Juliet and I had always had a difference of opinion about how our relationship would be at the compound… I had always wanted it both ways… Maybe I had made some assumptions. I wasn't back for two minutes and was already needed because of my father. She would be alone… What she always hated…. My leaving would break down what we had tried to build in France. Above everything, it was after we kissed for the first time… After sooo many years. I had to shake myself because I couldn't believe it really happened. I could think of nothing else. Our kissing… was fatal in the demise of Marcus Ahmed. She had me… mind, body, and soul. In those few minutes, I was consumed with lust and love, tossed about on the brink. Of course, there was always chemistry—but how could it reach the level it did when our lips parted for each other. How her body responded in all the right ways. Her hands in all the right places… I could bring her out of her grief for a few moments… Was it because we had wanted it for so long…? Only when it happened again… I would be convinced. If it ever did.
Suddenly, the fear of losing her was more than it had ever been. All I had was Juliet, and if she decided to take it away… I should have stayed with her… Juliet was already disappointed and probably thought Louis would stay with us at my father's house. If I could've made that happen… I would've. Louis hated Qadir. He and my father would be at each other the whole time. No one would accept the fact that Juliet had two husbands. Even if she was branded… My biggest problem was trying to keep both her and my father happy.
Qadir's capture report gave me an idea. A way out of one part of my predicament. Before I could change my mind, I sent Louis a message. Every minute, there was proving to be a mistake. I wanted to put her in the car and take her back.
Me { Please go with her to my house. Qadir's in custody in Washington. }
I got an immediate reply.
Louis { Juliet left already with Liam. She is livid. She is mourning… How could you not take a minute to think before you left? I was the one who had to explain what would happen... She wanted you to say something, Marcus. }
"F-!" I yelled, hitting the dashboard. Never before did I need to be a boyfriend, let alone a husband… Since Chris had left, Louis had been cornering me at every turn about my behavior towards Juliet. He wasn't holding back anymore. The understanding he showed me during the last year had run out. Now, only proof would satisfy them, or I would lose both… I was going to have to do better.
Kubra and I teleported immediately to Washington. Qadir was still in custody. Jabin was standing at the door to a room. He held out his hands to take my phone and my bags. He was in a hurry, wanting to usher me through. I kept holding onto my phone. Not wanting to let it go. He kept holding out his towards me. "Sorry, no phones."
I needed to know what was going on at the compound. How could I give him my only means of communication with Juliet? I had sent Louis a message, but he hadn't replied yet. Angry, I pushed it at him. Every time I gave in, Louis's disappointed face stirred the little conscience I had left.
The room was filled with men. A few big-screen TVs were mounted on the wall in the back of the room, each to another country and their news channels of reports confirming similar incidents. Reports of a disease making people rabid and violent. Qadir was behind it, of course. He was using it as a scare tactic. The last cub had made the difference. Rodrigo's experiments were a success.
The attacks were so random that as soon as one was killed, another would come out and cause havoc. They weren't invincible; however, the death toll was mounting up. How was he even executing it? Who was doing his dirty work? If the monsters weren't infectious, where was it originating from?
"Marcus…" Jabin called out to me and introduced me to Carl's father.
"I need five minutes with Jabin," Bertram acquiesced and escorted Jabin and me to a private room.
"Why are you here?"
"Your grandfather wants you to come home. He does not care what happens to Qadir. Or what he plans with this place. To tell you the truth, I think this is a mistake… If you want to return to En-gannim… I will take you, Louis, and Juliet immediately."
Too easy. Too quick a solution. If I couldn't be close to Juliet here on Earth… I would see less of her there. If Louis wasn't allowed close to her there… She didn't want to be on the compound. How could I take her to a planet way worse?
"Juliet would be one system closer to getting back to Caleb. One planet away, Marcus. We could take Rodrigo… She can undergo her treatment there," Jabin kept going.
"What about Carl and Charlene?"
He shrugged, "I don't know?"
