We ended her contract

Curiosity cannot be forced, it must be aroused. This is a simple principle the entertainment industry had use everytime to make the buzz. The scandal that Aria had caused was the same. It aroused the curiosity of many people about Alex. People were curious about who she really was? what was her background?... Her name was the first word searched on the internet, thus that night she became one of the most popular interest in Florelia.

That was the effect Fidelia was aiming for with her posting. Alex was very well known in New Bell and some other countries, but her notoriety in Florelia was still not as good as in other country. This little scandal was the best way to remind people of her name and pique their curiosity. 

The fact that people became curious about her was a good thing. The number of her fans on her official WhatLife account increased every second since she posted those pictures, proving that she was not a copycat.