We are engaged

Finally arriving home, Alex felt a little tired and it was written all over her face. She had dark circles under her beautiful eyes, dry lips, her body was heavy and all she wanted was to lie down and close her eyes to meet her fantasies in her dream. 

In the morning she thought everything was fine, after eating Eliott's breakfast she felt really good. But now she was regretting a little her decision to walk around all day.

When she entered her room, she went straight to her terrace as if by habit, and as she had hoped, Eliott was standing there like a Michelangelo sculpture, looking peacefully at the moon.

Eliott had been standing there for a few minutes now, waiting for her to return. He was a little worried about her health, he knew she would be tired when she got back so he wanted to make sure she was okay, but when he put his gaze on her he could see how tired she was.