"What about Liam and Cindy… Samuel?" I stated.
He shook his head, "They will never go back."
"Well, then you have your answer."
"Come on, Marcus. All of this for a girl who doesn't even love you!" My eyes cast to the floor. "You're obsessed. She won't make this worth it. She's spoilt and selfish. All women are. In the end, you will regret it."
It was part of his job. The manipulations. The doubt he needed to sow. But he was trying too hard. Too good to be true.
"Where's my phone?" Jabin handed me a room card and said everything was there waiting. I turned around and left. He followed, but I turned back at him before entering the conference hall. "Where is Kubra?" Jabin pointed to an adjoining room.
I opened the door. Kubra and Carl were sitting in the dark, listening to the conversations. "What's going on?" I asked.
"Qadir wants control… Over everything," Carl mentioned.
I shook my head. There was a commotion on the other side of the glass. The screens lit up all with the same broadcast. Hawaii had been affected. The islands were under severe attack. The army was moving in. They were having a difficult time getting the situation under control. There were too many civilians involved. They couldn't just open fire. Footage of the creatures played, ripping anyone in their wake apart. Children.
"Carl, what do they want me to do?"
"They want to kill Qadir and have you take control of the compound and bring back peace between humans and aliens. Stop whatever he's doing there. They can't find the source."
"They don't want the relationship to end," Kubra interjected.
"I need to see my father."
We watched Jabin talk to Bertram. He escorted me down into the holding cell, where Qadir sat on a steel chair. His one leg was draped over the other as if he was very comfortable.
We sat in locked gazes for the longest time. Said nothing. All I needed to do was look into his eyes. He had one very long and plausible explanation for doing all of it. He would have all his arguments backed by facts supporting his government.
"You will do this, Marcus." My fist balled on my lap under the table. Again, I was going to do what I was told to do… "It is time you rise to your proper place next to me. Enough of this… playing house. Once we have control… I'll even let you keep her."
Yet again, too good to be true. Liar.
"You will have to stop the attack."
He nodded slowly, "Of course, as soon as the negotiations begin."
Marcus had come back from the basement talking to Qadir and went straight into meetings. After only a few hours of sleep, the boardroom was filled again, and the conference went on.
It was late in the day, and I didn't have much time before I would be needed. I was thinking about Charlene and whether they were okay. I had to ask.
Me { Hey Chars }
I waited for a response. It came quickly.
Charlene { Hi }
I was glad my phone was working again.
Me { Have you and Ben talked? }
Charlene { Yeah }
My breath caught, thinking she might have changed her mind about staying with him.
Me { And? }
Charlene { He left }
I shut my eyes tightly, groaning. On the one hand, I was relieved; on the other, she was all alone there. I wanted to kill Benjamin. How could he do that to her? Didn't he know how scared she was? Even if they couldn't make it work… Leave his kid—unprotected.
Me { Is he coming back? }
Charlene { No. Facepalm emoji… Don't worry. I'm figuring it out. }
Me { What do you mean? }
She didn't reply; probably didn't want to bother me. I had left her there, too. I could've figured something out. Even Kubra told me he thought I would bring her with me. I felt like a fool. Had no right to judge Ben. I was the one who told her to choose—made a scene in front of him and he cornered her.
Me { Put on the news. Marcus is going on worldwide. }
She went offline. I stared out over the interview room. Marcus was being prepped by a lot of people. A young woman was doing makeup touches. A business team was talking to him while this was all going on… What was he going to say… Marcus wasn't the friendliest guy to be in front of a camera… He was dressed semi-formal like a normal human being. Three people sat under the limelight. One reporter, an alien, and the American General.
"This broadcast is coming to you live from Washington DC inside the white house… We have with us Marcus Ahmed, joined by the Commanding General of the Army— Adrian Branson. They are going to clarify what is going on in America. Many people have hidden themselves in their homes. Fear is rampant. Gun sales have skyrocketed," Jennifer made her introductions. "Let's hope talking to Marcus can give us more inside information." She turned to him, "Marcus…" Jennifer said, taking a breath, "Who are you? And why did you want to address the world tonight?"
