathroom to change her.

When I got back, Charlene was still sleeping. I sat in the front passenger seat and gave Miné her bottle. Got a few stares about the clothes. It was uncomfortable for traveling. I wasn't always dressed so formally. We were having important meetings in Washington, and they needed to know who was who. I yawned as well, staring at Miné. "When last did I sleep?" I asked myself.

"Do you want to find a motel?" Charlene's voice was soft. She waved at the smiling face, seeing her mother come up in the back. Miné's little arms moved up and down excitedly. I snickered. Minè was cute, just like the cat.



"You want to find a place to sleep… it's getting late."

"If you like." The bottle was almost done. Miné spat out the teat. I picked her up and walked into the store. Bought Charlene food and something to drink. Stepping outside, I heard the barfing in my ear. I felt the liquid and smelled it before registering what was going on. I pushed her away from my body. The milk was everywhere. Not really disgusted—rather frustrated because I was tired. I walked back into the store, and the cashier ran to help me. Luckily, it was a young girl eager to help the gentleman. She showed me to the back, where I could put her down and clean up.

"Got a clean shirt for me?" She nodded and disappeared.


"Yeah, come in. I'm just getting all her clothes off. Did you bring the bag?"

Charlene walked in and pushed me away, smiling, "I'll take her… You sort yourself out." I scanned my drenched ankle-length coat. It smelled. I took it off and threw it in the corner—thankful I had a reason to take it off. My tie went next. I pulled my shirt out of my pants, letting it hang out. I undid some of the buttons, pulling it over my head. The high collar was choking me. I couldn't take it anymore. Charlene was staring at my torso. I peeked down and back at her, "What?"

"Nothing…" she said softly, weirdly pulling her mouth.

I shrugged. The clerk came in and did the same thing, staring at me while she tossed a souvenir shirt at me. I thanked her and pushed her out, closing the door. The white cloth went over my head. I sighed—relieved to be free. "What a bondage," I said. Charlene frowned, shaking her head in response. "What?"

"Says the guy who lives in a place that covers women all day—every day."

"You have no idea what you're talking about."

"Enlighten me," she said sarcastically, taking my hand and putting it on Miné so she didn't roll off the changing station. Charlene bent down to dig in the bag.

"Just because you can't see my scars doesn't mean I don't have any. And men are as caged in as the women. Told what to do. Where to serve and how to live. If you don't, there is also punishment." She shook her head—again. "What?"

"Why would you stand for that?"

"I don't know. If I find out, I'll tell you."

She came back up with clothes and a clean diaper in her hand. I let go, stepping back so she could finish with Miné. I went outside to the cashier, asking about Inns.

We were on our way but literally down the road and soon parked the car. "Stay here. I'll be right back." Charlene nodded. I made all the arrangements at the reception.

I took out everything from the car she pointed at, stuff she would need. We made our way to our room. It would be nice to sit down. "Only one room?" she asked when I pushed the key into the hole and opened the door. I nodded and helped her in yawning again. We got settled. I sat on the chair, taking off my boots and my socks.

She complained, "Do you want Miné to gag again." Puzzled, I smelled my shoes. Never had anyone complained about my shoes before. Shrugging, I put them outside the door and went into the bathroom to wash my feet… Charlene laughed behind me.

"Better?" I asked, stepping back into the room.

"Yeah, thanks. Much better."

I made myself comfy on one of the twin beds, yawning again. It was early evening, but I really needed to sleep. "Do you want to eat again?"

"No, thank you. The massive French loaf you got me is still half-eaten."

I turned on my side, intrigued by what she found funny. "Do you mind if I sleep?"

She shook her head, "No. I'll be fine. How long have you been awake?"

I couldn't answer. I was already gone.



I felt sorry for Kubra. Service wasn't easy. The hours weren't easy. When he fell asleep, I brought Katty inside and sorted out her litterbox. She relieved herself and immediately complained. I put some food in her dish, and she ate the kibble, crunching away. She was adorable, and Miné loved her. They played a lot.

I kept staring at Kubra. Sleeping in the bed next to mine. He was a… sudden enigma. It was the first time he had spoken… so much. I didn't really know he had a personality. A bit testy at times, but I couldn't really blame him. 

