
"Wake up, honey! Don't scare your mother," scared Jasmine was calling her daughter as she still didn't regain consciousness, even after splashing water on her face

Meanwhile, Robert wrapped Iris's body in a cloth and brought her back. Everyone at the fair was talking among themselves, "I am afraid we are not safe here. Let's go back before the sun settles down. Otherwise, our family will have to face the same consequences as this poor girl."

"Can you imagine what will happen to his family members? No one can bear the loss of a child. Oh my God, please take care of her family," everyone prayed for them.

Hearing all this, Elsa's mother cried even more. She knew what would happen next, to that poor family.

Then she looked at her daughter's face. "God, I can't watch her tears," Jasmine cried, holding Elsa.

"Robert, take that body back to the village and hand it over to her family, and I'm going with Elsa in a different carriage," Jasmine suggested with a sobbing voice.

"No, I can't leave you two alone because it will be the night when we all get there," Robert disagreed. He was afraid of leaving them alone.

"It's alright, Robert, we'll be following your carriage very closely. So don't worry, I... I... don't want my daughter to scream in terror when she wakes up," Jasmine said as she already knew the outcome after Elsa woke up.

"Okay then, take care of yourself and Elsa and take the same carriage we came here, I believe, sir Besto," Robert said and conceded with his wife's suggestions.

Everyone fleed from this place in a hurry. They didn't care if anything had been left from them or if they forgot something. They kept their children close and run from that place.

In the carriage, Elsa slowly opened her eyes and felt a sharp pain inside her head which was unbearable. She saw her mother's hand tightly wrapped around her waist and stopped her from falling.

Suddenly her heart jolted after her consciousness got cleared. Iris, her best friend was gone forever. She will never come back, her tears slowly rolling down her eyes while memories of Iris struck her hard.

Jasmine closed her eyes as she was tired and couldn't feel Elsa's move. Then suddenly she felt wetness in her arms, so she abruptly opened her eyes and saw Elsa sniffing in her arms and crying.

"Elsa, stop crying!" Jasmine panicked looking at her broken girl.

"It's all my fault. She'll be with us now if I don't leave her there," Elsa shouted. "Mother, I cause her death."

Jasmine could barely hold back her tears. Her beautiful little girl was now shattered. She was blaming herself.

"No, Elsa, you never knew this would happen to her. It was our fault to take her there. We didn't protect her well, don't blame yourself, Elsa," her mother tried her best to assuage Elsa's guilty feelings. But she cried even more hugging Jasmine.

It is almost evening, so the carriage slowed down. They felt that the road had become bumpier and darkness was constantly biting Elsa's heart.

She wanted to remove the pain by shedding tears, but there were no tears left to cry. Her eyes wanted to see Iris again. That bubbly and cheerful girl was gone, she was the reason.

Gabriel was following Elsa from the fair. Seeing her crying like this, he could not control his anger, now he can kill anyone for her.

"I can't bring the dead back, Elsa, but I can do everything to make you happy, from tomorrow you won't cry anymore. I will not allow this," the king promised himself.

After reaching the village, Robert took his carriage towards Iris's house and another carriage took Elsa to their house. After exiting the car, Elsa went back to her room and closed the door behind her. Her mother was also running after her.

"Elsa opened the door, let me sleep with you tonight, Elsa," Jasmine shouted.

"No mom, I want to sleep alone. Please relax, I'll talk to you in the morning," Elsa replied leaning on the door.

"Then promise me you won't cry anymore," Jasmine requested while wiping her tears.

"Okay," Elsa replied with one word that was more painful than her cry to Jasmine.

She went back to her room and waited for her husband to come. Jasmine was thinking of sending Elsa to Rose until this problem was resolved.

Elsa lay on her bed with her eyes wide open, but tears slowly poured out of the corner of her eyes.

"Who did this to her?" There was pain and anger. Unconsciously she clutched the sheet and her eyes turned white again, but her subconscious mind continued warning her not to lose consciousness.

Eventually, she lost her control, her eyes were completely white. Suddenly, a small glowing ball rolled out of her hand and started rolling around like a protective barrier. It took her body very high above the bed and her body floated in the middle. After that, the light circled her.

Elsa found herself in the same place and saw that Iris was walking the same narrow path where she had walked with her mother. She was joyous as her friend was alive. She can see her clearly. "Wait Iris," Elsa shouted at Iris. "Iris, don't go there, Iris please."

But Iris couldn't hear her, so Elsa thought of running. That's the only way to reach her friend, but she couldn't move her feet from where she was standing. "What happened to me? My Legs, why can't I move them? Iris, your life is in danger."

Then Elsa's eyes witnessed a heart-wrenching sight. A man opened his fangs and stuck them on Iris' neck. Iris screamed in pain, but the creature held her tight and pushed his fangs into her neck. 

"Iris!" Elsa screamed and saw Iris was trying so hard to free herself, which bothered the creature more. So, he grabbed her head and ripped it apart, then he started licking the remaining blood on his fingers, one by one. After seeing such a gruesome scene, Elsa can no longer hold back her tears. Elsa jerked her body with full force while shouting Iris's name.

The creature surveyed Iris's body as if he was planning something else with this body. Elsa saw that the creature was trying very hard to make the mutilated body stand behind the tree. After this, he placed the severed head on it.

Elsa squatted down while crying when her eyes became blurry. Now she has understood that this was not the reality. She came into the past and saw it all.

Back in her room, the surrounding light diluted and eventually merged into her body.

Just as Elsa's body was about to fall from that height, suddenly a black smoke tied her like a rope, and gently placed her on the bed.

Gabriel was standing in the corner of her room from the time she closed the door. He was waiting for her to sleep, but he never thought he would see this wonderful sight.

"Is she an angel? I've never heard or seen anything like that," Gabriel muttered.

Gabriel kept his enthusiasm aside, slowly came to her bed, and admired her sleeping face.

"I got my answer, Elsa, you are

That woman's reincarnation, for how many years, have I been looking for you? That time without you, I put myself into hibernation, after all, I found you," a big smile appeared on his lips. As energy ran out, Elsa didn't listen to King's confession.

"Tomorrow I am coronating again. Think of yourself as Queen Elsa, because you will soon be my queen."

"I promised you I would kill everyone who made you cry. Today, your tears almost broke my heart. Good night, Elsa. See you tomorrow. Please wear something yellow for me," Gabriel told her, kissing her forehead and letting his nose inhale her scent more as if it were filling his heart with oxygen. Then he disappeared from her room.