Marcus's eyes cast down for a second. They came up quickly. He bobbed his head in a friendly manner—his shoulders loose. He was like a different person. Smiling. Engaging. Making eye contact with Jennifer and the General. The scowl was gone… The constant menacing behind his eyes. I shudder to think what a good actor he was. "This might come as a shock, Jennifer… Uhmm… people… humans… have not been alone on Earth for the last two hundred years… The American government has had a tight-knit relationship with… aliens." Jennifer gasped.
Her eyes flickered over to the General, "Can you confirm that, General?"
"It is true, Jennifer."
There was a murmur behind me in the room of reporters who didn't get the seat Jennifer got. My father came to stand next to me. Marcus continued when she sat stupefied.
"The thing is, Jennifer. My father wants to take over the Earth. Rule and make the society both human and alien."
Jennifer was stunned into silence. She bit into the air, trying to figure out what to ask... "So you are an… alien?" Both men nodded. Jennifer moved around nervously in her seat.
"For two hundred years, we have been living off human… blood and eating people." Marcus was as dead serious in his tone of voice—as much as was needed without being a threat and still trying to keep Jennifer calm. He and the general were non-fluxed. Their composure stayed reassuring. So much so no one would doubt Marcus was telling the truth. They were in the Whitehouse, and everyone could look up the General's name.
"May I ask you a question?" Marcus waited in anticipation. "Why are you here?"
"Thank You, Jennifer… Like I said, my father… He is a bit of an entrepreneur. Being the youngest of nine children, there wasn't much space for him left on our planet. He came… and now we want to stay. Have a good relationship with people."
There was the first lie.
"And you… eat… people?"
"Not only humans… we want to stop… Unfortunately, nothing else on this planet could sustain us… Qadir wants to bring food from other planets here to Earth for us... Have humans farm with these beasts. Creating jobs. Bringing technical and technological advancement from an alien race."
Marcus never fidgeted. At that moment, he was playing nervously with his hands. It was all an act. His hands moved here and there. He dabbed at his brow and moved around on his chair.
"This hostile sign or biochemical attack from Qadir... my father… that started here in America… is proof we are superior in every way… We would expect everybody to go on with their lives… Bluntly put, I don't think there is really time for negotiations. I can't entirely agree with everything my father is doing. I have some human friends of my own… So, to save human lives, I want to end this era of older generations as quickly as possible. My father's release from custody will be the immediate stop of the attacks across the world."
"What about the law that we do not negotiate with terrorists anymore, general? Will there be war?"
"Everything he said is true, Jennifer... Every president, prime minister, and shaik will address their nation at nine… There will be a confession to the people." He sat quietly for a while. "It was a worldwide decision. All the countries signed this treaty so many years ago. The opportunity was too great to pass up… People have to consider—no one knew they were among us. The population of the Earth had not diminished in any way… It proves the necessary evil of the situation."
Marcus took the reigns to take the focus off the humans. "Most of the government officials in all the countries are aliens already. No one knows. We all look alike. Aliens don't even know that the person next to them is from another race until… as we all call it… they manifest."
"Different races?" Jennifer exclaimed nervously.
"Yes… All stronger in various ways. All presented as human," Marcus said lastly.
"I think we should end tonight, Marcus, by saying… Our planet might not last forever. People should keep in mind—interstellar travel is possible… Space and other worlds are open for us to explore… It's not only a reality but happens in a matter of seconds."
The two men stood up—shook hands, and walked out together.
Jennifer turned her swivel chair to face the camera—stunned for a moment, stuttering, "Thank… you… Marcus. Thank You, General… Let's break and let the elect address the nations later today. Thank You all for joining me. I don't know about you, but I would like some proof…. Maybe have one of these aliens manifest on television. Let us know what you all think."
