[Bonus chapter]My jealousy mislead me

Aria felt really bad at this point, it was as if a hundred knives had pierced her skin and cut her slowly. She had always believed that her father would be on her side no matter what. 

She remembered when she was a kid and lived with him after his divorce from Alex's mother. No matter how she bullied Alex, he was always on her side, and Alex was the one who got punished. But now he was praising her so openly in front of them. And telling her that he was not even sure she was his daughter was just too much for her. 

She had never experienced all the things and feelings she had felt that day. Her mother embarrassing her in front of the entire nation, her brother blaming her for something he himself was a part of, and her father making her feel like a bastard daughter was just too much for her. It was basically the worst day of her life.