Because Miné and I slept well in the car, we would have a few hours before she would be tired again. If I were alone, I would've tried to reach a town one stop further. Kubra had yawned so many times—exhausted—I couldn't ask it of him. He would've had to sleep in those clothes in the car. I couldn't do it and was glad we had stopped. He slept like the dead… My gaze kept drifting to the other bed. Away from my phone screen. Away from the TV screen. Away from playing with Miné. Feeding her, giving her a bottle, putting her down. I couldn't get a hold of anyone anymore. After Marcus's debut into society, the world had gone into a communication shutdown. When Miné's eyes finally closed, I was tired enough to get into bed and fell asleep watching Kubra next to me, feeling safe.

He wasn't at all what I thought.



I don't know how long I slept, but felt great waking up, stretching out, yawning. Moving in the bed, I turned to Charlene's side of the room. She wasn't there. I checked my watch, groaning. I had slept too long. It was almost six in the morning. I had slept for ten hours. I yawned again.

"Why am I so tired?"

"Maybe it's because you can actually relax." Her tiny voice said. Charlene came out of the bathroom. I got up and stepped past her, closing the door. I seriously needed to pee and take a shower. Half an hour later, I left the bathroom with only a towel around my waist. I was moving so slowly. I had sat under the water for the longest time. Charlene was startled seeing me like that. I didn't know if I had done something wrong. Her eyes darted everywhere, trying to find a place to fix on. But they came back to me eventually. I peered down at my body and looked up at her. "What?"

"Nothing." She said, sighing at the same time.

"I can take her if you want to get cleaned up."

"Thanks, that would be great."

"Let me just get dressed. I went back into the bathroom and put my clothes on. My mouth felt iffy. I needed a toothbrush and eyed Charlene's.

"Do you mind if I used your toothbrush?"

There was a small giggle. "No. Not at all." I shrugged and pushed the brush into my mouth, yawning again.

Coming out, I took Miné from her. We made our way outside, taking a walk up and down the road, checking out what was available in that tiny little town. All I needed was underwear, a few shirts, jeans and slacks. I stared at my boots. I didn't think I could put them on again. Charlene didn't like the smell. Maybe socks and some sneakers.

After half an hour, I opened the door again and walked into the room. Charlene was watching the news while brushing her teeth, sitting on the side of the bed. I didn't think she would use it again. My gaze dropped to her chest, only wrapped in a towel. Fixed above her breasts. I held my breath. Wet hair… I knew how she felt when she saw me without a shirt or coming out of the shower.

"What?" She asked.

"Are you mocking me? This is not the same?"

"How do you figure… Are you one of those men who think women shouldn't be sexual? Or notice a guy dripping wet… Just wrapped in a towel. A woman's thoughts should be pure and chaste. Just for their husbands." She dramatically put her hand on her heart.

"I've never had a girlfriend… How should I know?"

She chuckled, her laugh growing louder.


"Is that all you know how to say?"


She fell back on the bed in pieces. The towel pulled up till above her thighs, not noticing. Yeah, that was my cue. Slowly, I turned around, but not before glancing back at her legs. She had amazing legs. My eyes ran from her feet to her claves and stopped at her thighs. I shook myself, knowing she was watching me. I wasn't going to catch her eye. Not yet. 



I had such a good sleep. When Miné woke up at five-thirty, I couldn't believe it. We had both actually relaxed and slept through the night.

I smiled when I saw Kubra coming in, with Miné pausing as he saw me in a towel. I did it deliberately. A dose of his own medicine. Pulling off his clothes in the store! Coming out of the bathroom like we've just had a one-night stand. He was so hot. Ripped muscles. Pecks to die for and abs. I stopped brushing for a second, thinking about it. After laughing at him for not being able to control himself, I stood up and walked to the bathroom to rinse out the toothpaste. I got dressed and called him into the room. "What time do you want to get out of here."

"When you're ready." He sat on a chair in the corner of the room with Miné on his one leg. His eyes quickly met mine. Did I do something wrong? He was being reticent. Maybe my games were too much. He was a vampire.

"I'm going to pack and put everything in the car. Can you take her for a few more minutes?" He nodded.

I didn't move, staring down at him. It felt like I needed to say something.

"What?" He asked like always.

"I haven't thanked you."

His eyes slowly lifted to mine. "There's no need." They stayed on me.

"Yes, there is Kubra. For all of this … Thank You. You have no idea what it meant. What it means." My emotions were still raw, and I meant it. He had saved my life.