The red light cut out. Jennifer stood up shakily, making her way out of the room. There was an instantaneous commotion of the staff behind me. It was almost unbearable. The comments of the injustice. Talking turned to a bustle when my father turned around, shoeing everyone back to work. It was an earth-shattering moment. Everything would change. It's not like they could ever take it back. No one knew what way the wind would blow. My phone rang. I answered quickly.
"What was that?" Charlene asked.
"I don't know."
"Can we talk? I'm a little bored… Wished I went with Juliet to the compound as a second wife."
"Can you imagine? Then I wouldn't see you again," I said softly.
Charlene was quiet, "Will you let me know what's—" her voice trailed off.
"Of course. Will stay in touch every day. Stay safe." She wasn't saying anything. "Charlene?" I pulled the phone from my ear. The call was dropped.
Stepping out of the interview room, they let me take the night. Qadir was still in the holding cell. I was on my way to the hotel they booked us into. All of us were staying in the same place. I needed my phone… I tried to shake off the feeling I had. Acting like I needed to fit in went against everything I stood for.
"Marcus," Carl stopped me. Kubra was short on his heels.
"Hey. What's up?" I rubbed my eyes.
"Well, first of all. Ben left Charlene alone at the house."
My eyes widened in surprise, "I don't like it, Carl."
"He did what?" Kubra exclaimed out of the blue, muttering something under his breath and gritting his teeth. "I'll take care of her," he spat out, walking away quickly. Carl was worriedly staring after him. "Not good enough for you? If you run, you could catch up."
He lowered his head to the floor and took a deep breath, "Like you, I'm stuck here… Anything anyone can do… would be great. My father isn't really any help at this stage. Or cares about my personal life."
"I trust Kubra with mine, Carl. Don't worry. He will see her settled somewhere safe or even bring her here."
It seemed to calm the boy down. Carl wanted to leave, still deep in thought. Kubra's reaction was bizarre… even to me. "Hey, Carl! Secondly?" I asked as he turned back.
"Oh yeah… I can't find Michael anywhere."
I chewed the inside of my lip, rubbing my chin with a finger, trying to calculate how long it's been. Caleb left two weeks ago. The buttons weren't in the safety deposit box because as soon as Caleb left… Michael was taken… What else could possibly go wrong? I called him over, "Where are you going?"
"To the hotel."
"I think we should stay together… What do you think?"
He smiled. Relief washed over his face. Strangely, it made me feel better, too. We made our way in silence. He walked with me to my room and came in. I picked up my phone. There was nothing. No messages. No calls…
"Hey, do you have reception?" I asked, sitting down.
"Yeah… well, kinda. Not when we first came. But then I talked to Charlene briefly when you were on the air… Want to use my phone?"
"Please. I want to talk to Louis… here is mine. See what you can do."
I dialed Louis's number.
Me [ Hey… I thought you would never answer. ]
Louis [ Sorry, we were watching you on the TV. My phone was somewhere in the room. Why are you calling from Carl's number? ]
Juliet's voice came through from the background. My insides churned from jealousy. Why was she there? My feelings took me by surprise. I had been so busy avoiding Juliet for a year. One kiss had made the difference, and Louis was in the way of everything I had ever wanted. Juliet and me at my house. Together. My inadequacy came full force to the surface. Juliet wasn't happy with me, and she would not force me to love her.
Me [ And? What are Liam and Cindy saying? ]
Louis [ I get it. We have to stay… We all get it, Marcus. ]
He was being so clipped with me.
Me [ Can I talk to her? ]
Louis [ Yeah, here she is. ]
His voice was accommodating. They fought in the background. Louis struggled to get her on the phone. Liam and Cindy were also trying. Silence.
Louis [ S— Marcus, she left. ]
Me [ What do you mean? Why was she there? ]
Louis [ She walked here this morning. ]
Me [ She what?! Is she looking for trouble? ]
Louis [ Invisible, of course. ]
I blew out a breath.
