One bus for everyone

The next morning, Eliott woke up to a text message from his mother reminding him that the date was set for the meeting with the Porter family and that he had to be there to enjoy the show; also, another one of his sisters answered Ethan's phone telling him that he had to appear on a television show. When he saw the last message, he immediately called her sister.

"I am not going," he yelled into the phone, what was that about? He had made it clear before that he was not going to be on any show, he did not have enough patience for that.

"Really? Alright, I thought since Alex is one of the guests on this show you'd be interested, but if that's not the case... okay. Besides, I just found out that bastard Kylie is a guest too..."

"Okay, okay, I'll go, but sis, remember that I am going to get back at you for that little threat." Eliott sighed.