He was instantly back, getting up to put Miné down on her makeshift bed I had constructed on the floor. "I'll help you. She's okay there."

"Yeah, she'll be fine." I was getting to know him. His reactions. Like Marcus, they were happiest when they were doing something. When they stopped, the bells went off.

I bent down, searching for Katty, who was playing under one of the beds. I tried to catch her, but she ran away, climbing the bed as fast as possible. Kubra came over to pick her up. He just missed her when she ran again, jumping off the bed.

Every time I went for her, she would dodge. We were up and down. She went left and right. Laughter escaped me when I missed her again. "This isn't funny. If I catch her. I'll eat her."

"Awe, gross."

"Seriously… Your kid is going to do way worse than a vampire. Ripping something to shreds."

"But I won't allow her to eat a cat! And not Juliet's engagement present."

He pulled his mouth down. "So that was Michael's intention. Not very clever… Katty could run away… What would that say?"

"It's about what it meant in the first place. There!" He bent down quickly and picked her up around the ribcage. His large hand circled her and held her tightly while she protested and wriggled. He manifested and opened his mouth. Large white fangs went to bite her neck. My eyes were as big as saucers. He slowly moved her away from his lips, putting her in the carrier.

"You're too easy!"

I giggled. "I didn't think you had a sense of humor. I thought you would really do it." I threw him with a pillow.

"Really? Pillow fight. You'll lose." I lifted up my hands. Not quite ready for that… Did he even know what it meant? Probably not.


I rolled my eyes. Did he know how to construct sentences?


"Where are we?" I asked when the boredom set in.


"So tell me… You've been watching us for some time now. Marcus joined us almost as soon as we got to France. What do you think about everything?"

"What do you want to know?"

"I don't know… Making conversation."

"Okay… I'm intrigued by your relationship with Juliet."

"What do you mean?"

"You're human… She's a vampire. How did you accept that?"

For a moment, I was taken back in time. The first time I saw her manifest. "Hey. The first time we saw each other was at the cages that night… With Louis and Marcus."

It didn't seem that he wanted to talk about it. Probably because he would have fed me to Marcus. "I'm always where Marcus is." He avoided the question.

"So what? We're both best friends?"

Kubra's eyes glanced over to me. "More than that.."

"Yeah, more than that… I love Juliet. We have a connection."

"She is like glue, isn't she."

"You never… liked Juliet." I flashed my eyebrows at him.

He snorted, taking the last drag of a cigarette, and flicked it out of the window. I was sitting in the front with him while Miné took a nap.

"No, never."

"How many women does a guy go through in two hundred years?"

"A lot!"

"How did that even work on the compound? Do you take off the veils and coverings and force them to kiss you… And Marcus, you guys never raped a woman?"

His head snapped around at me. His lips parted. A frown between his eyes. "Women aren't allowed to just freely walkabout. It's not like you could go into someone's house and just rape their wife… Cheating is very serious. Both ways… Rather take another wife than take what belongs to another man. We were… Allowed to go to human brothels. The men in the army." He said hesitantly.

"So what you've slept with…." My eyes had to dart to the roof to do the calculation. But I figured… "2160 women?" I laughed nervously, thinking it out loud.

He's amused. "How did you figure that?"

"Well, say for argument's sake." I laughed lightly. He lit another cigarette and took a drag of it. I was staring at his mouth, and his lips wrapped around the cigarette. He held it out to me like that was what I wanted. To keep face, I took it… "You started at 20." I gesture with my hands. He smiled broadly. For a moment, my eyes fell on his mouth again.

"For argument's sake…" He joked.

"After that, say once a month at a brothel would be a hundred and eighty years times twelve."

He's laughing, shoulders shaking. "What about Christmas special?"

My eyebrows raised for dramatic effect. "Okay, that would be 2340."

"You're really witty, aren't you." He said, glaring down his nose at me. Kubra had that habit of leaning towards the steering wheel when he said something. It was endearing. I held out the cigarette to him. He took it, watching our hands carefully as our fingers touched. It sent a jolt up my arm into every nerve ending of my skin. He noticed my reaction. I felt stupid and turned away from him. I shook myself, changing the subject. "So all vampire women get sold at auction?" He nodded. "And your father never bought you anyone."

He shook his head left and right. "I was bred for service… Just like Marcus. Political advantage and forced filial loyalty."

"And you? You're eighteen, and how many men have you been with." He changes the subject back.