Louis [ We need to get her a phone, Marcus. Why did you not let her bring hers? ]
Me [ Louis… things are like this because my father isn't back yet. It will be worse when we have to take it away later. ]
He was quiet.
Louis [ Why did you tell me to go to your house. They wouldn't even talk to me at the gate…]
Me [ It was worth a shot… I suppose I felt guilty. ]
Louis [ Yeah. Okay. We better get used to it… I'm sorry I'm so hard on you. ]
Louis's words meant something. Cut me to the core. They were trying. But just like me, no one could do anything. I couldn't relieve all their worries. It was building up… slowly.
Me [ Why did you not answer my message? ]
Louis [ I did. ]
Me [ There is something wrong with my phone, Louis… Bear with me, okay. ]
Louis [ Bye, Marcus. ]
Me [ Bye. ]
"You figure out what's going on, Carl?"
"Seems fine to me. I'll try to call you." Nothing happened. "You'll have to get a new phone."
"Last thing I need…" I was busy digging in my bag and taking out my laptop when I noticed he was staring at me. "Anything else bothering you?"
"If I may ask… If you can be so pleasant… Why this…"
I sighed, "This is me, Carl… that was my father."
I could get used to it. I had freedom… just… invisible freedom. I laughed at my own joke. It was late when I eventually made my way back to Marcus's house. Luckily, the window in the kitchen was still open. I felt stupid for running away when Marcus called. My thoughts were consumed by seeing him like that… How he could change in an instant. It scared the crap out of me.
I climbed through invisible and walked towards my room. I didn't see Damian, wondering where he could be. I left Marcus's door open a little to come back from my invisible state inside. I didn't want Damian to see me disappear. He was nowhere. I threw my veil on the bed. I had taken it with me in case I had to appear.
The other guard was constantly sitting at the gate. He hadn't introduced himself yet. I sat on the bed thinking. Red lights were going off. Damian was out looking for me. "Shoot!"
His low voice echo through the place. He had just come through the gate, talking to the other guard. He stomped up to my room, slamming the door open. It almost went off the rails. "You better be here." He was visibly startled seeing me, confusion written on his features. It soon turned to fury. "Where the hell have you been?! How did you get out?" At first, I didn't answer. "Answer me!"
"I snuck out… the kitchen," I hesitated, but lying wasn't going to work.
"If you do that again, I will have to sort out your behavior."
I was a little tired of this big guy bullying me. His tone was unnecessary. The cruelty in his eyes scared me. "I can't help you're doing a piss poor job, dude," I said… stupidly.
Chris's words, 'Her biggest problem is that mouth of hers,' came to mind too late. The fist came at me so quickly I couldn't even dodge. It was hard planting in the side of my face. I landed on the floor in front of my bed, gasping. I lifted both hands in surrender, "My mistake." My hand jumped to my cheek.
Damian towered over me. Hunching down, he grabbed my chin, twisting my face left and right. "You'll live. Don't talk to me like that again. If I ask you a question, answer me properly."
I nodded. Damian turned and left, closing my door and Marcus's. I could hear him moving his chair to a better vantage spot. Groaning, I fell down on the bed, screaming into the pillows. Caleb's little face flashed in my mind. His little fingers around mine. Chris… who was so gentle with me. Louis and our morning together in bed. Charlene and Miné… Carl. My parents—they also had to come back. The thing was… Caleb wasn't dead. Chris wasn't dead. I mourned their loss, but they were safe… I had to be happy... If I had to go through it to keep Miné safe, I would have to suck it up...
I was lying on my bed for the longest time, waiting for the tears to come. They didn't. Louis wanted me to talk. I couldn't. I was pushing everything down again. The flesh was ripped on my cheek. It stung when I touched it. I walked to the bathroom to check the damage in the mirror. Eyeing the bath and whether it was going to be worth it.