I answered quickly. "I'm at fifty.. roundabout there." Kubra's head jerked around again. I was joking, of course, knowing that's what Juliet told Chris. Seemed like a good number to get a rise out of a guy. But I held his gaze, my acting up to par. His tongue played over his teeth, thinking.

"Well, if you think about it. There were one hundred seniors in the school. A hundred in my grade. Another hundred in the grade below me of which, for argument's sake, let's say twenty was…."

"Do-able." He suggested. I burst out laughing. He enjoyed seeing me laugh and watched me with interest.

I agreed, nodding my head… "So, twenty guys at school. Holidays are like… I look up at the roof again… "Five a year for… three years. That's already thirty-five… other schools in the area, dances, raves, clubs, etc.

"Okay! Fine! You're at fifty!" He yelled to shut me up, staring out the window.

"You're too easy…" His shoulders relaxed. He leaned forward, eyes on me. His chest started shaking. "You laugh much easier than Marcus. You're a little bit looser around the shoulders."

"You think so?"



We reached Paris sooner than I thought. Talking and spending time with someone really made the time go faster.

I liked Charlene. She asked me what I had noticed since watching Marcus in the house for the last year… I wanted to tell her that I had noticed her.

I helped her get everything from the car into the house. We opened all the windows to let the air run through the place. Louis really did have good taste. He also had all the luxuries. The house was in a good location for Charlene and Miné.


"Hey, I need to talk to you." I ventured when we settled down.

"Sure, what's up." Charlene's hands were always in her back pockets. It was somewhat distracting. As if she had to keep her hands busy or else they would go somewhere. I thought about sticking my own hands in those pockets. Her eyes were cast down like she was waiting for bad news.

"I've been trying to reach Marcus and Carl but can't get through. Neither Bertram nor the Compound. It's like all communications have been blocked off."

"Yeah, I also tried. But what has that got to do with me?"

"Well, that means I'm staying for starters… If you want me to… I just wanted you to know that I'm trying to reach someone at the compound so we can find out how it's going with Juliet." Her eyes were still on the floor. She was rocking back and forth on her very white sneakers. 

"Fine. Do you want to go to the Supermarket with me?"

She didn't say no. So I wasn't going to push. "Yeah, of course. Let's go. There is one around the corner. I'll get the stroller."

Charlene's eyes were on me the whole time. Like she didn't trust me. Or understood me. I would be nervous, too. She didn't know why I was there. Who I was.

That morning, coming into Paris, we stopped somewhere to buy me clothes. Being free of my suit felt good. While we walked down the road, it felt weird being with a woman out in the open, pushing a stroller. People keep staring and saying things. Like we couldn't understand French and hadn't been living there for a year. Miné started crying for some reason. I picked her up. She instantly quieted down.

"I don't think we should take her out of the stroller in public. What if she changed?"

It was a rather hot day. Miné was wearing a short-sleeved onesie. Very pink with a cute headband. I ignored Charlene and walked with her in my arms so she could look out into the world. It was a rough two days in the car. We were all just a little bit bored and not in routine.

Charlene pushed the stroller going into the store. She bought everything she needed. I didn't know why, but people kept staring at us. "What do you think they're staring at. I'm not used to going to the store—if you know what I mean."

She snorted, staring at me in amazement. The corner of her mouth pulled up. "What?"

A small laugh escapes her lips.

"They are staring at you. You're handsome. And you have this relaxed state about you. I don't know how to explain it. Like… You're fun to be around. And you're carrying a baby, so every girl is drooling and jealous."

"Of what?"

"Of me…" The thought didn't even cross my mind. Everyone thought we were a family. That I was her husband and that we might just be happy. I liked the idea and went on shopping. Realizing that I had that stupid smile on my face, I saw Marcus with some time.

Miné was in my arms in front of my chest, leaning back and enjoying the store. The stares quickly changed to pointing and whispering. I glanced down to see she had changed. I smiled. Opening the tap to my charisma and told them that she suffered from that disease where a person is born with too much body hair. I gave a very long medical name for it. And added that I didn't know how we would get her a husband.

Everyone sympathized with us and said how sorry they were. Charlene was dumbfounded, staring at me like I was a mystery. That me knowing the name of a human disease of too much body hair was the last thing she had expected.

"What?" I asked.

Her shoulders slumped forward. Her head followed in exasperation.